
Chapter 122 Found You.

" Why would you scold my granddaughter?" snapped Old master Au as he heard that his daughter was once again blaming Au Mei, he smacked his cane on the floor and shouted unhappily. " With what right are you going to scold her? Raising a child was the duty of both parents yet your husband hardly comes home, I can count on one finger how many times he came to see little Mei and yet you are going to scold her? Shouldn't you scold that irresponsible man standing next to you for not paying attention to his daughter?"

Au Lisha's face turned red while Lin Zhou respectfully nodded as if he wasn't angry. " You are right father, I am so worried about giving little Mei a good life that I can hardly ever see her anymore. I will try to return to the country as much as I can." His voice was controlled and he didn't look even the slightest bit angry but the fingers that were clenched so tightly that he looked like he was going to dig them in his skin told how angry he was —-

' Just you wait old man, this is the last dose that I need to give to that annoying brat once she ingests this, then forgets about  me you won't even be able to see your granddaughter!'

" Father, don't be angry." consoled Au Lisha afraid that her father's unfiltered mouth might upset her husband, so she hurriedly tried to stop them from getting into a further argument. Her husband came to see her after so many months who knows what will happen if he got angry at her. " Zhou just returned there is no need for you to scold him right away, is it?"

Old man Au snorted, he never liked to interfere in his children's affairs but his daughter was really a disappointment, she was willing to side with that man even though he was in the wrong, yet she was alright with scolding her daughter for that man's sake, what did it say? Didn't it mean that her daughter had less weight in her heart when compared to her husband? How can he not be unhappy?

Though he was upset, Old master Au still loved his daughter and since she wanted to save her face in front of her husband, he didn't dare to rebuke her harshly.

He didn't say anything anymore and let the couple sort out their problems.

Seeing that her father has dropped the matter, Au Lisha tugged at her husband's wrists and pulled him to the kitchen. " So, how many days can you stay now?"

Lin Zhou heard her question and paused before he smiled awkwardly with a trace of discomfort as he said, " The company is at an important juncture and I can't take time off at the moment, I am really sorry, Lisha. I know that you and Mei are lonely but as long as the company can pass through this situation, I will be able to take you two to my country and there you can settle down with me. I have also looked for a good kindergarten that Mei can attend."

Every time Lisha asked Lin Zhou about when they can live together as a family, Lin Zhou would often tell her sweet lies like these and she would be coaxed. And as if she couldn't detect an ounce of a lie in Lin Zhou's words, Au Lisha believed in everything that he said, even looking forward to the future that Lin Zhou has shown her.

"Can I help you with something? I mean if things aren't going okay with the company, I can always help you out." Au Lisha was talking as the mistress of the Au family but Lin Zhou who was conceited thought that she was talking as an actress. He waved his hand and calmly said, " There is no need, as your husband, it is my responsibility to give you and Mei the very best." Then he looked around and carefully asked, " Where is Mei, I didn't see her."

Au Lisha pouted as she complained to him. "It's good that you know how to care about our daughter, I thought that you have forgotten all about her after living in the foreign."

" Ahaha, how can I forget my daughter?" said Lin Zhou as he walked out of the kitchen, " I have even brought her favourite pastries that she likes so much."


" Mei, Mei? Are you in there? Open the door, it's daddy." Au Mei remained unmoved as she hid deeper under the bed, she knew her father would come looking for her but why did he come so soon?  What should she do now? Should she hide in the bathroom? Maybe she should at least her father wouldn't be able to get in there but just as she tried to slip out of the bed she heard the door of her bedroom creak and she hurriedly hid under the bed. How did he get inside? How? Did mother give him the master key to the house but why would she do it?

Au Mei felt wronged wishing that her mother was smarter than she was just look at this now, her father was once again going to feed her those bad pastries! She didn't want to eat them, they tasted so yucky and she didn't feel right after she finished eating, she would even see some scary things after eating those things and no one would believe her.  Not even mommy.

She covered her head and curled in a ball hoping that her father wouldn't see her but her prayers weren't supposed to be answered tonight.

Because a second later her father's feet came to a stop next to her bed as he crouched down with an eerie smile. " Found you!"

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