
Chapter 388 Fire and Blood

Chapter 388 Fire and Blood

Erich had been thinking about a particular issue for a very long time. And had long since continued in the efforts of his predecessors. In fact, ecalating the level of espionage in that particular area of space that the rest of the galaxy seemed entirely uninterested in.

I\'m talking of course about the Confedertion of Human Worlds, better known as one of three human governments, one which currently occupied Earth. A world which both the Germanic Star-Empire and the Heavenly Domain laid claim to.

Of course, the Heavenly Domain had yet to actually make contact with Erich in this timeline, and was still islolated in their own sector of space. Wheras the Confederation of Human worlds was unware of the existence of either the Germanic Star-EMpire and the Heavenly domain.

And though the Confederacy was unaware of the Empire\'s existence, the same could not be said for the other way around. In fact, the GSEhad long since infiltrated the Confederacy, emplacing its agents at the top of the loose collection of worlds, and the corporations which ruled over them.

Erich had of course increased these efforts in preparation for an important day. A day which his people had looked forward to for five centuries. Until now it was merely a distant dream for the Empire to reclaim the homeworld of their race.

But now that Daelia had shifted sides and joined the Empire and the Dominion in a temporary alliance, one whose intent was to merge into a single galaxy spanning Empire. This meant that Erich could make a request of the Dark Eleven Shadow Queen.

And this request was the exact reason that he had called this meeting. Thus with a cool and indifferent expression on his face, almost as if the request he was about to make was some small matter to him and his people, despite it being anything but. Erich asked away.

"Daelia, I called you and your older sister here to discuss a matter, one that is deeply important to my people. I am sure you know what I speak of. The protection which the Svartalfheim provides to the Confederation of Human Worlds... Rovoke it!"

Everyone here knew that the only reason the Federation was protecting the Confederacy was to spite the Dominion and its rising subordinate the Empire. Or one could say that had been the case for the last few centuries.

But the Empire was now its own power, and the Federation was now in an alliance with it. Because of this, Daelia would really have no reason to continue to provide protection to the Confederacy.

And despite understanding this herself, she was concerned with the route Erich would take in regards to this matter which was so important to his people. Which she was quick to ask about, albeit with a bit of hesitency in her voice.

"Erich... If I do that... What exactly do you plan to do with the Confederacy?"

There was a particular hint of disdain and hatred in Erich\'s eyes and voice as he spoke. Spoke about what would happen when Daelia revoked her protection for the Confederacy. It was clear after his visits to the region, he held nothing but contempt and disgust for the Confederacy and its people.

The hatred that he and his people felt for humanity needed to be quenched, and there was only one way to do it. Through Fire and Blood. Which is the exact sentiment that Erich expressed as his holographic projection stared Daelia straight in her golden eyes.

"What do I plan to do with the Confederecy? Well Annihilate it of course. Those cretins drove my people from our lands centuries ago. We have never forgotten how they attempted to destroy us, and our culture. We have also never forgiven them for it.

In my youth I wondered whether or not the Confederacy deserved to be annhilated as our Supreme Leader always said. I was never the most patriotic of children, the Empire had never given me a reason to be.

But what I saw in that den of depravity when I was given a chance to visit. What goes on there... It is a sin against nature... It spits in the face of my people, and because of this I can not permit to exist.My people are already calling for war, a war of vengeance. A war that was always destined to happen since the moment they tried to destroy us all those centuries ago.

There will be no reprieve, there will be no quarter given. Every man woman and child of that wretched race will be destroyed. Their decadent history burned, their ivory towers brought to ruin.The Earth will be reclaimed, the Earth will be rebuilt, and the Earth\'s favorite children will return.

Even if I was opposed to the idea of destroying the Confederacy, which I am not, it is simply out of my hands. The blood that was shed five hundred years ago as my people bravely fought to flee their imminent annihilation needs to be repaid. And this grudge will not be forgiven so long as one of them still draws breath in this universe."

Daelia sighed heavily, she did not know that Erich had ever infiltrated her quadrant of space, nor that he had personally visited the Confederacy. In truth, she knew very little about the Confederation of Human Worlds, or its blatant disregard for common decency, and basic morality, all in the name of personal freedom, and individual expression.

If she did, she might even be willing to aid Erich in his efforts to destroy it. But the Confederacy also held no meaning to Daelia, and because of this she agreed to lift the protection she had provided to it, a protection the Confederacy did not even know it had.

"Alright... I will revoke the protection which I granted to the Confederation of Human Worlds all those years ago. After all, now that Lunaria and I have.... Settled our differences... There is no reason for such an order to exist. You are also hererby given permission to move your troops through my borders.

Judging by what you have said, your people have most likely long since made your preparations for this war, and judging by the ferocity of your troops, which I have personally paid attention to, I expect this war to be a swift one. One which hopefully you suffer few casualties, if any at all."

Erich nodded his head and thanked Daelia for granting his request. After all, his people were growing more fierce by the day. The desire to shed the blood of those who had tried so hard to destroy them centuries ago, it was a desire deep in the bones of every Germanic citizen.

"I thank you Daelia, you have no idea how much this means to me, and my people. The reclamation of our homeworld will bring many changes to the Empire. It will also mean that I am closer to you from now on, as I plan to move the capital of the Empire back to Earth where it rightfully belongs.I\'m sure we can spend more time together since we will be in such close proximity..."

Lunaria frowned when she heard this. While there was significant distance between Earth and the world of Svartalfheim, it was a distance that could be easily traveled with the level of technology that Daelia had.

For whatever reason Lunaria felt as if she had failed to properly make use of how close she was to Erich\'s current home. And it was only now that she understood this. Or even had the desire to spend more time with the man.

Jealousy was a bitch, and Daelia noticed this, making use of it to further twist the knife in her sister\'s wound with a promise to do exactly as Erich had said.

"That sounds wonderful to me. You hear that Big Sister, our husband wants to spend more time with me, I wonder why he never made such a request of you before now?"

There was an obvious hint of envy in Lunaria\'s golden eyes despite her attempts to deny it.

"Like I care!!!"

This remark caused both Erich and Daelia to laugh together at Lunaria\'s expense, clearly showing that the trio was starting to bond, despite the very complicated relationship they had. However, Erich suddenly changed his tone, speaking of something far more serious for the three of them, something even more serious than the Confederacy.

"The war with the Confederacy will be over before it even begins... But once it is over we will have a far more pressing threat to deal with. Even now they conspire against us, my intelligence has informed me of this. I suppose what I\'m trying to say is that once this war is over, what do we do about the Ghimderi?"

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