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Chapter 548 Getting Out Of The Dog House

Chapter 548 Getting Out Of The Dog House

He simply curled up into a ball on the floor and summoned his headphones before holding his phone to his face.

"Diri... play Rod Wave."

"No!" Nubia cried.

"\'Dark Conversations\' please."

"What did I just say!?"

*Playing Dark Conversations, by Rod Wave.*

Nubia ran right up to her brother and snatched his headphones off.

"What was that for!?"

"You cannot sink right back into this depressive state! Nothing even happened!"

"It\'s over." Straga said as he rolled onto his side. "Now that dad looks even more handsome and stuff, Moms are going to keep him in that bedroom for a couple of weeks... in that time, Monica might just run off and fall in love with someone else."

Nubia rolled her eyes as she walked around her brother and sat down beside his head.

"You sound illogical... Why would she ever-"

At that moment, the door finally cracked open and their mother and father walked out.

In a huff, Ayaana walked away from him while the dragon remained behind, scratching his cheek.

"D-Dad!? You\'re out!"

"Uh-huh." Abaddon said as he forced a smile onto his face. "Is there a reason why you\'re lying on the floor like this?"

Straga immediately sat up with clear sparkles in his eyes and stared at his father like he was a god.

Which, coincidentally, he was.

"I-I need your help and advice! Please tell me you have some time!"

"Ah... it just so happens that I need to run a little errand and I was lacking company. You both should join me."

Abaddon hoisted up Nubia onto his shoulders and helped Straga pick himself up off the ground.


"Yea, pea?"

"You\'re in trouble, aren\'t you?" Nubia guessed.

"Little bit..."


Jin\'s Butcher Shop is a hidden gem in Tehom.

Among all the flashy lights and large buildings that attract loads of attention and interest, this one is more simple brick and mortar; just like the owners like it.

Inside the place is revealed to be a simple shop with a noticeably nice wine selection to boot.

The owner, Jin Hogan is a blue skinned man who always boasts his dragon\'s head as a symbol of his pride.

As he wiped down the counter, the old dragon suddenly paused when he sensed approaching presences.

When the bell rang on the door, three individuals stepped inside.

"Bless my stars... We\'ve got some real royalty in here today!... And an incompetent nincompoop."

Abaddon smiled wryly as a vein bulged in his head. "Old fart... is that anyway to speak to your ruler when he magnanimously graces you with his presence?"

"Psh! Magnanimously my tail! Tell me, what\'d you do this time?"

"...I have no idea what you are talking abo-"

"You come in here every time you aggravate those kind and gentle Empresses of mine. So what\'d you do this time?"

"Maybe I just come to see your ugly mug and get some air."

"Ha! We can\'t all get prettier and prettier as the days tick by." The old dragon came from around the counter with treats already in his hands.

After bowing to the two children, he handed them two pastries that they gratefully accepted.

And Abaddon noticed he was taking the sight of his new appearance remarkably well…

"...No other questions for me?"

"Not really." Jin shrugged. "I\'m used to you being the reason I question my sexual orientation every night. Barely even phases me anymore."

Abaddon laughed, but he knew the old dragon wasn\'t joking.

Finally, Jin folded his arms across his chest like he was waiting for something.

Abaddon coughed dryly as he looked away from the old man.

"...Fifteen griffin steaks and three bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon."

"…Boy, you really stepped in it this time, didn\'t you?" Jin muttered as he rolled his eyes.

Abaddon gave no answer but Nubia nodded while perched atop his shoulder.

"Right, right, I got it. Give me a minute."The blue dragon walked into the back and started preparing the meats.

There was a small seating area by the window within the shop, and it had exactly three chairs surrounding a round table.

Abaddon and Straga sat down, while Nubia remained perched on her father\'s knee.

"Alright, now what\'s this big conundrum you\'re facing that requires my advice?" Abaddon said, trying to hide his excitement.

None of his children ever really asked him for advice before, so he was actually quite excited to play the role of the intellectual father.

"It\'s.. about Monica. I need your advice on how to get her attention, and how to make her see me as a man!" Straga said with crumbs still on his face.

Abaddon\'s excitement deflated like a popped balloon.

"Eh!? What\'s with that look for?!"

He sighed in exhaustion as he wiped away the crumbs on both his children\'s mouths. "Honestly... Son, you\'re too young for a conversation like this."

"H-How am I too young?! I\'m like thousands of years old, right??"

"Yes, but I mean you aren\'t quite mature enough for this kind of conversation yet. You have more growing to do."

Straga seemed upset by this, so Abaddon decided to humor him just this once.

"…Alright then, tell me from the beginning what brought this on."

Feeling a bit less despondent, Straga twirled his fingers and became slightly embarrassed as he divulged the full story.

"I think seeing her go inside of his house really made it clear for me. I don\'t want her to be around other men and only focus on me!"

Abaddon flicked his son on the forehead.

"That\'s exactly what I\'m talking about." He rolled his eyes.

"Eh?! What\'d I do?!"

"Your first thought is about possession, as if Monica is already a thing that you own. That\'s a childish way to think."

"Y-You and moms are the most possessive dragons in creation!"

"Of course we are, mouse, and it\'s one of my favorite things about us."

"See! Then what\'s the difference?!"

"Possessiveness without love, care, or thoughtfulness is just abuse.

You haven\'t done anything yet to earn her completely because you don\'t understand what it means to build a connection.

And that is something I cannot teach you because a crucial part of life is experiencing it yourself with the person you care about in mind.

What do they like? What do they not like? How do they like to communicate when they\'re angry?

Do we share the same values and principles? How can I make them feel safe and comfortable expressing their vulnerabilities?

Things like that are important."

"…"Straga looked like he had just sat in on a college level calculus seminar.

He didn\'t understand shit!

"But I can tell you this… since Monica is currently still living with us, she doesn\'t seem to be wholly unopposed to the idea of bonding with you some day. And for right now, that will have to be enough."

Straga seemed like he wanted to ask his father to elaborate, but at that moment, Jin came back with a bag full of produce to give the dragon.

"Here you are, my lord. Try not to have to come and see me anytime soon, yes?"

"Believe me, I will do my best."

"I do not doubt it."

Jin finally bowed as Abaddon was walking away, and the dragon did as he usually did and pretended that he didn\'t notice it.

As Abaddon and his children exited the shop, he and Straga sprouted their wings as they decided to fly back home.

""Whoa…"" the children muttered in unison.

For some reason, Abaddon\'s wings looked a lot different than before.

For starters, they didn\'t resemble the wings of any creature known to man.

They were sharp, prismatic shards of black glassy material that were broken, but kept themselves suspended in the air in the shape of imposing two meter long wings.

Abaddon was a lot of things, and time and circumstances had made him even more.

But one thing that would never change was his overall appreciation for supernatural things in life.

\'This is so cool…\'

With stars in his eyes, Abaddon took off into the sky like a rocket and accidentally left his son behind in the dust.

It took a moment, but eventually Straga was able to catch up to him once again when he finally slowed down.

Straga: "So father, are we having griffin steaks tonight?"

"Your mothers and I are."

Straga: "Eh?! What\'s with this favoritism?!"

"See? This is apart of the things you\'ll understand when you\'re old enough."

Nubia: "So what are we supposed to eat??"

"I think there are some frozen pizzas in the fridge…"




Nubia: "You got fifteen steaks, who are the extras for??"

"Your mother eats six." (Bekka)

"…Of course she does." Straga sighed.

In midair, Abaddon laughed as he ruffled his children\'s hair.

"Your grandparents said they wanted you to eat dinner in their wing tonight, so I\'m afraid that feeding you is there responsibility."

Immediately, the eyes of the two children lit up.

Straga: "Grandma Imani is cooking?! Yes!"

Nubia: "She is vastly superior to you."

Abaddon showed a smile that was not a smile.

"Actually, I was referring to Kirina and Hajun."

The children became less excited, but still not downtrodden. "T-That\'s okay! Grandpa Hajun fries the best chicken!"

"Kirina is cooking."





Wiping his brow of imaginary sweat, Abaddon took a step back and admired the imagery of his set table.

Candle lit, wine poured, soft music playing, the entire nine yards.

He was more than a little proud of himself and hoped that his apology would go well.

Finally, he took a deep breath as he held out his arms.

A portal opened up above him, and Ayaana came falling through, fresh out of the bath.

Abaddon was left completely unprepared.

As was Ayaana, or atleast her aspects were.

Erica: \'W-Wait, I didn\'t have time to prepare for this!\'

Lailah: \'Stay strong! We must not give in!\'

Audrina: \'YOU! Be strong, just look at him! I\'m ready to forget and forgive!\'

Valerie: \'And FUCK!\'

Tatiana: \'Here, here!\'

Seras: \'No, L-Lailah is right! If we just act like nothing happened again then he\'ll never learn!\'

Tatiana: \'You can worry about that all you want, but I\'m about to fuck this man.\'

Eris : \'Y-Yes, maybe we can worry about all this afterwards…\'

Lisa : \'There is no chance in hell we are going to remember what brought this on after two weeks in our room.\'

Lillian: \'A month!\'

Lisa : \'Even less likely.\'

Erica : \'Oh gods, there\'s wine… h-he does that thing with his tongue when he\'s had too much wine, and I can\'t-\'

All: \'DON\'T REMIND US!!\'

Bekka : \'As the strongest, I think that-\'

All: \'HUSH, BEKKA!\'

Bekka: \'Fine… buncha bitches…\'

Lailah: \'We have to hold firm, girls! I know that it was difficult earlier, but if we did it once we can do it again!\'

Valerie: \'YOU do it again, I\'m about to put it on him like I\'m trying to get my college tuition paid for!\'

Lailah / Seras : \'No you are not!!\'

Valerie: \'I mean it, bitches! The shit I\'m about to do to him is so vulgar I won\'t even be able to look at myself in the mirror after!\'

Audrina/ Tati / Eris : \'She\'s not the only one!\'

Lailah: \'Christ, control yourselves, please!\'

Seras: \'Let\'s just hear what he has to say first, yea? We can make up our minds after!\'

Tatiana : \'I would like it noted that my mind and pussy are already made up!\'

Valerie: \'Seconded!\'

Audrina : \'Thirded?\'

Erica : \'Fourth-\'

Lailah / Seras : WE GET IT!!\'

Ayaana composed themselves and put on an aloof demeanor as they crawled out of Abaddon\'s arms.

They snapped their fingers and suddenly the girls were dry, with a beautiful black dress covering their figure.

Stepping around Abaddon, they were caught in their tracks when they saw the full apology dinner prepared.

"What\'s… all this?"

Abaddon wrapped his arms around their waist rested his head on the side of their neck.

"I wanted to apologize properly… I was being inconsiderate of all of you and the promises that we made together, and I caused you all a great deal of pain because of it. I shouldn\'t have-"

"Good enough for us!"


Ayaana opened up a swirling white portal of her own and literally yanked Abaddon through.

She also took careful consideration to loot two bottles of wine before following behind him.

Once the portal closed, the room was silent for a moment before the doors opened and the children came streaming inside.

Gabbrielle: "See? I don\'t know what you all were so worried about. I told you we would be eating steaks tonight."

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