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Chapter 450 His First No

Chapter 450 His First No

Chapter 450 His First No

Dispelling all of his weapons at once, he brought all of his hands together in a single, loud clap and dispersed the entire storm in an instant.

The children were a bit nervous that he had suddenly thrown away their greatest weapon like this, but once they saw him smile and revert back to normal they were less than afraid.

"Tell me… whose idea was it to use your powers like this?"

The kids all seemed to relax in an instant before shuffling about uncomfortably.

"Gabbrielle, huh?"


Abaddon sat cross legged on the ground and gestured for his children to sit with him.

One by one, his kids sat across from him like they were about to be read a story at nighttime.

Except for little Mira who sat on top of his thigh like he was a famous man in a red suit.

"…" After seeing this, Yamaya shrank down into a smaller form and crawled on top of one of Abaddon\'s shoulders.

"…" Yamaja was still a bit too iffy on physical affection, but she did scoot a bit closer to Abaddon and take one of his hands, just because.

"So… tell me why you all felt the need to go through all of this to ask me for something. You know I would do anything you ask just for a hug."

Mira squeezed her father as tightly as she could. "I want a statue built of me!"



Ignoring his sister, Apophis lowered his head until his chin was touching his chest.

"Please… listen to us sincerely. Do not just dismiss our request without listening to us first."

"Have I ever? Please, just talk to me."

"We want you… to give us your permission to go on a mission."

"…Like to the grocery store?"

"No. Like to save one of our siblings."

Briefly, Abaddon froze up like a deer in front of headlights.

Against his own rational judgment, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


"You promised you would listen!"

"W-We had a deal!"

"Just let us convince you first!"

Abaddon listened to his children\'s plea without saying a word, although he already knew exactly how he was inclined to react.

Thea: "We know that you are getting ready for… that."

Belloc: "And since you\'ve already made it clear that we can\'t go with you, we thought we could do something else in the meantime."

Apophis: "Our siblings still have to be saved. If you would only give us your permission, then we could go and save at least one of them in your place."

The children\'s plan was to travel to the duat and rescue Ammit from Anubis.

Using Camazotz and his ability to travel to any underworld, the idea was that they would stowaway on the back of the bat god and sneak into the Egyptian realm of the dead.

From there they would find their sister.

Kill Anubis if need be.

And escape the duat without drawing the attention of Osiris.

Light work!

"Kids… what you ask is-"

"W-We know that it is a dangerous task, but we-"

"It isn\'t just dangerous, it is practically foolish. Osiris will not let you go once he feels that the stability of his realm has been compromised. He is a primordial being you aren\'t yet ready to contend with in a fight."

Mira: "T-Then help us formulate a plan to best him too!"

Yamaya: "Gabbrielle also wants to help. Surely between the seven of us there exists some way that we can at least evade him, even if we can\'t kill him."

Inadvertently, Abaddon felt a bit of Anansi\'s memories kick in of their own volition.

He saw stories and tales of gods being tricked, and mortals escaping with powerful relics, great powers, and cherished belongings.

But never whole monsters from undead realms.

And then, there was a more pressing issue that they weren\'t addressing.

"Even if I allowed this and everything just went off perfectly, there are no guarantees that your sister will recognize you.

You do not bear the crests that your mothers do, and your blood may not be thick enough to just draw her in with that alone." Abaddon reminded gently.

"Blood will always recognize blood." Yamaya said as she gave her father a pat on the cheek.

"Even when I did not know you, I knew that you were someone important to me and I would never have harmed you. And that goes for anyone in our family."

Yamaja : \'Nice save, sis! Keep buttering him up!\'

\'I am only telling him the truth…\'

Yamaja: \'Right, right. How precious!\'

Abaddon would just pretend for the sake of time that he could not hear his daughters\' thoughts loud and clear.

Sighing in exhaustion, Abaddon ran his fingers through his hair and tried to resist the urge to tear it out by the fistful.

Why couldn\'t his kids ask for normal things like new cars, pool parties with their friends, or even permission to date someone?

"..." Abaddon swiveled his head back and forth between Mira, Yamaya and Yamaja.

Suddenly he realized that this could indeed be a much worse conversation and his mood saw rapid improvement.

"I need to discuss this with your mothers first... and I make you absolutely no guarantees that we will come to a decision that you will like... but we will discuss it in good faith."



Out of nowhere, Abaddon was tackled to the ground by all of his children and smothered with more affection than he knew what to do with.

\'I\'ve got to learn to learn how to put my foot down with these kids at some point...\'

Apophis: "Hey, can you fry me some plantains for dinner? They don\'t taste the same when I do em."

"...Fine. But pick an actual entree to eat them with."

"I don\'t want anything else though?"

"...You kids are going to be the death of me."


Abaddon walked through the halls of his home with a throbbing headache.

For all of his power and abilities, thinking too much always made him feel like he was in dire need of a three-day long nap.

Family issues only doubled those sentiments.

He lumbered along with heavy footsteps towards his bedroom, and when he reached it he felt like at least some of his problems were beginning to go away.

His clothes practically disappeared one by one until he was only in a pair of black boxers that were stretched to their absolute limits.

Like an old man, he dove right back into his bed face first and did not even bother to cover himself up.

Around twenty minutes later, one of his wives finally came in, looking equally as tired and weary.

Lailah was the first to enter the bedroom, andonce she saw her husband lying in their marital bed like a corpse, her exhaustion changed into mild amusement.

With a wave of her hand her own clothes disappeared magically and she climbed into bed alongside him.

Abaddon briefly opened up one of his ever changing eyes and smiled halfheartedly at his first wife.

"Hello, love..."

"You look tired, darling. If I didn\'t know any better I would say that you were the one who was out studying all day instead of dealing with gods."

"Dealing with gods is nothing compared to dealing with our children it seems... I neglected to think that with all of their strength, training would grow to not be enough for them.. it was stupid of me."

"Our babies? What has gotten into them that has you strung out like this?"

Lailah looked back at Abaddon\'s powerful and exposed body and licked her lips in anticipation.

"Though it is not as if I am not enjoying the view..."


Suddenly, Tatiana came into the bedroom and she also seemed to have an elevated mood once she saw her husband and sister lying in bed in a rather intimate setting.

"My husband looks extra vulnerable... what an exciting sight!"

Her dress came flying off and two seconds later she was crawling on top of Abaddon to press her breasts against his exposed back.

Playfully, she bit his ear with the hope that he would return her affection in kind.

And while he did, his head also flopped back onto the pillow a couple of seconds later.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are when you are tired?" she asked with a smile.

"Surely not, but I will add it to my list of ways to seduce you all..."

As Abaddon started to drift off to sleep once again, Tatiana and Lailah briefly made eye contact.

\'Did he tell you why he\'s like this?\'

\'Not fully, but he said that it had something to do with our children. Just let him sleep for now and we\'ll find out more in the morning.\'

Silently, the two girls stared lovingly at their husband as they each ran their fingers through his hair.

Like this, he seemed like the pinnacle of all that was divine and chaotic.

It was hard to believe that this was the man who had bathed in the blood of millions of people and had half of the gods trembling in their boots.

But looking at him now, it was easy to see that he was a peaceful being above anything else.

\'I meant to ask..\' Lailah suddenly switched from just petting Abaddon to running her hands through Tatiana\'s hair as well. \'How did your lunch date go?\'

\'.. I have to admit that I didn\'t understand why you left the decision up to me at first but I\'m really glad that you did. I know now that...I won\'t be insecure because of her.\'

\'I\'m glad to hear that. Once the rest of the girls come back here we can give her the marking and solidify our family.\'

Mere nano seconds after Lailah formulated the thought, Abaddon\'s eyes flashed open with clear bewilderment on his face.

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