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Chapter 143 The Wives Vs The Phoenixes Pt. 2

Chapter 143 The Wives Vs The Phoenixes Pt. 2

"I know, Mira." Bekka comforted.

"Go with Lisa and have some fun but be careful not to burn yourself." She warned.

Mira\'s eyes lit up like stars and she nodded furiously in agreement.

\'Finally! Mira gets to be cool too!\'

Lisa and Mira nodded at each other before flexing their wings and flying up into the sky.

To protect herself from the flames of the giant birds, Mira encased her arms in ice and began to leak a frosty aura off of her dainty body.

Mira\'s armor was also designed to protect her from the oncoming heat.

As an ice dragon, she was especially vulnerable to fire.

With that in mind, Valerie crafted her daughter a full form fitting body armor minus a helmet.

The materials were mostly a flame retardant leather as well as a breastplate that was made with a combination of stone and ice.

She was just the cutest little warrior you ever did see!

As she flew towards her enemy her face began to slowly change.

Her soft and smooth cheeks suddenly became harder and rougher as sleek white scales formed along her jawline.

Her teeth became pointed and sharp and her eyes that resembled her father\'s lost their childlike innocence.

She joined the demonic warriors on their side in bringing down a first stage phoenix that was proving to be a bit more troublesome than the rest.

The demon\'s were slightly alarmed to see one of their king\'s own daughter\'s fighting on the front lines with them.

"Princess Mira, it\'s dangerous!"

"Lord Abbadon would never forgive us if something happened to you!"

"Please princess, get back!"

Unfortunately, Mira could not hear them.

Her mind was focused on the soul objective of the enemy in front of her.

The demons watched in utter fascination as Mira flew above the great phoenix and tucked in her wings.

With daggers in hand, she turned her body sideways and rotated in the air like a drill as she descended.

With every spin her body was becoming faster and faster until she was no more than an icy blur holding two long daggers.

She got closer and closer to the flaming bird with every moment until the sound of blades cutting through flesh was heard and the phoenix\'s head was separated from it\'s body.

The giant bird fell from the sky and Mira was now covered in blood with a pleased expression. "That was fun!"

The little dragon suddenly felt stares on her back and turned around to see the demons from before all staring at her in some degree of awe.

"What? Does Mira have something on her face?" She asked, completely oblivious to how incredible an act she had just performed.

"The king\'s daughter is every bit as monstrous as the rest of her family." One muttered.

The demons all nodded absentmindedly, unable to forget the spectacle they\'d just witnessed.

\'Monster?\' Mira thought as she tilted her head cutely.


Seeing that Mira was doing well, Lisa turned her attention from her and focused on the row of enemies that were heading directly for her.

As a mature dragon on this battlefield, Lisa had an unyielding regality that could not be ignored by the phoenixes.

It infuriated them to no end and their century long hatred was re-ignited in an instant.

Lisa however paid no mind to the hatred of these beasts and her body began to crackle with a turbulent blue lightning.

With the sound of cracking thunder, she disappeared in a flash, twirling her trident with more expertise than the ocean god himself.

She lit up the sky as she zigzagged from one enemy to another, piercing gaping holes into the heads of the giant birds and killing them with little difficulty and maximum precision.

When she was done she watched as all of the birds dropped out of the sky, never to rise again.

Seeing that she had killed almost thirty enemies in a few seconds, Lisa felt quite proud of herself.

\'Fufufu~ Are you watching, Mira? You still have quite a ways to go!\'


Bekka stared at the approaching bird and smiled.

Now that everyone had been assigned a role, she could finally focus on cutting loose and having some fun of her own.

Bekka split herself into three clones and ran forward at a new, blinding speed.

Onlookers were stunned by her agility that matched even second stage evolved.

"Valerie, little help?!"

"Got it!"

The dwarven woman stomped on the ground and turned the earth in front of Bekka into a rocky stairway.

Bekka\'s three clones ran up the makeshift stairs in unison and used them as a launchpad to meet the opposing Aerin in midair.

Aerin opened her large beak and released a torrent of fiery red flames with the intent of burning up the beastkin and her clones in to a crisp.

Unfazed by the massive wall of flames that were coming toward her, Bekka each made a slashing motion with her claws and something truly strange happened.

The flames gave way and disappeared, leaving only a stunned Aerin who could not understand what had just happened.

Unfortunately, that lapse in concentration made it so that she was just a hair too late to avoid the danger that she could sense yet not see.


The massive bird let out an ear splitting squawk as she felt the pain of parts of her being... erased?

On her back, she had five open wounds in the shape of claw marks that were leaking terrible amounts of blood.

But the worst damage was undoubtedly on her right wing.

Her wing appeared to have been separated somehow.

It was as if the flesh bones and feathers that had made up her wing were cut somehow but Aerin had no idea how that could be possible.

Unfortunately, she had no time to think since she quickly lost her ability to remain airborne and was now doing a nosedive directly towards the ground.


The sound of her house body hitting the ground was like music to Bekka\'s ears as she smiled even wider.

\'She has great instincts, I was hoping I could take her head off!\'

Far from being upset, Bekka relished in the challenge.

She wanted know the full limits of her new evolution and there was no better way to learn than by fighting against a competent and powerful enemy.

Aerin\'s body gradually shrunk down until she returned partially to her human appearance.

Her vibrant red feathers framed her face perfectly and would have made her look beautiful had her expression not been one of utter agony.

Her back was still bleeding furiously and part of her right wing appeared to have been cleanly sliced off.

Bekka and her clones landed nimbly on the ground and came face to face with her opponent.

A scent wafted into Aerin\'s nose and her expression contorted from one of pain to one of hate.

"A dragon\'s whore... How unexpected." The phoenix spat on the ground to illustrate her vehement disgust.

Contrary to what Aerin expected, Bekka did not get upset by such a cheap provocation and instead her three clones nodded in satisfaction.

The statement was not an untrue one as she was a great many things to Exedra.

She was his wife, confidant, dear friend and, as Aerin had stated, his whore. She took great pride in knowing that her body was the property of such a man as her husband.

Aerin did not understand why Bekka suddenly looked pleased but it only added to her fiery irritation. "I will see to it that he does not find your corpse intact!"

The phoenix\'s aura exploded, sending out a wall of smoldering flames with the intention of swallowing Bekka whole.

Unfazed, Bekka sank into the shadows beneath her and disappeared without a trace.

Like dragons, phoenixes have an almost symbiotic connection to their flames. As such, Aerin knew she hadn\'t hit anything.

When the fire dispersed, Aerin narrowed her eyes when she saw that neither Bekka nor her clones were anywhere to be found.

Within the shadows, Bekka felt the most at home.

The ability to see within the silence and hear within the nothingness was a feeling of elation that only the most gifted of darkness affinity users would get to experience.

From below, Bekka watched as Aerin encased herself in a dome of flames, trying to cut herself off from the possibility of any surprise attacks or ambushes.

\'She looks a bit lonely~\' Bekka thought mockingly.

Within the shadows, Bekka\'s body shifted and changed until the beautiful warrior goddess from before was no more and in her place was a ferocious looking black wolf with three eyes.

Evolution seemed to have affected this aspect of her power as well. Bekka could clearly feel the difference in power as well as the noticeable height increase she\'d gained from evolving.

Aerin suddenly felt chills run down her spine.

She looked around her large dome and saw no signs of a threat, yet she could not shake the clear feeling of worry that seemed to permeate her bones.

\'Where could that bitch be? I don\'t like this..\'

Aerin\'s answer came soon when a giant black wolf leapt out of the shadows at her very feet, it\'s long fangs mere inches away from her neck.

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