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Chapter 373 A Day to Rest

Chapter 373 A Day to Rest

Chapter 373 A Day to Rest

And Abaddon was no exception to this statistic, as he enjoyed lazing about and doing nothing just like the rest of his descendants.

However, due to the chaotic nature of his life, he didn\'t actually get to do things like that all that much.

He knew that he would in the future, but as of now there were just too many things that required his attention and time.

But sometimes, he woke up to an absolute perfect moment.

The sheets felt divine on his skin, the room was dark and filled with crisp, cold air, and the body heat and scent of his wives was more than enough to strip away any desire he felt to leave his bed.

And as soon as he woke up, he immediately disregarded any plans he had made to be productive today.

His mind silently made up, he closed his violet eyes and went right back to sleep as if he\'d never been interrupted.

Because his wives knew him so well, they were also able to recognize when he was having one of his lazy days.

He was usually the first to wake up, but now he still appeared to be sleeping while holding Tatiana and Lisa rather intimately.

His laziness seemed to have rubbed off on the two of them as well, as both of them had yet to wake up either.

"It\'s been a while since I\'ve seen him like this." Lailah pointed out fondly.

"It has indeed... Since it seems he won\'t be going anywhere today, should we all stay in bed?" Eris asked.

"I would like to, but I think too much inactivity will be bad for the baby." Audrina said as she patted her growing stomach lovingly. "I was thinking of going to the garden for a bit before I stepped into the city today."

"Ah, both of those sound really nice..." Lillian seemed like she was having a hard time deciding what to pick.

"You girls have fun, I know what I\'ll be doing." Bekka didn\'t waste a single moment and slipped out of the covers so that she could climb on top of the open space on Abaddon\'s chest.

She curled up into a ball and rested her head in the crook of his neck before she also closed her eye to go to sleep, looking just as content as the three she lie with.

As the girls silently tried to decide on a next course of action, Abaddon\'s eyes suddenly opened wide, and he let out a deep growl.

He easily woke up Tatiana, Lisa, and even Bekka, who was generally considered to be a very hard sleeper.

"What\'s the matter, my love?" Valerie asked.

Abaddon\'s deep voice was full of irritation.

"Camazotz is back... since he hasn\'t bothered to try to hide himself in the slightest, I wager that he has another message for us."

The dragon started to sit up in bed and slip on his clothes before Lillian placed a soft hand on his chest.

"Why don\'t you stay in bed with the girls, husband? You can leave everything to us for the day and focus on resting."

Abaddon looked tempted, but eventually he shook his head in denial. "I can\'t. That god might have some sort of trickery planned and I-"

"You have us, darling. We are supposed to be your partners, so leave this to us and you can rest easily knowing that we can handle everything in your stead."

Lillian tenderly pressed her forehead against Abaddon; their family\'s way of showing the utmost affection and love for one another.

Since she had made such a convincing argument, he naturally couldn\'t bring himself to refuse her.

"Alright then...If any of you decide to kill him, you\'re free to keep his divinities for yourself."

"Thank you!"

With his sense of unease assuaged, Abaddon gave Lillian a short but sweet kiss before he pulled Tatiana, Lisa, and Bekka back on top of him.

"Have fun, girls... make me proud."

"How silly. Have we ever done anything but?" Lailah said with a smile.

"No... not for a single second." Abaddon replied as he closed his eyes.

He drifted back to sleep a few seconds later, and the girls knew that it was time to move.

Lailah, Audrina, Seras, Valerie, Eris, and Lillian all climbed out of bed and started to get dressed in total silence.

As they did so, Seras contacted one of their family members telepathically and asked the for a small favor.

\'Have you felt him too, Kanami? ...Wonderful then. Here\'s what we\'d like for you to do...\'


"...Camazotz thinks this is a bad idea."

"Your objections are noted, bat. Now keep flying. We must attract Abaddon\'s attention and get another audience with him."

"Stupid goddess... very stupid." He muttered.

"I heard that!"


Camazotz flapped it\'s powerful wings as hard as it could and started to soar above the dark clouds of Abaddon\'s personal underworld.

When he broke through the clouds, he could see that he had arrived in some sort of weird domain that seemed to be separated by different elements.

Looking around, he nor his traveling companion saw any sort of structure where Abaddon could possibly be dwelling.

All they saw where spirits of different varieties and appearances staring at them silently, as if they were disturbed that a visitor had actually come here.

Without uttering a word, they all pointed up above, and Camazotz followed their fingers towards a literal continent that seemed to be floating in the sky on it\'s own.

"This world... incredible."

"Indeed... let\'s go, Camazotz."


The bat god resumed it\'s ascent, and kept flying higher and higher until it could see a large hole in the great floating continent overhead.

As soon as it flew through the opening, it came face to face with the true occupants of these lands.


Camazotz and it\'s companion were no stranger to these creatures, and they had long grown used to their intimidating presences and petrifying gazes.

But these dragons... they were unlike any that they had ever come across before.

To say that they were monstrous felt like a bit of an oversimplification.

These were horrors.

As majestic and regal as they were frightening, they came in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, but none of them were any less beautiful than their brethren.

There were dragons with feathered wings and beaks, no wings at all, smaller muscular bodies, and even more variants that should not have even existed.

But no matter how different these subspecies may have been, they were all staring at the frightening and monstrous Camazotz like he was no more than meat on the table.

They cared nothing for his intense blood-stained aura that came from being a god of death and sacrifice, and it even seemed as if they were becoming even more irritated by it.

"A god.."

"It actually dares to defile this holy land with it\'s presence.."

"Were my powers grander I would skin it myself and lay it at the alter of our gods..!"

Amidst the muttering, A new dragon flew into view along with fifty others.

These were drastically more fearsome than all of the rest present, as they had large bony potrusions running down their spines and practically exuded an aura of malevolence and conquest.

The lead dragon was the largest and was in the form of an eastern style dragon, with bright red hair encircling it\'s monstrous and unfriendly head.

The fangs in it\'s mouth were strangely pronounced and sharp, almost as if it were a vampire instead of a great and majestic dragon.


The dragon said something in it\'s native tongue that Camazotz and it\'s passenger could not even begin to understand.

They simply had to watch as the remaining 49 new dragons encircled the unwanted guests without giving them anywhere to run to.

"Come " It finally said, revealing itself to be a female.

She shifted her body\'s alignment in the air?and started to fly even higher in the sky, much to the dismay of Camazotz.

However, his disappointment over continued flying changed to wonder as it saw an enormous castle floating in the sky, and it knew that to be their destination.

With it\'s escort in tow, the bat god soared higher into the sky after the red haired dragon, until the creature was eye level with the castle above.

Landing right outside the massive wooden doors, Camazotz watched as all of the dragons who had surrounded him a few seconds ago changed into armored humans with their weapons raised to strike.

Pushing open the double doors, the leader of this band of dragon warriors escorted Camazotz and it\'s guest through the most beautiful castle they had ever seen.

With all of the regality of a roman palace and the modern influence of a high-rise building from the human world, this place was truly one of a kind.

They were so caught up in staring, they did not even notice that they had arrived in a bright white throne room with red and gold carpet.

In front of them, there were ten thrones that were different from each other, and yet no less beautiful than the next.

Four of the thrones remained empty,including the largest one in the center.

But the six that were full held the most beautiful women that either of them had ever seen.

Camazotz recognized two of them, and temporarily lowered his head as an expression of acknowledgement.

"Camazotz... why are you back?" Eris asked dangerously.

"And what is it that you\'ve brought with you..?" added Valerie.

The queens watched as a woman floated down from the back of the bat creature.

She was gorgeous, with lightly tanned skin and dull red eyes paired with long black hair.

But because she produced no vibrations when she \'touched\' the floor, they knew that she was not really here.

Not physically anyway.

"Forgive us for this unannounced visit, but I gave Camazotz no choice. I simply had to have this meeting today."

"And you are..?" Lailah questioned.

"I am Persephone... Goddess of the harvest."

As soon as the girls heard the woman\'s identity, they all had the exact same thought at once.

\'I\'m going to kill this bitch.\'

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