
Chapter 49

Seo-joon\'s head tilted slightly at the words of the mentor who shouted in surprise.

But the mentor shouted again, just like a child making a fuss.

< I! I checked Kim Seo-joon\'s information before reporting to the director about Kim Seo-joon\'s lack of ID. By the way... >

And a word from the mentor that follows.

< No. >


< There is no information about Kim Seo-joon at our transcendent academy. >

Seo-joon could not understand the mentor\'s words for a moment.

no info? Then how did you sign up and how did you listen to the lectures in the meantime?

Is there a separate section for non-members?

Seojun asked his mentor.

“You don\'t have my information? What do you mean by that?”

< Literally, there is no Kim Seo-joon in the member information registered at the Transcendent Academy. >

“So... are you saying that I am not a member of the Transcendent Academy? No, then how was I able to listen to the lecture during that time?”

< I mean! >

Then the mentor shouted and continued as if he thought the same thing.

< Because Transcendence Academy is strictly operated on a membership basis, you cannot attend lectures unless you are a member. They didn\'t even contact me in the first place. But how did Kim Seo-joon... >

In a word, he meant that he didn\'t even know.

Seo-joon asked the mentor again, wondering what the situation was now.

“Didn’t the director of the Transcendent Academy say anything? I heard you reported it yourself.”

< Yes. I reported directly. But... >

Mentor shook his head softly.

< Even the director didn\'t know what it was. >


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

Of course, Seo-joon did not know who the director of the Transcendent Academy was.

However, it was not difficult to guess that it was definitely a huge existence.

And the fact that the director of such a transcendental academy didn\'t know that no one at the transcendental academy knew.

Seojun asked in case he wanted to.

“Could it be a system error?”

< No. There is no such thing as a system error at Transcendent Academy. As long as it doesn\'t change cause and effect. However, the causal relationship does not change under any circumstances. What I muttered was…” < Ah… that’s just unbelievable. It was a figurative expression. Haha... >

And then, the mentor scratches the back of his head and smiles awkwardly.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-jun realized that further questions were meaningless.

It is also true that the transcendent academy has been operating for a long time.

It transcends the definition of simply being long and has been operated for an unimaginable amount of time with human reason.

And during that time, there must have been various incidents and accident problems.

< What the heck is this going to be... >

But this unknown phenomenon was like meaning that it had never happened during that long period of time.

< The director has signs of someone intervening. Because you said this? But we still don\'t know who it is and how it can be... > It was only

then that Seo-joon was able to recall once again that he was making a fuss about being a mentor.

Seojun asked his mentor.

“Then what about me? Are you going to be expelled?”

If that wasn\'t the case, there wasn\'t much reason to make a fuss about it.

Above all, the mentor had just told me that the transcendent academy was strictly operated on a membership system.

However, Seo-joon was not a member after all, and the result was clearly expected.

< Yes? Is it expulsion? Suddenly, what do you mean by that? Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon simply told him what he had just thought. < No no! Haha I think you had a misunderstanding. >

Then the mentor smiled lightly and waved his hand.

And before Seo-joon could ask anything back, the mentor immediately continued.

< This is our problem, not Seojun Kim\'s. Ironically, it has nothing to do with Seojun Kim. So... When I just said it was a big problem, I meant it was a big problem on our side. >

< And expulsion is not out of the question! You said it before. Once a member, forever a member! If Kim Seo-joon doesn\'t give up, our transcendent academy won\'t give up either! An uplifting mentor. Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon thought for a moment. In fact, Seo-jun thought that not having an ID was just a simple system error. However, the mentor asserted that it could never happen, and there are traces of someone intervening. said this. In a word, it means that this was deliberately done with intention and purpose. \'Who the hell?\' I didn\'t know who that being was. However, if he was enough to deceive the attention of the Transcendent Academy, he would certainly not be an ordinary person. More than anything. \'Why me?\' Why did you choose Seo-jun as the target? Seo-joon was really nothing until he met the transcendent academy. Nothing special or special. An ordinary professional hunter wannabe who was just busy living day by day. Various questions came to mind, but Seo-joon soon let go of his thoughts. Maybe it was just a coincidence, and it wasn\'t something you could know even if you were thinking about it right now. Seojun raised his head again and asked his mentor. "Anyway, that means there\'s not much going on right now, right?" < Yes! Kim Seo-joon just needs to keep doing what he is doing now! Ah, it seems difficult to create an ID until the cause is found. >

The mentor looked apologetic, but Seo-jun did not pay much attention.

That\'s because he didn\'t have an ID, so there was no inconvenience.

At best, a transcendental mock exam elective subject error.

And to the extent of not being able to leave a comment in the community ‘Chatting of Beginners\'?

There was nothing uncomfortable about listening to the most important lecture.

Still, it was a bit disappointing that I couldn\'t leave a post in the community, but I was able to check the post like now, so there was no big problem.

Either way, no problem whatsoever.

“Then let’s move on to that issue.”

Seojun shrugged once.

< Yup! Then let\'s get back to the main topic! >

Then the mentor also clapped his hands together with a vigorous answer as if he had the same idea.

< Let\'s see... Kim Seo-joon\'s remaining free pass period and lecture progress... >

Then, he started manipulating Seo-jun\'s smartphone here and there.

< Remaining period until member\'s free pass ends: 2 days >

< Chiron lecture progress rate 94.9% >

< Sakyamuni lecture progress rate 15.5% >

< Hangwoo lecture progress rate 100% >

< Merlin lecture progress rate 19.9% >

He looked up and opened his mouth again.

< Usually, the curriculum at our transcendent academy is \'introductory-beginner-intermediate-advanced.\' It is broadly divided into four categories. And it can be seen that Seojun Kim has just taken the introductory stage. >

Then, as if thinking about something again, the mentor was silent.

While repeating the mentor\'s words, Seo-joon asked the mentor out of curiosity.

“If the curriculum is ‘beginner-beginner-intermediate-advanced\'... will you become a transcendentalist when you complete the last advanced level?”

< Yes? no. It can\'t be. There are still many courses left after advanced level. >

Then, the mentor shook his head resolutely and answered.

“Then why...”

< From advanced levels, our advice is meaningless. Those who have completed the advanced level are all those who have reached a certain level , so it is more efficient to train alone according to each individual\'s personality. They say it\'s hard In a sense, it would be correct to see the post-advanced stage as the true beginning . Seojun shook his head. < Anyway, Kim Seo-joon has to go to beginner level now... Will you continue to use a spear as your main weapon? >

“Yes. I think the window fits best.”

The mentor nodded once as if he knew that, and then went on to speak.

< Once the free pass period ends, you will have to purchase the free pass again. As you know, a free pass is required even for the lecture of instructor Sakyamuni. >

Seo-joon nodded without any objection.

< And if you buy a free pass, now you have to take individual lectures... >

Then the mentor fiddled with his smartphone a few times.

A notification window pops up.


『[If you do this exercise, anyone can achieve 3 to 500 tons. (Instructor: Hercules)]]

『[The first step towards transcendence is from footsteps. (Instructor: Jang Sam-bong)]

< If you complete this lecture, you will learn \'Divine Power [S]. \'. >


< It would be nice to listen to these two! >

Seo-joon looked at the two lectures and asked the mentor.

“Aren’t you learning how to practice mana and how to sing?”

< Um... that\'s an intermediate level curriculum. Of course, you can just listen to it... but it\'s good to learn at that time with my personal recommendation. In the introductory-beginner section, it\'s easier to do later when you have a solid foundation. >

At the mentor\'s firm advice, Seo-joon silently nodded.

If the mentor says so emphatically, there must be a reason for that.

Above all, even if Seojun said so, he could not afford to listen to the lecture of Jecheon Daeseong, which cost 27 billion won.

No matter how much the mentor\'s advice is just advice, it\'s training anyway, so it\'s Seo-joon himself, but right now, it seemed like it would be better to follow the mentor\'s advice.

Seojun immediately checked the price of the two rivers.

< Calculating the causal rate and measuring your proper tuition fee... >


< Course fee: 2000000000 ? >

< Course fee: 2500000000 ? >

Prices measured at 2 billion and 2.5 billion respectively.

At a total of 4.5 billion won, it was a very cheap amount considering what you get upon completion at a formidable price.

“Considering the price of the free pass... you must have a lot of money.”

However, it was a price Seo-jun could not even dream of.

< Yes. So you really have to collect causal consistently. Oh, is there a way to do causal farming separately? >

“Causal farming?”

< Uh... so... how do I explain this? In one word, cause and effect... Well, to put it simply. >

The mentor then began a lengthy explanation.

It\'s easy to explain, but complicated words have been pouring out, but in the end, I\'ll summarize it in one word.

‘Is there a way to make a lot of money?\' was

And Seo-joon, who was still a student, didn\'t know how to do that.

Understanding this far, Seo-joon immediately asked his mentor.

“Hey, mentor. What exactly does causation mean?”

If you think about it, the word cause and effect is really ambiguous.

Right now, they are talking about money, but from the standpoint of the transcendent academy, Earth\'s money was useless.

In the first place, money was just a virtual value created by humans on Earth.

When I think of beginners in other dimensions, the idea of ‘money = cause and effect\' was not the right idea.

< Our Transcendent Academy can intervene with students. In a word, it\'s justification. >

And the mentor\'s puzzling answer.

“A reason? Then, what does the Transcendent Academy gain from that justification?”

Seojun kept asking.

< No. >

The mentor gave a stern answer.


For a moment, Seo-joon felt as if he had lost his mind.

And as if seeing through Seo-joon\'s feelings, the mentor immediately added words.

< Our Transcendent Academy only serves to help students become Transcendental. >

“Why... what is the reason?”

In response to Seo-jun\'s careful question, the mentor\'s expression began to change rapidly.

The atmosphere, which was always full of playfulness, suddenly disappeared, and a serious atmosphere, as if something heavy was weighing down, flowed.

< Currently, this is the information I can intervene with Seo-Jun Kim. > < So, this is the information I can inform Seo-Jun Kim. So come up. Then you will naturally understand the meaning of what I am saying . Seojun looked at such a mentor and slowly opened his mouth. “Can I ask you one more question?” < As much as I can answer! >

“Are there other students besides me?”

< Of course there is. >

Then the mentor\'s words immediately followed.

< You can tell just by looking at the community, right? >

However, the moment Seo-joon opened his mouth again at the words of his mentor, who was getting discouraged.

< But what Seojun-nim is asking is a question of whether they are in the same dimension, right? >

The mentor immediately added, as if penetrating Seo-jun\'s heart.

Seojun kept his mouth shut and waited for the mentor to speak.

< This is a bit ambiguous... but I can tell you this far. >

And a word from the mentor that follows.

< Among the many dimensions that use our Transcendent Academy, 4 are the most Transcendental students. >


Afterwards, Seo-Jun talked about various things with his mentor.

Since I had already asked about all the important things, it was practically nothing more than small talk.

< Looks like I have to go now. >

After such a long time, the mentor prepares to leave.

“Oh. Mentor. Please let me know how I can contact you before you leave.”

< Oh, I almost left this time too. >

The mentor hit his head once and manipulated Seo-jun\'s smartphone.

< If you look here, there is a 1:1 consultation item, right? If you leave a message here, I will be back within a week at the latest! >

“A week at the latest...?”

Isn\'t that too late?

< Haha, Seojun Kim isn\'t the only student I\'m in charge of... >

However, at the mentor\'s words, Seojun nodded in agreement.

< Then you are training hard! >


The mentor who left.

After staring blankly at the space where the mentor disappeared, Seo-joon turned his gaze back to his smartphone and searched for the lecture recommended by the mentor once again.

『[If you do this exercise, anyone can achieve 3 to 500 tons. (Instructor: Hercules)]]

『[The first step towards transcendence is from footsteps. (Instructor: Jang Sam-bong)]

< If you complete this lecture, you will learn \'Divine Power [S]. \'. >

“This is a beginner\'s class...”

Seo-joon could only laugh.

Two more days passed like that, and the free pass period finally came to an end.

< Chiron lecture progress rate 96.9% (+2%) >

< Sakyamuni lecture progress rate 15.5% >

< Hangwu lecture progress rate 100% >

< Merlin lecture progress rate 19.9% >

Unfortunately, I was not able to complete Chiron\'s lecture.

Now that the transcendental mock exams were over, the only thing I could do was to increase my daily average by 1% through dungeon raids.

It was regrettable, but Seo-jun didn\'t care too much because he was able to complete it at the next free pass.

The important thing now is the price of the free pass.

Seo-jun immediately checked the price of the free pass.

< 500000000 ? >

The measured price was 500 million won.

“It\'s expensive...”

The price was unbeatable for 30 million won obtained through steady dungeon raids.

Still, it was cheaper than individual classes.

Above all, considering the Shakyamuni lecture, it is safe to say that the price is cheap.

Even though the progress rate was only 15%, the only thing that went to Lv.2 in the mock test was mental.

I don\'t know, but if Shakyamuni\'s lectures were individual lectures, tens of billions would not be enough, but hundreds of billions.

“In addition, Merlin\'s lectures are also quite helpful.”

In that sense, the first thing Seo-jun had to buy was a free pass.

After that, individual lectures recommended by mentors.

“In the end, it\'s money again...”

And the way Seo-joon can get a share of money in the near future is none other than the Hunter Mill Mock Test.

A whopping 1 billion won in scholarships given to students with excellent grades.

Of course, the excellent grades here meant the first place in grades.

That\'s why Seo-joon prepared mock exams more desperately than anyone else, and time passes quickly again.

[Hunter Meal Mock Test held! The largest number of participants ever!]

The long-awaited day of the Hunter Meal Mock Test has arrived.

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