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Chapter 58 Loopholes.

Chapter 58 Loopholes.

She scoffed when she heard this.

Obviously he was looking for the power of the strangest element like everyone else who\'s come to bother her about it for the last three thousand years.

That much should be obvious right?

So why was her mind instinctively calling for her to believe this man?

It was like his very words were laced with a sedative that imbued her with the same calm she felt on a cold dark night.

He didn\'t seem to be using a spell and she hadn\'t had any tea so she couldn\'t be drugged.

So what was happening?

"If I answer this question what will you provide me?" She still maintained her queenly aura, yet she\'d begun to show signs of wavering.

"I will give you a taste of what it\'s like to be with me." Exedra looked like he was uncomfortable with the words coming out of his mouth but he had no choice.

He literally had nothing else he could offer her.

"Oh? Placing a high value on your body aren\'t you?"

"I believe I\'m worth it. And I promise never to share the information you give me with anyone else. I also do not plan to inquire about the whereabouts of the former king."

The vampire queen closed her eyes and was silent for a long time.

Exedra did not rush her and simply let her take as much time as needed to find an answer.

He understood that more powerful and influential beings than him had tried and failed to gain this information from her and they offered much better rewards than he did.

Treasures piled to the height of a ceiling, the subservience of an entire race,even an affinity stone, she\'d just about heard it all.

He contemplated using Seducer\'s Hymn to make her listen to him but ultimately decided things such as this were better off not forced.

"The void element…" She began.

Exedra stared at her and opened his ears wide to make sure he didn\'t miss a single detail.

"It\'s main power is nothingness manipulation. The ability to remove energy and matter from existence just by making them go away. It is absolute deletion." She explained.

Exedra nodded slightly, taking in this monumental revelation and asked, "Does it have any weaknesses?"

She smirked when she heard this. "Your grandfather for one."

"The old man?"

"Your grandfathers flames have the power to burn away magic, effectively destroying a spell completely. Even though the void element is powerful it is still, in essence, magic and therefore can be destroyed."

"How come there are no void spells being discovered?"

"Because void magic is the only one of two elements that you must have the affinity to use. Even if someone somehow did find a spell book for a void spell, they wouldn\'t know what they were looking at. And if they tried to use it somehow? They could wipe out themselves and everything within 500 kilometers."

Exedra calmly poured himself another cup of tea. "What\'s the other element then?"

"Hm? It\'s death magic. Don\'t they teach you kids anything nowadays?"

The young dragon fought the urge to roll his eyes when he heard the charming vampire call him a kid.

\'Although from her perspective I guess I am.\' A bitter smile showed up across his face.

Seeing him actually smile for the first time, all apprehension Audrina had about revealing this information totally vanished.

Forget the sex she was supposed to get afterwards this alone made it totally worth it!

She still wanted to have sex though.

"Then how do you gain the void element?"

Audrina sighed. This would be the hardest part for sure.

"Have a darkness that can blot out the light, and is so deep and endless that eventually there is nothingness."


"That\'s all I know. It is the only answer about his power my father ever gave me before he disappeared."

Exedra sat back in his seat and nodded slowly.

Of course things weren\'t going to be so easy and simple for him.

\'Looks like we\'ll have to figure this one out on our own huh Bekka…"

Despite that, he felt like he\'d gained a lot today and was grateful for her help.

"Thank you for everything. I appreciate your help."

"Hmph you just keep up your end of the deal."

"Look at me a moment."

"I haven\'t taken my eyes off you handso-"

"Glimpse of Oblivion."


When Audrina opened her eyes, the two of them were standing in a lavish room decorated with roses.

"What is this?" Audrina flicked the air in front of her with her finger and it cracked and shattered like glass.


Exedra immediately dropped to the ground and clutched his head in pain.

"H-hey what happened are you okay?" Audrina immediately went to his side and tried to check on him but he held his hand up to stop her.

After a minute he was able to rise up off the ground again and get his bearings.

He also restored the pieces of the space Audrina broke and breathed a sigh of relief when he felt his headache lessening.

"This is a space of my own creation. Almost like an illusion but you\'ll feel everything I want you to feel." He explained.

Audrina slowly looked around the space the two were in once again.

While it looked real, it could never fool someone of her power completely and if she wanted, she could leave at any time she chose.

Though as she\'d just seen leaving by force would have serious consequences for the young dragon.

"This isn\'t the deal." She responded with folded arms.

Even though she was extremely tempted, she wanted the real thing not this cheap illusion!

"I said I\'d give you a taste." Exedra responded as he began to shrug off his clothes and Audrina\'s eyes widened.

Not only was his body perfect, but his manhood was much bigger than she\'d imagined and she became slightly fearful.

"I\'m a faithful man so the real thing is reserved for my wives and my wives alone. I will not budge on that for you nor anyone else." he continued as he walked forward her eyes never left his dick that was swaying back and forth with every step.

"But…" He picked her up gently and tossed her onto the bed.

As he crawled on top of her, Audrina began to get aroused and a bit sheepish with the way he was looking at her.

"I\'ll make sure you leave here satisfied."

Audrina wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a provocative smile.

"Prove it."


Audrina gasped when her consciousness drifted back to the real world.

With hazy eyes she looked towards Exedra who was sweating slightly and whose right eye seemed to be twitching.

"T-that was… a taste?"

Exedra chuckled when he heard her sudden question and for a moment, he forgot the pain he was in. "It was."

Exedra wasn\'t joking.

Because he didn\'t want to make this powerful vampire addicted to him, he made sure not to use any of his powers as an incubus or glimpse of oblivion to alter her sensitivity and relied solely on his technique alone.

They were inside of the spell for an entire week before Exedra\'s mind couldn\'t bear the burden of keeping such a powerful soul captive and they left.

But in that time, Audrina had the time of her extremely long life.

Exedra had thoroughly underestimated his own capabilities, as well as the amount of time it\'d been since she was satisfied to such a degree.

"I-it felt so real." She managed to say.


"More than that."

"Then our business is concluded." Exedra shakily rose up from his seat and prepared to leave.

"Oh one more thing." He turned back around to face the exhausted woman.

"Mmh?"Was all she could muster.

"Could I still have those blood diamonds?"

She didn\'t even bother to ask what for and simply pulled a black bag full of blood diamonds from her storage ring.

Only now did he realize the value of what she was going to offer him and he realized with these he could cross one item off his to do list.

Exedra left the still recuperating vampire queen with simple words of thanks before he turned his attention to the bushes a few meters away.

There he could sense three familiar auras and see a pair of wolf ears sticking out.

"Come out girls."

One by one the girl\'s poked their heads out from the bushes and gave Exedra a look like they couldn\'t believe they\'d been caught.

Of course they had to spy on this supposed meeting their husband was attending.

Who knew what tricks that slutty vampire might use to seduce him and steal him away!

Taking a second to chuckle at his wives surprised faces he then took Lailah by the hand.

"Come on it\'s time to get your familiar."

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