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Chapter 369 Nuclear Option

Chapter 369 Nuclear Option

Chapter 369 Nuclear Option

News of his sudden appearance spread like wildfire, and a surplus of gods and higher beings expanded their vision to the lower domain and watched Hel and Odin die horribly.

More would have stepped down to aid them, but some were afraid of Abaddon, or to be specific, the frightening and beautiful women that he kept alongside him.

Besides, if they went down into the underworlds to try to offer aid; they would have likely endured the same fate as Odin.

Their vision was temporarily cut out for a moment, but they had already seen enough to get the message loud and clear.

The great enemy was coming, and he was more than capable of enacting his promise.

To make the situation more dire; their enemy had not only attained godhood, but two more women bearing his name had done the same.

Things were now too dire to simply wait and see how things would play out.

A new meeting had been convened, and it was decided that no one would be allowed to leave until a solution had been achieved for all.

However, there was an immediate problem.

No matter how long they waited, not a single primordial god showed up.

Not one from the Greeks, Norse, Mesopotamians, Egyptians, you name it.

Because Abaddon had been dubbed a god of Order as well as chaos; they washed their hands of this issue entirely.

They recognized the fact that receiving a divinity like that is not something that merely happens on accident.

If the Red God was truly a being who embodied order... they believed that things in the future would not be as bleak as everyone else seemed to think.

After all, the scales must always be balanced in all things, so surely whatever this new order god had in mind would not affect their place in reality; as they were literally apart of what kept everything afloat.

But because they hadn\'t told any of the lesser gods this, they had no choice but to draw their own conclusions.

While the gods of wisdom like Thoth and Athena were not quite so in the dark, the other dim witted gods were beginning to panic.

"They fear the new chaos god!"

"If they are afraid then what choice do we have!?"

"We have no choice anymore, if we bow our heads he may let us survive!"

Zeus had finally heard enough, and threw down random bolts of lightning at anyone he saw whimpering.

"What is wrong with you lot?! Where is your pride!? You would submit to this creature at the first sign of danger? You were less intolerable when you were thinking up ways to seduce him!"

Though there were still large number of male and female gods who were interested in turning Abaddon into a pleasure slave, the bulk of them no longer had such inclinations.

After all, the way that he had killed Hel without stating even a second to remark or even be moved by the beautiful half of her face was very telling.

This was not a man who could be swayed by looks or flesh.

The only ones who had yet to accept that were the goddesses who were the most vain and unbalanced, and were more than sure of their ability to charm a single rampaging dragon.

As for the fates of everyone else... they were largely unconcerned.

After they got a brief but very good look at Abaddon\'s new post-ascension body, they no longer cared about anything else other than getting a taste of him and relishing in his embrace until the sun fizzled out.

"Lucky for you sad disgraces, I have already thought of a method to force the dragon to heel!" Zeus said proudly. "Now we only need a surefire plan to kill or seal him, and this plague facing our pantheons will be no more!"

Arawn: "The great Zeus has a plan? This I surely must hear."

Unamused, Zeus hurled a lightning bolt at the Welsh god before turning his attention to one who sat at his side.

Hades was usually quite apathetic to his brother\'s antics, but this time he was showing a remarkable amount of hostility in his bright red eyes.

"If you have ever valued your life at any point, I urge you not to use this method, you buffoon. Going down this path will ruin any chance that we may have for diplomacy."

"Do not speak to me of diplomacy, coward! Threats have already been levied against our lives on more than one occasion and you still speak of diplomacy like an insect? You are a disgrace!!"


Another loud voice like that of rumbling thunder traveled throughout the entire colosseum.

A pot bellied man with a red beard and wearing old rusty armor stood up among the norse gods.

"These monsters killed my father and even dared to play with his life as if it was something to be tossed about. I will no longer pursue peaceful action against those inhuman savages."

Hades gritted his teeth so hard that he feared he might break them, holding out his hand, he produced five bright green balls that looked like crystallized gems.

"All of you are utter and complete fools... and you have damned all our souls to oblivion with this action."

"Silence, worm."

Zeus took the gems from Hades and held them up proudly in the air.

"This is how our victory will be achieved! In my hands I hold the cards to our salvation and a promise that we will live to see another day! Now, time is short! Let us decide upon a method to purge him from our hands for good!"

As Zeus relished in what he felt to be a well deserved spotlight, Hades was seething with rage internally.

His headache was only further compounded a few seconds later when he heard the voice of his \'wife\' in his mind.

\'Hades... whose souls did you give to that rapist halfwit?\' Persephone literally never called her husband by name, so he knew her to be deadly serious about this matter.

He debated on even answering her, but eventually he decided to spit out the truth.

\'Those... were the souls of Abaddon\'s grandfather, grandmothers, and uncle.\'

Persephone\'s beautiful face froze like she had just heard the most absurd thing in her entire life.

\'Y-You..?you bunch of fools..!\'

Fed up, the spring goddess started to plan her own plan to not waste lives needlessly.

She had to get in contact with Abaddon somehow, through any sort of method.

But how?

She could not reach him in his realm or even through the realm of the mother goddess, which meant that she had to wait for him to pop up in neutral ground.

But she couldn\'t do something like that, because the moment that Abaddon popped his pretty head out Zeus would unfurl this dastardly scheme, and any chance for diplomacy would go to shit.

Instead of only keeping ten percent of the gods alive, Abaddon would kill every single one of them without distinction.


Suddenly, a connection was formed in her mind and she thought of one small hope that she might have.

Her mind decided on her next course of action, she scanned the pantheons for one very specific beast.

As Persephone plotted to save more than a few lives through sneaky methods, the archangel Michael was still sitting high above the heavenly pantheon; among the other three archangels.

However, he had such a serious look on his face that anyone who knew him could easily mistake him for someone else.

"Are you alright, brother?"

Michael flinched as if he hd been caught off guard and found his sister Uriel staring at him worriedly.

"I am fine, sister. Simply focused on present matters."

"...Alright then. Know that we are here for you if you would like to share."

"Of course, sister." Michael said with a smile that was nothing less than heavenly.

His facade aside, the archangel of fire was plagued with terrible worry.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not forget one scene from the Helheim battle.

He was not able to hear the conversation details, but he did see Abaddon hold up his hands like he was trying to show his wives something, yet they couldn\'t see it.

\'He couldn\'t have been... trying to show them \'that\' could he...? And if so... which one..?\'

Michael ran his hands through his hair absentmindedly as he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind.

His theory was a long shot.

So much so that he had not even voiced it to the others so as to avoid plunging the oldest gods into a state of needles panic.

As for the rest.. they likely would not know what he was speaking of either way.

But if what he suspected just so happened to be true... May God have mercy on their souls.


Abaddon and his wives quickly pulled their clothes back on and used wind magic to dispel the air of pheromones and lust.

As Abaddon wrapped Eris and Valerie\'s naked bodies into of his spare cloaks, his children came flying in on the backs of the family pets.

"All of my babies are here!" Audrina said excitedly.

She reached inside of the shadows at her feet and brought out two sleeping monsters; a huge dog and an eight legged horse.

"I brought you babies some treats, I hope you like them!"

Immediately, Entei and Bagheera flung the Tathamet children off their backs and lunged at the waiting food with excited eyes.

"W-Wait a second!"

Before the pets could bite into the sleeping animals, Bekka held out her hand to stop them.

Her eye kept flickering ever since she saw the massive black dog lying on the ground, and something within her was screaming out not to let her pets eat it.

"I-I\'m sorry, babies, but can you let me have this one?" She asked sweetly.

Entei / Bagheera: *Pitiful whimpers*

"I know, I know, I\'m sorry, my darlings! I will make it up to you later, I promise!"

Neither of the pets looked happy about it, but they eventually complied and instead dragged the eight legged Sleipnir outside to feast.

While Bekka tried to understand her desire to keep the dog alive, her children rushed to hug their father and mothers who had returned.

Mira: "You\'re back already, Daddy? Why??"

"Why does everyone keep saying that... I am starting to take offense." Abaddon muttered.

Thea: "You feel different again... have you evolved?"

"I\'ve done a bit more than that."

Briefly, Abaddon gave his children a summary of his adventure in Helheim.

He had to say, his favorite part of being a father was telling stories and having your children look up at you with sparkling eyes filled with wonder.

No amount of extraordinary powers made him feel more like a super hero than this moment.

Apophis: "I\'m finally getting a brother?!"

Mira: "Daddy is a god now?"

Gabbrielle: " You lost ALL of your powers?!"

"Yes, yes, and yes." Abaddon answered.

Apophis didn\'t hear anything after \'getting a brother\' and fell to his knees with tears in his eyes as he relieved himself of a longhand burden.

Abaddon chuckled at his antics before Gabbrielle tugged on his pants while folding her little arms.

"This doesn\'t make sense. There is no way for your powers to be gone, things like that don\'t just happen."

In response, her father only shrugged slightly.

"That\'s the way it is, peach. All Asherah has left me with are two new energies I have to learn to utilize from scratch."

Gabbrielle cute raised a brow at this; determined to hear more.

"New energies? Show me."

"Alright... but you will not be able to see them."

Abaddon held out his hands and started to produce the two colored energies that only he could see.

Although, his family would be able to tell that the air was a lot more heavy than before.

However, little Gabbrielle knew more than that.

She had seen her father do a lot of crazy things, but this absolutely took the cake.

"T-This... this cannot be possible... You haven\'t lost your powers at all..."

"Peach? You know what this is?" Abaddon asked in confusion.

Gabbrielle nodded slowly, never taking her eyes off her father\'s hands.

"... Your body is generating Aether and Nether..!"

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