
Chapter 414 Tunneling to Victory

Chapter 414 Tunneling to Victory

Such were the advances that Tia had provided to his physical vessel. After all, with the Germanic Star-Empire\'s current level of technology, the flesh was just that a vessel to contain consciousness. Hell theoretically Tia could upload her master\'s consciousness into an androids\' form, but Erich appeared to enjoy the vice that came with having a body built from flesh and blood.

With a Brigade of Airborne Infantry at his back, Erich was able to effectively cut down the bugs who were native to the planet, and lead a strike directly onto the nesting grounds, where the winged insects were spawned.

The moment the nest became visible not only to himself, but by proxy all of the galaxy who watched from the broadcast of his helmet cam, Erich gave the orders to terminate it. And thus, hopefully clear up part of the atmosphere which was currently littered with the bodies of bugs.

"Alright boys, bring the charges and place them here, here and here. After we light this candle, we need to bail as quickly as possible or else we will be caught in the blast!"

Evidently, Erich had ample experience with explosive charges. Which was to be expected, judging by the large black number 7 inscribed on his right pauldron. After all, proficiency with demolitions was a requirement to become one of the most elite members of the vaunted WRAITHs.

Once the charges were placed, Erich ordered his men to get clear from the tunnels, where upon reaching the surface and eventually the safety of their current outpost, Erich triggered the explosive remotely.

The explosion was vat, almost like a thermonuclear warhead which had been detonated beneath the surface. It not only engulfed the nest, but spewed fire and death out of the tunnels entrances, collapsing the tunnels that existed beneath the outpost, and sending ground quakes across the surface of the world.

Naturally the death of the nest, and the queen within, meant that the insectoid race had just lost millions of their hive, and it was not just Erich\'s brigade that accomplished this. Rather, inspired by the fearless charge of their Emperor, every other Airborne Brigade that was near a nest led their own charge at the same time.

All cross the planet nests were cleared, and tunnels were collapsed, leading to a significant change in the surface of the world whose crust had largely been turned into one giant hive. The damage was extensive to the enemy and cleared up the skies long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

Finally, the armor, artillery, and drills that the Germanic Army and Marine Corps needed to pierce through the crust and take the fight directly to the bugs had arrived. When Erich saw the weapons that Tia had designed specifically to tunnel through hive worlds, and eliminate the Naraku, he almost had a look of pride on his face.

Not that anyone could tell. Behind his opaque and jet black visor, that projected a golden skull via the use of holograms. Nobody could tell just what expression Erich was making at the moment. Only he knew.

Once the armor and reinforcements had landed on the world\'s surface, Erich gave the order to begin a second assault.

"I want those drills online and ready to dig within the hour! The enemy may be expert tunnels, and may have a system of tunnels that stretch across the world\'s surface, but they\'re not the only ways capable of performing such feats.

If they intend to ambush us when we breach through the tunnels they have made, then we will simply make our own! For Humanity! For the Empire!"

The troops that surrounded Erich, who were now a division worth in total all saluted the man and responded the last part of his brief speech back to him.

"For the Empire!"

They then quickly got to work, making sure the drills were online and functioning properly, before digging into the surface, holes that were large enough for the armored convoys to follow behind, and for the infantry to support. Where once more Erich would lead the charge in any engagement he and his troops found themselves in.


Lunaria and Daelia were both watching the broadcast while on a call of their own. By their side were their daughters, both of which sat silently as they knew their mothers were pissed at them for seducing their husband.

Regardless of how angry Lunaria and Daelia were towards Erich, they had to admit. It had been a very long time since a galactic leader of any significant degree of power had led his own forces into battle. After all, such a thing was dangerous beyond reason, and even the Elves, with their immortal lifespans and resurrection technology, did not dare make such ventures.

The two women sat in silence fawning over their man, that is until Celestia eventually broke the silence, her words were carried across the holo communication frequency with a tone of admiration within them.

"He really is something, isn\'t he?"

Without even realizing it, Lunaria, Daelia, and Sinaria all nodded their heads and spoke the exact same words at the same time.

"He sure is…"

The Leaders of the Elves were not the only ones watching this broadcast. Much of the galaxy watched and observed the Germanic assault on the insectoid worlds. After all, even though the current major players in the Milky Way were more or less united, the alliance was one built on a common enemy, rather than shared interests. And there were many who wanted to know what exactly the extent was of the newest Galactic Power\'s military capabilities.

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