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Chapter 351 A Fiancé for The Dragon God

Chapter 351 A Fiancé for The Dragon God

Chapter 351 A Fiancé for The Dragon God

Nothing he did worked.

The results were all still the same.

His soul had been tied with another, in an unbreakable bond that would hold throughout all of eternity.

And the newest consort to the source of all horrors was none other than Tita, the woman who he\'d promised to marry if he ever decided to take another wife.

\'I guess she got tired of waiting for me.... Why am I making jokes about this!?\' Abaddon roared internally.

He had absolutely no idea how this could have happened, as no matter how horny he was he would never allow himself to just go and jump into the bed of another woman.

"Umm… Abaddon?"

Looking behind him, the dragon found all of his wives awake and wearing sheepish looks.

Lisa had even called him by his actual name and rather tenderly as well, just as she normally did whenever she was about to ask him for something.

It suddenly made him feel like what had just happened didn\'t actually have anything to do with him at all.

"My love..?"

"Ah, well the girls and I… we kind of made a teeny tiny mistake." She said shyly.


In the dead of night, nine figures with glowing eyes could be seen moving throughout the hallway.

They came to a stop in front of a single door and knocked once before waiting for an answer.

When they received none, Abaddon spoke in a low tone that he was sure the occupant could hear.

"Tita, we know you\'re awake… We just want to talk to you, okay? We\'re coming in now."

Finally, Abaddon twisted the doorknob and stepped inside of the dark room, the girls deciding to wait outside and let him handle this alone.

When he entered Tita\'s bedroom, he found her standing on a rug directly in the center of the space, wearing a short black nightgown with a lace pattern.

With his marking, she looked a few years older and her horns were thicker with a much more regal look to them.

She looked nervous; as she was absentmindedly twiddling her fingers and looking everywhere but at Abaddon.

However, he found himself unable to take his eyes off her.

This was his first time ever seeing so much of Tita\'s body, as she normally dressed in a more conservative manner.

He didn\'t even know she had tattoos before tonight.

"Are you… coming to undo what\'s been done?" She asked in a hushed voice.

Abaddon shook his head and he sat on a sofa inside her room, gesturing for her to sit next to him.

She complied, but a glance was all it would take for someone to tell that she was on the verge of falling out into tears.

She was desperately afraid that he was coming here to take his mark back, and she would lose what was now the most important thing in her life.

"Once given, the mark cannot be removed. Not even an incomplete one like yours." He explained.

Those words undoubtedly put a smile on her face, but she dashed it away before Abaddon could see it.

"Are you… upset?" Tita asked.

Abaddon shook his head as he stared blankly into the darkness of the dimly lit room.

Really, this was no one\'s fault and therefore there was no reason for him to be upset over it.

His wives had told him about the incident with Tita and it truly did seem like it was just an accident.

In trying to pull her from her pit of self hatred, they pulled her into their inner realm to console her.

But because that space is built solely upon the union, friendship, and love that all of his wives share for not just him but one another, a foreign intruder disrupts it\'s harmonious atmosphere.

Unconsciously, the girls used their marks to \'test\' this new intruder in their space.

He nor they were quite aware of what the criteria for this test was, but given by the fact that Tita\'s soul was not irrevocably obliterated, she seems to have passed and been given an incomplete mark.

This symbolized her as a wife for Abaddon, and allowing her free reign into the wives\' dream domain.

As a result she now looked a bit older, and she had a simple connection to Abaddon and the girls that would allow her to know if they were alive or dead.

But she couldn\'t read their thoughts, hadn\'t been granted access to any of his powers, and she did not yet have an aura that was befitting of a consort of the black dragon.

Those things needed to be… properly acquired so to speak.

"Tita… do you know what it means to have my mark?" Abaddon said.

"Not exactly, no.." she admitted.

"We… are now bound together for all of eternity and whatever may come after. But… I am not entirely sure that this will be what you want. "

"W-Why wouldn\'t it be?" She asked shakily.

Abaddon touched the area of his stomach just beneath his navel.

There, he had a permanent tattoo of a demonic symbol that was similar to the ones all of his wives had.

"To be marked by me means that your body will ache for me. In the time where I had to leave for a few months for training, Bekka, Lisa, and Lailah described it as the worst pain of their lives… it took a lot for them to overcome and control their needs."

Abaddon did not mention it, but he was not immune to this effect and he also had a desperate need for the bodies of his wives after a while.

Two or three days they would be fine and able to function normally, but any longer than that and they would start to feel like something integral was missing from their lives.

Only through the group\'s immense mental fortitude would they be able to maintain control of themselves and not fall into an egregious pit of desperate need.

"You feel like you have cursed me? Like I do not know what I am getting into?" Tita asked quietly.

Abaddon did not answer, but Tita found it easy to gauge his feelings.

She bit her lip hard before she swallowed her fear and did something she never would have expected.


Crawling on top of Abaddon, she straddled him while wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You… are such.. an idiot..!" She yelled with tears in her eyes.


"My body already aches for you, don\'t you know that..?! Everytime that I see you smiling, or playing with your daughters o-or even just working, I need you so bad that I can\'t stand it!"

She grabbed one of his hands and placed it over one of her breasts.

Ignoring the satisfaction and pleasure she felt from doing such a thing, she stared at him with tears coming down her face.

"Can you feel it?? Can you feel just how much my body yearns for you?? Just how incomplete I\'ve felt all this time without you?!"

For the first time Abaddon let the full weight of Tita\'s feelings hit him in the chest, and it was almost enough to bring a tear to his own eyes.

The love she felt for him was not inferior in anyway to what his wives felt for him.

Crying, Tita buried her head in his neck and clung to him tightly.

"I don\'t care if I\'m just an accident or if you just want to make me a concubine that\'s okay too, but don\'t try to push me away from you! I-I will give you every fabric of my being if you just-"

Abaddon suddenly wrapped his arms around Tita and pulled her into his chest even deeper than before.

"Don\'t.. say that. Our relationship may have taken a truly strange and unorthodox turn, but that doesn\'t matter. You are not now, nor will you ever be inferior to my wives."

Abaddon suddenly grabbed the woman by her face, and his eyes that were currently golden were practically burning into hers.

"I never… want to hear you say that you will be my concubine ever again.

You are not a toy for myself or anyone to play with at their liesure, you are a thinking and feeling woman who deserves to be treated like a goddess by the man she has chosen.

We have… so much to catch up on and we truly do still needs to get to know each other better.

But something that we need to establish from the beginning is that I will never allow you to behave as if you are beneath me.

You are now my equal and my partner, so if you want something you need only tell me honestly, and I will lie it at your feet just as I would for the others."

Abaddon ended up sounding alot more serious and frightening than he meant to, but this was a problem he wanted to nip in the bud immediately.

He abhorred the idea of concubines and head wives, not just for himself but for others.

The idea of willingly putting oneself below another in the hopes of receiving basic decency was not only sad, but it was a telltale sign of insecurity.

And as someone who had lived with insecurity for so long while he was human, he would never allow anyone around him to feel like that either.

However, Tita was not scared by his words but they did seem make her cry a bit harder.

Was this real?

The outcome she had spent so many nights wishing and praying for was here, but she didn\'t know how to process it.

The man she loved was here and holding her while saying this plethora of sweet things that were making her heart want to sing.

Despite the fact that he wasn\'t in love with her yet, he had already placed her on the same level as his other wives within his mind out of a sense of responsibility.

She had no idea what to do with herself to express the emotions inside of her.

Eventually she remembered the last words that Abaddon had just said to her and she made up her mind.

"I… want you to kiss me… will you do that for me..?"

As soon as the question left her lips, Abaddon pulled her down to meet his and Tita\'s dream had finally been achieved.

Tears of joy, relief, and overwhelming emotion flowed from her closed eyes like a waterfall, but she never took her lips away from his for a moment.

Abaddon savored the taste of her full pink lips on his and his hands almost dropped down to her butt out of instinct.

Stopping his hands at her waist, he kissed her passionately and affectionately without showing the building lust that was smoldering beneath him.

He could smell how wet Tita was getting, and if he wasn\'t careful he would end up ravaging her right here before they even went on their first date.

Tita took her time to savor Abaddon\'s kiss and didn\'t pull away from him for over thirty minutes.

When she finally let his lips go, she rested her head onto the crook of his neck.

She continued to hold onto him without showing any signs of letting go, almost as if she was afraid this would be revealed as just a dream.

"So… I guess this means that we are engaged now or something like that?" She said finally.

"Yes… you could say that." Abaddon admitted.

Tita supressed a small happy squeal as she squeezed his neck just a little bit tighter.

"I have some things to do today, but I want us to spend some time together this evening, just the two of us. Are you free?" Abaddon asked.

"Y-Yes.. I will always have the time for you." She said, not realizing just how embarrassing the words would sound coming out of her mouth.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something that she\'d wanted to bring up earlier and she found now to be the perfect time.



"From now on… can you call me Tatiana?"

The dragon smiled and looked at the woman in his arms like she was a sparkling gem.

"Of course… that\'s a very beautiful name."

A familiar itch within the pants of Tatiana made her squirm underneath his gaze, and before she knew it she was making her third request of the hour.

"And… kiss me again.."

"My my, what a bossy one…" Abaddon joked with a smile. "Come here then."

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