
Chapter 931 - Mephistopheles

Chapter 931: Mephistopheles

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Abel took a long, deep breath before he stepped in any further. From here on, he would be facing the real “Mephistopheles.” He tapped Black Wind as well, just to make sure that his partner was okay.

Abel smiled as Black Wind replied with a light bark, “Come on, old friend. We’ll be facing the legendary demon now.”

Yes. Mephistopheles was a legendary demon. According to the book he discovered at Port Kurast, Mephistopheles was a hell demon imprisoned by men with soul stones. The Sakarum Church put shackles all over its body to keep it as an energy source whilst alive. The struggle was not so easy. Only the leader, Klimt, managed to struggle against its mana presence, but even he was slain by the minions it summoned. From then on, it had been inside Port Kurast.

Abel was finally going to meet it. Following a pathway at the front without a door, Black Wind entered into a platform that was very much similar in style to that of the Sakuram Church. On the ground was, as one would expect, the church’s symbol. All sorts of sacred patterns were illustrated on the floor and walls. However, blood covered the whole area, which replaced all the sacredness that was supposed to be there with malignancy. Abel was no worshipper. While he wasn’t offended by the damage inflicted on this place, he felt that it was a shame that this place’s beauty had been so badly damaged.

Shockingly, as soon as he stepped onto this platform, a peal of laughter as loud as a bell ringed across the area around him. It seemed to have come from Mephistopheles itself. Abel’s ears were sharp enough to notice that there wasn’t any emotion behind. That’s just how the devil behaved.

To respond, he immediately switched up the ability of his world stone fragment. He switched on his world stone. After that, he switched on his power of Will to max. Soon, about a radius of six hundred meters was within the range of his scan. That was when he was able to see the full face of the monstrosity he was facing.

A pair of ox horns, which served as the typical feature of a devil. Its two arms had just bones and no flesh whatsoever on them. There were two arms stretching from the back like the tail of a scorpion, which gave it a total of four limbs. At the back, there was a thin, long tail that looked like it belonged to a scorpion.

Mephistopheles’s entire body was covered amidst a shroud of energy, which seemed to contain an infinite amount for it to unleash at any given point. What was most noticeable for Abel out of all of this was the “world stone fragment” was its eyes. The two dead eyes seemed to be glowing in a strange light, which drew a stone contrast to a hollow, dim shade emitted from its irises. It was hard to tell which ones were the true irises, actually.

Mephistopheles didn’t give Abel too much time at all to observe its appearance. As soon as Abel’s scan went over it, it flew towards his direction with the shroud energy all over its body. It was like it was floating. Its speed was almost equivalent to that of a hell creature with the “special quickening” ability. Abel was very nervous because of it. He wasn’t just fighting Mephistopheles. He was fighting Mephistopheles with the aid of two world stone fragments. It was an especially frightening thing when it was a humanoid type that could cast language spells.

Before Mephistopheles went to his side to take the initiative, he started casting the “aging” curse right at the track on which he predicted it was moving towards. Mephistopheles seemed to respond very quickly. Before it landed right onto the curse, its body quickly flashed by, making his attempt to gain the advantage to be completely futile.

Well, not that Abel would think that it was going to be this easy. Quickly, he brought Black Wind to teleport to the other side of the blood pool with the “instantaneous movement.” He was moving onto his second plan. By drawing his distance with Mephistopheles, he could start preparing for a continuous wave of long-distance attacks whilst keeping himself ready for any defensive method. He couldn’t afford to get in the range of Mephistopheles’s word incantations, and this meant that he couldn’t get too close in any case. He already figured that out when he was trying to fight Queen Dariel.

Right now, he had no confidence in being too close to Mephistopheles. He was making sure that he was keeping a safe distance at any moment. Mephistopheles was standing on the side of the blood pool with its lifeless gaze looking right across. Its lightning spell snapped at him. Again, he dodged by teleporting with the “instantaneous movement,” meanwhile having the invisibility cape appearing on himself. Given that Mephistopheles was under the influence of the world stone fragments. It was not like the cape could provide him with any sort of disguise. No, instead of disguise, he wanted to use the mystic headband that he attached to the invisibility cape so that it could double his power of the Will capacity to reach a maximum range of 1200 meters. If he stood at just about 800 meters out, he could make sure that he was absolutely safe to cast any long-distance spells that he wanted.

Now, Mephistopheles was a unique devil. It possessed the capability to cast all types of spells such as “lightning,” charged bolts,” poisonous newborn star,” skeleton shot,” frost newborn star,” and “blizzard.” All these added with the energy shroud’s support made it a cannon that could fire off endless ammunition of different spells. That being said. However, its weakness was also very apparent. No wizard could be called a wizard without the ability to use “instantaneous movement.” It could move very fast as it was floating, yes, but there was a limit to that. For instance, at this very moment, it had no way of running across the blood pool to where Abel was standing.

Again, Abel tried to throw an “aging” curse at Mephistopheles, which it managed to detect in advance and dodge. Followed by that, Abel threw the “lightning” spell. It did the same and made a dodge. He tried all sorts of spells, singular or AOE, but they all missed. It all had to do with the distance between them. He was safe from his opponent’s attack, but it also meant that his spells’ flying distance was increased, making it sufficient for Mephistopheles to respond in however ways it pleased to.

Realizing how useless his attempts were, Abel stopped the spells he was casting in his hands. He had underestimated the power of the world stone fragment. There was no easy way to cheat out of this, so it seemed.

That’s when Mephistopheles spoke in a low voice, “Let me appear in front of my foe, I say.”

Sensing the imminent threat, he cast an “instantaneous movement” spell with his left hand and an “aging” spell with his right. He started by casting the curse on top of his own head. After that, he teleported himself about one kilometer away. Just when he disappeared, he realized a portal wormhole emerged right where his body disappeared. Mephistopheles was walking right outside of it. It happened to be walking right into the “aging” curse trap he laid up. No, he was not going to let go of this opportunity.

Again, there was distance between them. It was about 1000 meters in total. With the “blizzard” spell and the “lightning” spell in either of his hands, he unleashed another attack right towards Mephistopheles. It responded by twisting its body in a very strange manner. That got it to avoid the lightning spell. As for the blizzard, since the blizzard was an area attack spell, it couldn’t really get out of it.

Abel could see that the “blizzard” hit right onto Mephistopheles. That’s when he took the chance and activated the spell with all of his might, overlapping the effect of the advanced freezing element spells. Unfortunately, Mephistopheles was not going to give him much time. As the “aging” curse disappeared, Mephistopheles dashed out of the blizzard’s range and rushed towards him.

This time, Abel switched to his priest “bone wall” spell. The spell rune appeared in his hands, and the colorless energy inside the druid spirit was quickly transformed into death qi as it was charged into his spell rune. Followed by that, a “bone wall” appeared right at Mephistopheles’s front.

Mephistopheles rushed very quickly towards Abel. It changed course when the bone wall appeared in front of it, but more bone walls appeared to surround it in four directions before it noticed.

Abel began to cast more and more “blizzards.” dark clouds started to appear right on top of its head, causing the world stone fragments inside its eyes to start glowing endlessly.

“The room is for me to use, I say.”

This time, Mephistopheles did not use its power to close in on Abel. Perhaps there was just too much distance between them this time. That, or it had learned from its mistake last time.

A portal wormhole appeared at a spot that was about one hundred meters away from Abel. “Mephistopheles” was walking right out of it. Unlike just then, the glows flashing out its eyes were growing dimmer after it had used the world stone fragments’ ability so many times already. It made Abel hopeful, all things considered. It was already troubling enough that he couldn’t’ use his own word spells here. He would’ve shackled it with the golden energy of his crystal angelic statue if he was stepping into an area where his opponent was the host.

Once again, he used the “bone wall” to block at Mephistopheles’s front. He covered it in every direction perceivable, making its digitalization ability useless. It had two ways to respond to this. One, it could use the “world stone fragment’ to escape in a wormhole. Two, it could tackle right onto the incoming wave of “blizzard” that he was casting.

It didn’t take long for Mephistopheles to choose the former option. The wormhole opened very quickly. Abel teleported himself a thousand meters away this time. He started repeating the procedures he was doing. He wanted to make sure that he was draining as much energy out of the world stone fragments as he could. The job seemed to be quite successful. Mephistopheles was the fragment’s owner, but it did not possess the intelligence to prioritize its own life over attacking the invader. Because of this, it only continued to use the energy that it was supposed to save.

The process took much longer than Abel wanted. His body continued to move in different spots inside the large underground space. The claystone monster and the five undead crows he brought were already out of the fight. Mephistopheles was just too strong. The claystone monster was not durable enough to take even one of its spell attacks. As for the undead crows, they were immortal, but they just had no way of contributing in any way during this fight.

Abel started to look a lot more exhausted after a day and night passed. He was already using the spare energy he had inside of his crystal angelic crystal. That got him very surprised about how the hell devil was getting so much energy supply without ever stopping to use its portal energy. That was purely ridiculous when he had to expend so much just to use the energy inside his two world stone fragments. He would’ve been out of this battle of nutrition very early if it weren’t for his angelic crystal statue. Actually, no. He wanted out of this fight already. He wasn’t going to face off a Mephistopheles without his own world stone fragments. That was just a surefire way to commit suicide. He needed those to make sure that he could actually respond to every one of Mephistopheles’s movements.

By this point, the light glowing out of Mephistopheles was already very dim, like a candle that was about to go off at any given point. Abel took a bottle of the stamina potion by grabbing it with his power of the WIll. It would’ve been enough to get him to not eat for about another ten days, but after spending so much of his energy and stamina, this was only going to give him another day to last.

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