
Chapter 1560: Red Beard's Thoughts

Chapter 1560: Red Beard\'s Thoughts

Slow the ships! Slow the ships to a halt!         



With the change of pace from the ships in the formation ahead, those behind also slowed their paces.     

Right now, they were already so close to the shores.      

Each district, whether public or not, had built docks stretched forth towards the sea.      

Within district I, the dock covered the entire shoreline.      

But in the other districts, the docks covered but a tiny fraction of the place.      

There were also no buildings around these private districts except for strategically placed guard posts.      

And a good distance away from the shores were fall sturdy walls that were more or less see-through.      

From the distance they were out at sea, they couldn\'t determine what type of walls these were. Nonetheless, they had information from the spies, knowing it was called a cross-barred fence.     

It\'s said the fences were made with tiny holes that made it near impossible for one to scale above unless they had the right tools for the job.      

The spies in here had studied these corners, knowing the Baymardians hardly had any form of security around these fences. Even if there were patrol guards, these guards would be at the guard posts inside.      

The spies that sneaked in even claimed to have also snuck over barred fences in District B and whatnot.      

In the end, though Red Beard believed Morg scout\'s would never make any mistakes in their scouting, it still looked too easy, giving him an upsetting feeling.     

He knew lowlife continents were weak and foolish. But wasn\'t this a little bit too stupid?     

Looking at the district more, he noticed a good chunk of pace before the strange fence.      

In truth, the distinction was akin to the width of a football stadium. It was the distance between the audiences seated on bleachers, staring opposite one another.      

The space was freaking huge, taking many aspects into account.      

Additionally, the fences were also something else.     

If any modern person were there, they would realize the fence was far thicker, heavier, and sturdier than the usual barred fence.     


Look forward to the left; Look forward to the right.      

He could see some guard posts having lights on, while some had no lights.      


To let the uneasiness he felt fade, he knew someone had to check things out first. And as they say, if you want something done, you do it yourself!         

Red Beard was a man who, whenever it came to meetings or paperwork, would willingly shove it all to his subordinates.     

But when it was physical, he liked to see things firsthand for himself.     

After fighting all their lives to get to their current positions.      


Reaching the front edge of the ship, he placed his dagger sheath in his mouth and prepared to jump in.      

"Wait for my signal."     

\'Yes, my lord!\' Many inwardly exclaimed, seeing him dive into the dark waters.      

Which other leaders would be willing to do this, not wanting to endanger their lives?      

Some felt touched, not knowing Red Beard\'s concern was preserving their lives so they could do their bloody jobs and exact the revenge he came for.      

He wanted no mishaps. So of course he was willing to go in.      


The red devil made a splash, swimming towards the nearby docks.      

At this distance, no deadly beasts should be so close to the docks.      

They were already in Harbor water space.     

Even if there was no room in the docks, one could anchor themselves in the water space, lowering their small boats in paddle towards land.      

Look all around, the open waters they were in should be the harbor space.     


Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke!     

In the water, the fierce red-haired devil swam impressively.      

As a pirate, the water is part of his calling.      

Many a time as he dived deep in search of fallen treasure.      

Many pirates could hold their breaths for 12~15 minutes straight. But he could do 18.     

The fishes slapped his cheeks, ran across his thighs, and did everything in their part to explore his mysterious being. But the red-haired devil couldn\'t care less.      

The sea underneath was dark, inky, and scary, with only the moonlight illuminating it lightly.      

Underwater, his hands were clasped, his legs joined like a fish, his breathing controlled, his movements superb, and his speed incredible.          

And to be honest, if not for the beard, one would mistake him for Hanma Yujiro... \'Baki\'s father!\'     

Red hair, body built to the gods... Muscles so powerful and intimidating... No! This guy really looked like him.      

All that was left for him was to have an equally terrifying son... (Which he did, back in Morgany.)     




Red Beard finally reached the docks, not or once taking his head out for air.      

Well, the ship was already close to the docks, so his swimming time would never be up to 18 minutes. At most it was 10.      

With his dagger in his mouth, he slowly raised his head underneath the dock made from strange materials.      

He wanted to say it was iron, but it felt too strange. Of course what he didn\'t know was that it was made from Aluminum.      

Aluminum was considered one of the best choices for decking materials because it required low maintenance, would not rot, decay, warp, or twist, and only needed to be cleaned as one saw fit.     

He also saw some parts covered with wood, but overall, it was a blend of both materials to create the current dock.     

Red Beard felt it silly.      

If they placed \'iron\' into the salty waters, won\'t it rust faster? In that case, won\'t you maintain it frequently too?... Stupid.      

A bit of his vigilance went down, thinking these people might truly be idiots.      

Underneath the docks, he swam to the corners, peeking across the sandy shores. In this particular district, only a tiny fraction of it had a dock.      

The rest were just sandy shores all around.      

Look left; Look right.      

With his trained vigilance, he should have been able to pick up any enemies that might be in hiding. But there was nothing.      

Red Beard frowned.      

Could it be he was wrong?      

"_" [Bird drone on sea log]     

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