
Chapter 130 130 Luna’s Determination

"FIGHT…FIGHT!" she shouted as if to rekindle the fire inside their cold hearts that had begun to accept their fates without a fight. She wanted to inspire them to survive for as long as they could. Even if she didn\'t make it, she wanted at least some of them to make it past this battle.

The soldiers of the Luther family and the remnants of the Special Forces team had teary eyes watching their young lady try so hard. The girl had never backed down in the face of adversity and they were the living witnesses to her struggle over the years. She probably had it the worst out of them all and yet she cared about them so much.

The soldiers and other members of the family resolved to not let a single hair on her head be harmed by the beast. They were willing to be loyal to the family to the ends of time if they survived past the disaster that was encroaching onto them like the silent wind.

While Diana was worried about the people, Luna had only one man in her eyes. He was her world, her reason for survival and her dream for the future. Her longing for her master had long since crossed the threshold of obsession. She was utterly and truly devoted to the man with her very soul resonating with his ambitions and goals. She was dependent on him for her happiness as there was nothing in the world that could arouse her interest if he ever left her behind.

Her heart hurt as if it had been clutched by some evil spirit inside her body as she saw Zach\'s wounded state when he tried to sit with the support of an especially wide tree. He would have slipped on the blood that was spilling from underneath his clothes had it not been for the tree behind him. No one else noticed how poor his condition was because people unconsciously relied on him. He was the savior, the god who had saved the entire Luther family from utter destruction. He had pulled off miracles like the trucks so no one deduced how much he relied on people. He couldn\'t do everything and he wasn\'t all powerful like people assumed him to be. She had seen him suffering for her sake in the past and she was watching him repeat the same thing all over again just because he was harboring a succubus like her who could not stay away from him even if she wanted to.

Luna knew that if the things progressed at the same rate, there was a high chance that Zach would suffer even more at the hands of the beast. He might be captured by the royal family or worse; he might die in order to prevent that from happening. 

Luna knew that if he fell, the rest of the group would scatter like a castle made out of dominoes. 

She hesitated a bit at first but the urgency of the situation helped her determination soar. She had to make a decision now. Or else, countless others might die because of her indecisiveness.

Shaking her head, she threw out all the distractions in her mind and made a decision; a difficult decision but a decision nonetheless. In her mind, it was the best possible option and the only choice that would allow Zach to retain his freedom and spread his wings as he should based on his talent and charisma. She knew that she was the only reason that he had been forced to hold back.

Luna walked towards the place where Zach was sitting with his back against the tree and his eyes staring lifelessly in the direction of the enemy. She sat in front of him on her toes and brought her face as close to his as possible so that the only thing in his vision was her face. There was no forest, no sky, no enemy forces and no monster; only his precious succubus who loved him more than anything else in the world.

Zach was startled at first but he knew that Luna would sometimes act on her impulses. He didn\'t stop her either. He didn\'t know if there would be another chance to experience her touch again. So he let her be.

Luna kissed him fiercely as if it was the last thing she wanted before the world came to an end. She drank from the fountain of love until she was satisfied and whispered in his ear slowly in a voice that was softer than silk and sweeter than the purest of wild honeys.

"I love you."

Diana was confused about Luna\'s sudden and impulsive behavior because she had never seen Luna act in such a manner before even though she was already Zach\'s woman. Though she found it strange, she didn\'t feel any kind of jealousy at all. The reason was that she was already planning to do the same before she could lose the chance to even do that due to the current dicey situation.

Zach on the other hand was completely tongue tied after the sudden confession. Although he had relations with Luna and loved her in his heart just as she loved him but the same had never been conveyed in such words between the two. He had always called it \'feeding her\' and she named it her \'food\'.

Before Zach could even try to say a word in response, his attention was diverted by the intense and agonizing pain that shot through his finger.

Zach first took a look at his finger and then at Luna who looked sadder than he had ever seen her before. Her eyes were filled with grief and unwillingness. It was the look of someone who was leaving their home for a long journey that they would not be able to return from. The expressions on her face were akin to the ones Zach usually would attribute to funerals and sad farewells.

Zach had brought Luna into human society and he had seen her change for himself. During the whole series of events, he had never seen such an expression on Luna before. In his heart he could sense that something was wrong with Luna. She was definitely about to do something drastic enough to break his heart into a thousand pieces but he didn\'t know how to stop her. He could see the determination in her eyes and he knew how stubborn Luna could be.

"What are you planning without telling me? Since I am your master, you better listen to me and refrain from doing anything foolish."

Zach looked straight at her face as he tried to figure out what she intended but for some reason Luna turned her face away from him.

"Look at me." ordered Zach with a painful grunt as he held his sides with his hands.

Luna stood up in order to not lose the resolve that she had built with a lot of difficulty. This was the first time that she did not dare to look directly at her master. She was afraid that her resolve would waver if she looked at his face; that she would want to stay with him longer or she might want something more than what she had already received from him.

"Don\'t go. Don\'t do whatever it is you are planning." Zach had already sensed her reluctance to leave so he told her to stop hoping she really would.

Luna finally looked at him but her eyes were clear as if she was already determined. But the longing for her master was evident in all her actions. Her trembling lips, her failing knees, and lack of words all conveyed to him the grief she was hiding in her heart. Still she shook her head with a wistful expression and turned her back towards Zach before walking away.

"YOU…come back this instant. I am ordering you to get back here." Zach ordered Luna using his authority as her master for the first time since he met her but her steps didn\'t even waver. She was resolutely moving in the direction of the beast.

Zach finally understood what she was planning to do and that gave him a bad feeling.

"Don\'t you dare take another step or forget about eating ever again." Zach resorted to threatening once she ignored his orders but nothing worked and Luna left with heavy steps. Zach didn\'t even notice that the patterns around Luna\'s abdomen had begun to change. They looked like they were moving across her pearly skin that glittered under the sunlight like it was made entirely of gems and sunshine.

The pattern spread like the plague ravages through any land in proximity and covered her entire body. She looked like one of those people in his previous world who sported tattoos all over their bodies. These people literally had no space left on their bodies that could get inked; a full body tattoo for short. But these patterns were far too different from the tattoos that Zach was familiar with. 

It didn\'t long before the pattern began to glow red like smoldering coal and began to emit heat that could easily rival the intensity of the heat in blast furnaces used to melt metals and the like. Her body began to catch fire out of nowhere as if the fire was coming out of her own body. Everything other than Luna was safe from the fire. It was only her body where the fire was still raging like a stormy sea.

The flames dancing on her body weren\'t red like the pattern that had taken every part of her body. Instead they were of blue color like the purest sapphire. They were beautiful but were likely more dangerous than any fire within the reddish spectrum.

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