
Chapter 1714 A Happy Raven!

All his sons before Raven were ruthless and did sneaky things to each other all the time.

They thought he didn\'t know, but how can he not?

He often tried to handle their matters in the dark, but as his sons grew older, they became more determined for his seat.

Only when he was with Raven and little Gugu that he could feel at ease and enjoy the glory of being a father.

With Raven, he admitted that his constant spoiling caused her to become the way she was, so he single-handedly raised Little Gugu by himself, not wanting him to turn up like his brothers or be blatantly arrogant like his sister. 

Earl Clifford had been slowly losing hope of changing his daughter. But who knew that the remedy for all this was dumping her all alone without guards or maids in Baymard?

Looking at the warm beautiful face before him, Clifford was amazed by how much she has grown up. 

Even the way she spoke was laced with true concern and care that it made him and everyone else speechless as they walked into her beautiful mansion. 

"Alright, everyone just put your bags here and wait a while while I check the meal on the stove."

What? She cooks too? 

Clifford placed his hand on his chest, feeling his body trembling heavily. 

Has he done too much? 

It wasn\'t just him who felt so, as many secretly gave him a hateful eye. 

Little Gugu turned to his father and thinned his lips angrily. "Father, you\'re so mean. How can you let big sis cook for herself?"

Since when does the daughter of the renowned Earl Clifford have to do such chores? 

For some reason, everyone imagined a poor girl huddled in a small corner of the mansion eating raw meat food because she didn\'t know who to cook. 

For Raven to be able to cook now means she has gone through a million ways to cook and failed severally too right? 

Her hands must also be covered with cuts and blisters from holding the heavy knife when cooking. 

"Well? What the hell are you all waiting for? Follow her and take over her tasks fast!"

"Yes!" The guards replied firmly, also feeling it should be so, as they rushed into the kitchen as fast as they could.

A part of them was also touched by the fact that the little miss wanted to make them a meal too.


Many secretly shredded tears when seeing the little Miss\'s transformation after knowing what she was like before.

No way! 

From today onwards, they will be the little Miss\'s number one fan! (*^*)



Like so, Raven helped the group settle in. 

Luckily for her, the guest rooms had long been prepared for everyone since the first day she rented the mansion. 

Back then, her father had already told her when he would be coming and how many people would be arriving.

Including her father, there were 11 guests, and this room is a 5-bedroom mansion. 

She, her father and her brother will occupy 3 bedrooms leaving just 2 bedrooms for the 9 bodyguards.

Luckily, this mansion was also very wide and built for luxury and comfort, thus all rooms were high-ceiling ones with enough room in them to make one feel the luxury.

It was because of this that she had long bought bunk beds.

There were 2 sets of bunk beds in each guest room having a total of 4 beds in each room.

With 8 beds and 9 bodyguards, Raven also purchased a small foldable couch in the room that could also transform into a bed.

The 9th person could sleep on it.

With everyone settled, eaten and relaxed, Raven finally remembered what she was doing before they called her.

Everyone suddenly saw her freeze in panic, wondering what the matter could be.

It was only after she explained it, did they understand her worries. 

Listening to how important these results were, everyone couldn\'t help feeling nervous too.

"Daughter... don\'t worry. Even if you don\'t do well, your father won\'t hate you. Even if you can\'t seem to find your talent and strength, I\'m not so old that I can raise my daughter anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, big sis. No matter what, we won\'t despise you at all."

Raven suddenly felt warm, seeing how much her family cared for her. Her mother might be a disappointment, but her father and brother truly loved her.

"Thank you."

Her words were soft but conveyed all her emotions. 

Earl Clifford and little Gugu never felt so sweet in their hearts as they hugged her warmly. 

"Alright! Let\'s check these bloody results! I\'m sure my daughter has nothing to worry about."

Everyone was amazed by the existence of a computer, as well as how fast Raven was typing.


How can she use it so fast? Many swore to secretly practice when no one was around. At least for Gugu and Clifhord, they had computers in their rooms.

All rooms had TVs since they were guest rooms.

Everyone felt theirhearts fall into their bellies, as Raven opened the school\'s website and began checking for her class and ID number.

The wait was truly killing even them.

"B+... A+... A-... B-... C+... A... B-... A+... B+... B-..." Clifford read the grades despite not knowing what they all meant, but Raven knew.

"Final GPA is..."


Raven jumped and hugged and hugged little Gugu and her father in glee. 

Never have they seen their little miss so explosive before. 

She was acting very childish and rushing aroumd the room, kneeling to thank the heavens for her grades.

"You doubt understand! I really thought I failed miss\'s Lambra\'s course. So to se a C-grade there is enough to make me cry."

"Dad, her course is really hard. You dont understand... you can never understand!"


"I did it! I did it! I failed no courses and I did so beautifully!"

A C-grade is beautifully? 

Clifford dared not voice his thoughts after hearing his daughter explain the grading system. 

It\'s over... it\'s finally over!

Raven was rolling on the floor without a care in the world. 

"Dad, did I make you proud?" (□○□)


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