
Chapter 1564: Immortals?

1564 A Greedy Red Beard

--Several moments before the Baymardians parachuted from above.--


Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!

Why was there so much smoke on his ships?

Could it be?

The ships... The ships were all compromised!

Aboard the ships, the smoke was so fierce! Yet, the ships were sailing away from the shores!

That\'s right.

Their Morg ships were leaving!

But Red Beard knew it couldn\'t be his men leaving without him.

Son of a b**ch!

His eyes grew bloodshot red, and his hands trembled with rage.

These weasels... These thieving villains called Baymardians dared to threaten their Morg slaves to sail their ships away?


What Impetus!

Red Beard stared at the scene and was going crazy. However, this didn\'t stop him from giving it everything he had.

Alright... Alright...

Since they wanted to block all paths of fleeing, then they asked for it!

He, Red Beard, would fight to his very last drop, taking down as many Baymardians as he could.

"Everyone! Break!... Break in for me!"


The Morgs raise their weapons high, rushing to the guard posts like zombies in an apocalypse.

Even till now, no other Baymardians had emerged from across the fenced regions.

That\'s right.


Did these Baymardians think those in these guard posts would be able to take them down?

Good. Good. Good... What a brave Baymard.

No matter how thick their metal guard posts were, he didn\'t believe he wouldn\'t be able to pinch through it... Even if it took a hundred punches to break in.


He smacked his fists together, slowly advancing towards the post.

At this point, he was ready to die, but before dragging these post guards with him on his journey into the afterlife.

Of course, another thought came to mind.

From the reports, these Baymardians valued themselves too much. They cared about each other exaggeratedly, with stupid slogans like; leave no man behind.


What a moronic way of thinking.

The rule should be; never leave your Captain behind. Other crew mates could be sacrificed for a good cause.

But not the leader. Anyway, when those sacrificed die, won\'t Morgany still avenge them?

Morgany\'s rule was always to avenge themselves. So people could die knowing their enemy would join them shortly.

There. Doesn\'t that make it up?

In the end, these Baymardians had one true weakness. Their stupidity for how far they could go to save their fellow kind.

He understood saving someone of importance. But let\'s say a new crew member came in today and was taken hostage. Why would he put everything on the line for that person?


It was the reasoning these thieving bastards had. They were willing to go the extra length to save their comrades.

In that case, weren\'t his problems solved?

Per a hostage, request to be let out and sail back with the hostage.

Of course to provide leverage, he could keep a few of his men here.

Whether the Baymardians decided to kill them was not his problem. All he was concerned with was the hostage he would be taking.

After torturing the bastard in Morgany and releasing some pent-up fury, extracting information was a must before cooking the bastard and tasting to his heart\'s content.

That\'s right.

He was a cannibal.

As much as he liked eating poultry, wolf meat, and all the rest, there was just something too juicy and detectable about human flesh.

He couldn\'t stay for more than a month without tasting human flesh. He was always glad when his slaves or those rowing the ship died from exhaustion or hunger.

Their bodies were never thrown overboard. It all went to his belly!

Hostage... Hostage...

Red Beard\'s eyes delivered intensely.

"Baymardians... Your asses are mine!!"



The many Morgs charged strategically, with archers steady with pulled arrows waiting to take the shots, and several others liked about in formation.


The team headed forward was the first line of attack.

In the meantime, those above the Baymardian posts were also prepared, ready for the battle.

There were 8 of them in the square box, 2 at every corner.

They had long punched the emergency button, which released a thick bulletproof layer of metal sheet that covered the transparent windows from the inside.

From the outside, it only looked like the entire post had turned into a uniform square box. And if not for the door and stairways, one wouldn\'t know the cube\'s entrance/exit.

With all moonlight blocked, the cube was dark inside.


The lights came on as per emergencies.

And now, everyone had in full fighting attire, with armor, headgear, and everything else.

They looked nothing like they did when Red Beard spied on them earlier.

Lieutenant Wayne nodded at the rest, picking up his Walkie.

"Guard Post L-03 ready to go. Initiating first wave. Over." With that, he turned to look at the rest.

"This is it. It\'s time to defend Baymard!!"


If anyone came in now, they would see these 4 people seated on seats suspended several feet high.

And attached to these seats were powerful machine guns that could make anyone kneel in horror.


Wasn\'t this overkill?

These weren\'t typical machine guns one could carry about on their shoulders.


When designing these, Landon wanted people to feel as though they were on a spaceship, blasting away any enemies ashore.

A single bullet from these could cut half the circumference of one\'s neck.

In other words, one hit would make the neck dangle unnaturally.

Say hello to my little friend.


The weapon was more focused on those surrounding the Post. But for those who attempt to climb upwards, well... The remaining 4 Baymardians guards not mounting the machine guns had other ways of taking them out.

It was not a joke when his Majesty Landon referred to these Guard posts as Doomsday Lockers.


Wayne mounted his Machine gun, and its massive head swiftly protruded out the side of the cube.


The Morgs running below suddenly slowed down, a little lost but vigilant about this strange change.

"What is that?"

"I don\'t know. But whatever it is... It\'s strange."

"It\'s metal... But why in that shape? Could it be that they developed a giant sword in that shape to fight us all? How naive! Even though its protruding head was long, it\'s too far up to do us any damage."

"Yes. You\'re right."

The few Morgs commented, analyzing the sudden appearance poking out of the box.

Some Morgs were already on the stairways, singing upwards, while those running suddenly froze, uncertain of whether to advance or not.

But looking at the 4 giant sticks protruding out the sides of the cube, it was enough to leave them baffled.

Of course, the Baymardians hadn\'t descended from above the sky at this time. So they couldn\'t fathom what sort of weapon was fashioned here.

Nonetheless, fast thinkers already had several hunches on what they thought it was.

"Everyone, step back! They\'ve stolen Siege Ballista weapons and are trying to fire giant arrows below!"

"No! They\'re trying to shoot their Thunderbolt down on us! Everyone step back now!"


Many widened their eyes in a frenzy.

Too late!


The thundering sounds from the posts masked the deafening screams of many.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Every clapping sound could steal a person\'s soul.

Rumble here, rumble there.

Everywhere one looked, the sands were now dyed red.

No. No... Where are the giant metal arrows doing the damage?


One of the men watched his Morg comrade suddenly have his head blown into smithereens without warning.


The brains and blood splattered on his face as he watched the now headless body drop to its knees before falling on its chest.


This... This...


How were they to fight against this?

"Everyone! Stay clear from the Guard posts!"

"Fall back! Fall back!"

~Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang!

Like the hands of an immortal, the strange weapons twisted and twirled in all directions, plunging many to eternal rest.

And everyone one liked, there were wails and screams from the tormented.

But this wasn\'t all. Suddenly, another small opening appeared on the cube\'s walls.

And what followed next were strange tiny tubes being thrown towards them.


The grenades went off, and layers of sand flew into the air.

"Ahhh!!!... I can\'t hear... I can\'t hear..."

"My legs... My legs... My belly... What type of weapon do these bastards have?"

Boom! Boom! Bang!

The machine guns never stopped, and the grenades continued flying.

Such a scene was enough to make many regret their intestines for coming here so ill-prepared.

What siege Ballistas? That was the first thing the enemy shot ablaze.

Many were in despair.

But for Red Beard, his eyes became more and more obsessed.

\'I don\'t care! I must have them!\'

Not only will he take a hostage, but he will take these weapons too!

The greed in his greed was at its pique.

Blind spot!

There must be a blind spot.

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