
Chapter 1437 To Zohl, We Go!

Chapter 1437 To Zohl, We Go!

Claw stared at his leg, inwardly cursing his lungs out.


The yelling from these bastard Baymardians, as well as their actions of trying to check the surroundings out, had caused him to get chewed on by the Bladed Lily plant.

Him! A high-ranked hidden guard accidentally stepping into such a vicious plant!

If word went out, his reputation would be hurt.

And the most annoying thing about this lily was that its bite would release a poison that would numb his lower body for 3 hours.

But that wasn\'t all.

After the numbing came the itching.

Itch. Itch. Itch.

One could scrape and scratch themselves to death because of its tingling itch.

And during this time, their bodies would become scaly and clammy, constantly shedding like some bizarre creature.

This went without saying but scratching one\'s self during this time would only lead to fatal injuries later on.

It was best to contain some self and sit still as a rock if they could.

But do it at the comfort of your home because the itchy poison released out of the body alongside the shedding skin had a very enticing smell to several forest beasts.

Well, even come cannibals would find it enticing.

It smelt like properly roasted meat.

So if one didn\'t want to end up as dinner or constantly fight off predators, staying in a closed building was the way to go.

In the end, the itching phase would last for another 2 hours. And after that, the victim would return to normal... Though their skin would be overly dry.

Of course, if they scratch themselves during the itching time, then too bad. There would be plenty of gruesome scars left behind.

This Bladed lily was a favorite in a few harems.

Some women would place other ordinary flowers around it, doing their best to disguise its presence.

And after taking their enemies for a \'stroll around the gardens,\' the rest would be history.

For noblewomen, deep starches and marks on their bodies could affect their marriage... Talkless of many gruesome scratches.

Some men even felt their wives were too ugly after having so many marks.

They would leave them in the cold palace of royals or abandoned courtyard at the furthest corners of their estates.

Bladed Lily... Also known in Veinitta as the Queen\'s Wrath. It was named after a famous queen in Veinitta who used them to take out her opponent\'s ages ago.

Claw gritted his teeth, still dragging his numb body across.

To think that he would one day taste the Queen\'s wrath.

"Brother, you must never speak of this to anyone!"

"I know." Home replied with a stern face. They were identical twins.

So even if word went out about Claw, others would feel that he, Bone, had also gone through such an embarrassing experience.

If anyone ever found out...

Bone\'s eyes flashed with a fierce light.

"Brother, for now, we rest up. We should leave District B for last. In the next few days, we\'ll infiltrate the Lower region instead. And this time, there can be no more slip-ups."

"Hmmm," Claw replied.

Tonight\'s operator was a disaster!

But while their night was over, for some... It was just the beginning.


-- District K, Coastal Region--



At the very front of the District, several vehicles were lined up, ready to enter the district.


Just like how the lower region was fenced with electric wires, the border starting District K from the public was also fenced and heavily guarded.

District K was one of the few Districts within the Coastal Region.

And what purpose did it serve?

Well... It housed the various Navy, Marine, and Coastguard main facilities, ships, and headquarters.

Everything involving Baymard\'s waters and coastlines was taken care of by these armed forces.

But one shouldn\'t think that they only took care of the coastlines around the Capital city.


With Baymard\'s expansion and acquisition of new territories, they worked on schedules to patrol and station themselves along all coastlines.

These brave men and women are always on the move, ensuring Baymard\'s overall security.

The moment the stream of vehicles approached the District, several security lights focused on them.

Military vehicles!

This alone told those guarding the entrance of who they were.

But just to be safe, standard protocol must always be followed.


The many guards at the high watchtowers all stood, keeping their binoculars on their eyes. The hidden snipers were also ready to tranquilize and capture any who turned up to be spies or enemies.

All men were heavy to engage in case it was all a setup.

And on the ground, the many security guards also got ready to perform their checks.


While signaling with his hands, the main guard called out.

"Drive forward, please."


The vehicles humbly approached.

"Identification and purpose."

Very quickly, credentials were brought out. And some security men, women, and dogs rushed forth to do checks and sniff around the vehicles.

~Whoof! Whoof!~

The guard dogs barked and communicated with the other dogs in these military vehicles.

Everyone jas seen such a scene countless times that they didn\'t find it strange at all.

The dogs had their sense of hierarchy amongst themselves, forming legions and teams at will.

In the barracks, they had their mission dogs too.

And wouldn\'t you know it, the strongest dog was the one Landon had chosen.

The prisons, police forces, firefighters, and many other departments also had dogs for rescue dogs, mission dogs, etc.

In Baymard, there were also service dogs trained for assisting the blind or those disabled and in need.

Dogs were truly man\'s best friend.

And for this mission to Zohl, the dogs were coming with them!

Woof! Woof! Woof!~

Landon chuckled while staring at the security dogs that all stood in straight lines after their checks.

"Thank you."


The dogs were gallant as ever.


The guards nodded to one another.

"All clear! You may proceed onto the District!"

Getting the order, the many streams of vehicles swarmed in.

It was time to board the ships and set sail.

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