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Chapter 122 Mistake

Chapter 122 Mistake

While there were some among the tribe who were dissatisfied with the current line of work they were in, there was nothing they could do about it.

In the pack, strength mattered more than anything and because he was the strongest, his word was law.

However, he was also a good leader.

As such, he recognized that maintaining morale was essential to prevent any dissenters from arising within the clan.

So he was looking for a good opportunity to boost morale while also being productive.

And that was when he saw it.

That brilliant beam of golden light that shot up into the sky.

This worlds signal that a great treasure had come into existence.

He didn\'t recall there being a dungeon in that area, however there have been extremely rare cases of dungeons forming spontaneously.

This was exactly what his pack needed!

A true hunt that would yield great rewards and further increase their strength!

Without waiting for another moment, Canis rounded up all 100 clan members and set off for the dungeon.

He knew the humans who were also nearby would require time to form parties of atleast 1,000 men.

The strength of his warriors could more than make up for the difference in numbers so he just needed to get there first.

Along the way, they of course ran into a few small parties of adventurers but were quick to cut them down.

They would allow no one to stand in the way of their great prize.

Eventually, the tribe entered into an isolated part of the human continent that bordered directly on the demon continent.

The night sky had become strange and distorted, and while there was a city in sight, it did not seem to be particularly crowded.

But what was eeriest about the current setting was the giant tree that was looming ominously in the distance.

"Chief, this is where Hado is supposed to be but…" a warrior said.

Canis didn\'t need him to continue. He\'d been here before but he\'d never seen any scenery like the one before him now.

"Let\'s go forward. Be on your toes." He said as he drew his weapon, an extremely long katana that was nearly his same height.

The pack followed suit and soon all 100 warriors were stalking through the grass and approaching the dreamlike city.

Standing beside Canis were his two sons, Ushio and Ferra.

The pair were their father\'s pride and joy, the value he placed on them was immense.

Even if they never measured up to their younger sister, they were willing to kill while she wasn\'t.

Such a thing was invaluable in the long run.

Canis suddenly felt his senses scream danger when he sensed multiple powerful auras in the city before him.

"Damn it.. Get ready!"

In their haste to claim the treasure waiting for them, the pack neglected to conceal their auras and it cost them the element of surprise.

The warriors immediately came to a screeching halt and waited.

A few moments passed, but eventually there was movement.

Though it was the kind they least expected.


Flying high into the sky was an enormous swarm of demons.

At first glance, their numbers were atleast 1,000.


Suddenly, the gates to the city of Hado burst open and three very large demons led out another 1,000 soldiers.

However, this was not enough to scare the proud warriors of the Osa tribe.

They\'d been in tougher spots before and come out in decent shape.

Sensing that none of the enemies before them were evolved also did wonders for their confidence.

However, Canis was not so convinced.

Those frighteningly strong auras he\'d felt before were not among the two divisions of demons.

At a second glance, he also noticed that these demons while menacing were not aggressive.

He also could not recall any demons that looked quite like these.

They had demonic features, yet they were as beautiful as vampires.

Were it not for their lack of horns and tails, he would\'ve mistaken them for sex demons.

The demons came to a halt around 40 yards away from the invaders and Canis used that moment to ask his burning questions.

"Who are you? What have you done to the city?!"

The three demons in the lead did not respond, showing blatantly that they held no respect for the man in front of them.

Canis and his sons growled at this display of disrespect and pointed their weapons at the silent demons. "If you will not speak, we will simply mow through you to claim our prize!"

All of the tribesmen behind him followed suit and pointed their weapons at either the demons in front or the ones above.

"You will do no such thing." A cold feminine voice spoke.

Suddenly, the demons on the ground began to stir.

One by one, the demons all parted way for the arrival of a woman the tribe recognized very well.

"Bekka?" Canis asked in surprise.

Standing in front of him wearing glittering black and silver armor was his youngest child and only daughter, yet she looked colder than he\'d ever seen her.

Her entire demeanor had changed from the last time he\'d seen her at her husbands birthday party so many months ago.

She was almost an entirely different person.

Immediately, he could not help but be reminded of her mother and a great sadness welled inside of him.

"The prize you seek has already been claimed. Leave immediately or you will be killed." She said coldly.

"What a joke!" Ferra laughed.

"The one who gets sick at the sight of blood is going to kill her own family? Laughable!" Ushio mocked.

Fits of laughter rang out amongst the beastmen as they were all familiar with Bekka\'s infamous little \'weakness\'.

However, the demons behind her began to get agitated.

"You dare? The price for laughing at our lady is a heavy one." Absalom growled.

Exedra had explicitly told them that his wives and children were to be treated the same as he, which meant an insult to his wives was also an insult to them.

And ancient demons like the Rabisu do not take insults lightly.

"It\'s alright, Absalom. I simply need to reintroduce myself." Bekka smirked.

Bekka\'s voluptuous body sank into the shadows beneath her feet and disappeared.

She hadn\'t learned much yet from her training with Audrina, but she\'d learned enough to send a message.

Canis and his sons became confused when Bekka\'s aura and presence completely disappeared.

If the nine tailed fox thought he was only in for two surprises today, he widened his eyes at a third.

He recognized this trick well.

It was the same one Bekka\'s mother used to defeat him when they first met.


A bloodcurdling scream came from behind him and he turned around in shock to see his daughter with her claws embedded in the neck of a burly warwolf man.

"Let me reintroduce myself…" She said coldly as she watched the blood spurt out of the man\'s neck.

"I am Bekka Draven, wife to the demon king of lust and the ruler of these lands. You are intruding into our home and it is very much unappreciated."

She let the man\'s body fall leisurely to the ground and licked her claws to clean them of blood. "The only reason you all were not killed on sight was because I asked for him to spare you. I will not do it again."

When the shock from her actions finally sank in, Canis found himself even further surprised by her words.

"Demon lord? What about the fourth prince??" He had assumed Bekka had simply come here to claim the legendary item, yet now she was claiming this was her home and her husband was a demon lord?

He did not have the slightest understanding of what was going on anymore!

"Not that it\'s any of your business, but they are one and the same."

Bekka walked leisurely through the crowd of beastmen untouched, they immediately parted way for her whenever came close.

The looks of ridicule and mockery she received before were no longer present and instead there was only awe.

However, one gaze was different from the rest.

Instead of moving, one warrior in the tribe stood directly in her way and stared at her with eyes blazing with lust.

Bekka recognized the individual in front of her and felt her stomach churn at the look he was giving her.

"I suggest you avert your eyes, Gnash. It would take little effort to pluck them out."

The beastman in front of her smiled wider at such a provocation and felt his blood boil in excitement.

Gnash and Bekka were old friends.

He had always saw her as an extremely attractive individual, even when they were children. However, her weakness in battle made him unable to see her as more than a potential concubine.

Now that her weakness was clearly erased, he could not imagine a more beautiful woman in his bed.

"I request a challenge with the so called lord of this place." Gnash said mockingly.

Bekka\'s face immediately hardened into a frown and her teeth sharpened. "On what grounds?!"

Challenges in her clan were taken very seriously.

It was one warriors honor against another\'s with the use of weapons, armor, and magic being prohibited.

"For the treasure hidden in this place of course. I assume it\'s currently in his possession." He spoke like it was obvious.

Canis felt his gaze harden at those words but he could not stop him at the moment.

He would simply wait for a later moment and challenge him for possession of the item.


"For your hand in marriage!" Gnash smirked.

Bekka\'s cold expression broke and she stared at the man in front of her open mouthed.

"Wow… There are easier ways to kill yourself you know?"


This wasn\'t the reaction Gnash was expecting.

He was at the party with Bekka and her father all those months ago so he was familiar with Exedra\'s strange spells and skills, but Gnash was a second stage evolved who could\'ve killed even Jeddah easily.

So why did she seem to be pitying him?


A horrible depressing pressure assailed all of the wolves present.

Gnash broke out into a sweat as his large greatsword trembled in his hands.

"I think that means he\'s accepted." Bekka said as she walked past the trembling wolf to stand in front of the demons.

Exedra had allowed Bekka to go out and meet her family at her request, however that didn\'t mean he sent her out blindly.

Like the doting husband he was, he\'d been using hive mind to keep tabs on her through the eyes and ears of the Rabisu.

So naturally, he\'d heard everything.

And he was beyond pissed.

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