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Chapter 264 [Bonus ] She Lives!

Chapter 264 [Bonus ] She Lives!

He looked so much like him!!

"We could practically be twins!" He said in an excited hushed voice.

Abaddon merely rolled his eyes as he looked back and forth between the group.

"She seems to be a heavy sleeper so you needn\'t worry. Although father, I will ask you to refrain from screaming."

Asmodeus quickly took a moment to calm himself and carefully analyzed his son.

"What\'s happened to you...? While your power doesn\'t seem to have increased it certainly seems to be much more concentrated than before... not to mention your incredibly attractive new look."

Abaddon ignored the first part of his father\'s statement and focused on the part about his looks. "You\'re only saying that because I look more like you."


Yara chuckled as she moved past her husband and held out a strange black case. "Here, my son. We thought these might help you."

As soon as Abaddon took the case from his mother, he knew instinctively what was inside.

The feeling of death emanating from it as well as the reassuring aura told him without a doubt that these were Lillian\'s remains.

"These... might actually help quite a bit..." Abaddon made several mental calculations in his mind and realized that resurrecting Lillian might actually be a bit easier than he thought.

But even then, it would still be an arduous task.

He still didn\'t have the necessary magic capacity to recreate her body out of thin air, but if he used her bones and combined them with already existing materials, as well as just a hint of death magic and a small amount of his blood....

He handed his sleeping daughter to her grandfather and delved into his mind to search for a very specific subordinate.


\'I am here, my king. What do you require of me?\'

\'I need you to go out hunting and bring me a very specific beast. Alive if possible.\'

As an avid hunter as well as a perfectionist, she prided herself on efficiency as well as speed in every aspect of the hunt, so she was already aware of the grounds where she could go to acquire what was needed.

Besides... it wasn\'t as though he asked her for something difficult.

True to her word, she arrived five minutes later with two other rabisu, carrying a cage containing a very large slime inside.

"My king, I apologize for the delay." Stheno said as she lowered her head.

"What are you apologizing for? You arrived exactly when you said you would, Stheno."

"Untrue. I was unfortunately five seconds behind my predicted five minute deadline."

Abaddon merely rolled his eyes and had the rabisu set the slime on the ground while he removed Lillian\'s bones from the briefcase.

"Are you truly going to resurrect her right here?" Asmodeus asked.

"I am... though I will more than likely be exhausted afterwards." He admitted.

"That won\'t be a problem, right?" Yara said with a smirk. "After all our dear Lillian will have a new body and I\'m sure that she and the rest of your wives would love to help you recover."

"M-My lady!" Even though Lillian was currently inside of a massive black blade, one could swear they could see traces of a blush on the surface.

Abaddon briefly twitched when Yara\'s words reached his ears as he continued his work.

"Mother... please refrain from making such jokes."

If Yara said that she was not surprised by her son\'s attitude then she would certainly be lying.

She knew him well enough to know that he wasn\'t simply being shy. She also did not believe that he wasn\'t attracted to Lillian based on the amount of times she caught him peeking at her butt when he was a child.

Abaddon laid out all of Lillian\'s remains as best he could and now her full skeleton was lying on the grass.

He gestured for Stheno to hand him the king slime and he placed it\'s body on top of the bones.

Digging his claws into his palm, he allowed a generous amount of his blood to wash freely over the slime, dying it a rich blood red color.


Just like with demons, Abaddon\'s blood had the power to increase the potential of monsters.

Unlike regular slimes, king slimes have the ability to shapeshift into other forms.

They can turn into inanimate objects, but they can also take the shape of living and freshly dead creatures after \'tasting\' their body so to speak.

But with Abaddon\'s blood increasing this monster\'s potential, \'freshly dead\' no longer applied, and this slime could now mimic anything as long as it had sufficient DNA to study.

The gelatinous body of the slime began to wiggle and squirm as it greedily coated all of Lillian\'s bones.

A change began to occur, and by peering inside one could see mimicked organs, flesh, and tendons being formed out of the red slime.

"C-Can you cover me please!" Lillian pleaded.

Abaddon removed a blanket from the storage ring and draped it over the rapidly regrowing body of Lillian.

After another minute, her body was fully reformed.

"By the gods..."

"This is amazing...!"

"He... really did it."

"Not quite." Abaddon said as he continued to stare at the body.

Almost on cue, the body\'s eyes flashed open and revealed their vibrant green color.

"Glugglugglug!" The slime leapt up from the ground and prepared to attack the being closest to it, Abaddon.

Before it could even land a finger on him, Abaddon reached out and clasped his hand over it\'s face.

Using only the faintest bit of death magic, Abaddon was able to kill the soul inside the body without causing any harm.

The light inside of it\'s eyes dimmed and soon all that was left behind was another corpse, this one perfectly intact and fresh.

Holding out his hand, Abaddon called his sword to him and prepared to remove Lillian\'s soul from her temporary home.

"Are you ready? You\'ll have to tell me if anything feels uncomfortable."

"I-I will! I\'m ready." She said in an emotional tone.

Abaddon\'s sword began to float upwards in midair, and soon a small white soul emerged from the hilt.

In one arm Abaddon held Lillian\'s body, and in another he held her soul.

Taking a deep breath, he inserted her soul into the space between her eyes and began flooding her body with magic.


Lillian\'s body started glowing with a strong green light as a fierce wind was whipped up around herself and Abaddon.

Gabbrielle stirred awake in her grandfather\'s embrace before deciding that she wasn\'t really interested in what was going on and going right back to sleep.

For the first time in his life, Abaddon experienced what it was like to have all of his mana sucked dry.

He poured literally everything he had into Lillian, and for a moment he was frightened that it wouldn\'t be enough.

Luckily, fortune smiled upon him.


There was a flash of white light, and the wind blowing throughout the backyard finally returned to normal.

Abaddon took several deep and shaky breaths as he tried to remain on his feet, when he felt movement within his arms.

Looking down, he found Lillian awake and trembling as she held out her hand in front of her face.

She blinked her eyes several times as if what he were seeing were no more than a mere illusion, and she hesitantly touched herself all over to confirm the truth.

"I-I\'m alive...?"

"That\'s a bit disappointing, Lilli. I told you that I would resurrect you and you didn\'t believe me?"

Lillian finally looked up at the man whose arms she was in and tears immediately began to fall from her face.

"Thank you!"

She displayed almost no rigidity in her new body, and she wasted no time throwing herself at Abaddon to hug him as tightly as she could muster.

Because he was still exhausted from resurrecting her, Abaddon fell backwards onto the ground and brought the newly resurrected nanny along with him.

"A-Ah, I\'m sorry! I was just so excited that I...!" Lillian gradually lost her train of thought as she stared into the dragon\'s hypnotizing mismatched eyes.

This was the first time that Lillian had ever experienced being so close to Abaddon ever since he got his powers, so she was completely unaware of just how strong an attraction she would feel.

Before she knew it, her body was acting on it\'s own and she was lowering her head down to kiss him.


Abaddon placed both of his hands on her shoulders and flashed an exhausted smile. "You do not have to thank me. I told you that I would bring you back and I did."

"Ah... r-right."

Lillian tried not to show it, but she was both embarrassed and disappointed.

Something that Abaddon, who could see emotions, knew very well.

"Lillian you\'re alive!!"

Yara rushed over and pulled the tigerkin woman up from the ground.

The two became locked in a firm embrace as they sobbed over each other uncontrollably.

It had been years since the two of them were able to embrace each other like this, and both women seemed to have missed each other dearly.

Since Lillian was still only wearing a dark blanket as clothes, Yara began pulling her inside of the house to get dressed.

As the two walked away, Abaddon could swear that he received a longing gaze from Lillian and an irritated one from his mother.

Both served to make his mood even worse.

Asmodeus followed behind the girls a moment later, his granddaughter still asleep in his arms.

He also glanced back at his son before leaving, but it was neither judgmental nor accusatory.

As always, Asmodeus seemed to know exactly what was going on, or at least possessed some basic understanding of it.

But for the first time, he didn\'t bother to give his opinion on the matter.

This wasn\'t really something that he felt he should interfere with after all.

Once he\'d left, Abaddon dismissed Stheno and the two rabisu along with her, and flopped back onto the grass with his arms spread out.

"You\'ve been looking at me like you\'ve had something you wanted to say this entire time. So out with it."

The only one who remained in the backyard alongside him, was the golden dragon Helios.

Just as Abaddon had said, Helios had been watching him carefully the entire time he was working, as if he was conducting a job interview.

"Don\'t you know the position you are in is unbecoming of a ruler?" Helios asked annoyedly. "One of my blood should never be seen lying on their back, as if they are-"

"Old man."

Abaddon\'s voice was quite a bit more stern than usual, and contained none of it\'s usual light heartedness.

"I\'m not in the mood. Say what you have to say or leave, I will not take kindly to unnecessary remarks in this moment."

Surprisingly, Helios laughed as if he found Abaddon\'s answer to be hilarious.

"Fair enough! I suppose you would be a bit irritable after the events that have just transpired."

Somehow, Abaddon didn\'t believe that Helios was referring to Lillian\'s exhausting resurrection.

He heard the sound of rummaging and a moment later something small came flying into his vision.

Catching it with his telekinesis, Abaddon\'s eyes went wide when he saw that his grandfather had just casually tossed him a water affinity stone.

"I want to commission you for a job, and that is your payment. I\'ll also give you Seras\' freedom." Helios said plainly.

Abaddon sat up from the ground, and looked at his grandfather dangerously.

"What game are you playing, old man?"

Helios seemed to be offended that Abaddon considered this to be a joking matter, and soon his tone became ugly as well.

"Believe me, this is no game, boy. I want you to bring my wife Rhea back to life."

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