
Chapter 386 A Wholesome Albeit Abnormal Family

Chapter 386 A Wholesome Albeit Abnormal Family

But for those who knew, this meant that things would be changing across the Galaxy. For the first time since the breakup of the Elven Empire in a time long forgotten by most of the Galaxy\'s inhabitants, the two surviving sections of that ancient civilization would be joining hands, unifying half of the galaxy under one banner.

This was the inevitable result of this startling news. Nobody knew how it was accomplished, but those who sneered in disdain at the newly emerged Galactic Power known as the Germanic Star-Empire began to understand that its leader was far more capable than previously expected.

After all, the two Elven beauties decided to marry him together, meaning that he was the true mastermind of this sudden and shocking resolution to a conflict that had existed since time immemorial.

And in the coming days, this is exactly what happened. The Alfheim Dominion, and the Svartalfheim Federation officially declared a complete and total end to any and all disputes they had. This included the economic sanctions. Allowing free trade to finally flow through the galaxy, or more specifically, half of the galaxy.

The economic implications of this were massive. Previously Alfheim goods had to be exported to the Asura Cabal, who in turn would export them across the galaxy to the Ennead Theocracy, only for them to eventually end up in the hands of the Federation\'s wealthiest citizens. This also worked in reverse, with the wealthiest citizens of the Dominion doing the exact same.

At first, both Lunaria and Daelia refused to return to their homeworlds. After all, they were in a competition with themselves about who would win over Erich\'s heart. Only to realize that Erich already had a wife and two lovers. All of which he had children with.

This only caused the two women to become more fierce in their competition to become Erich\'s favorite. But duty called, and soon Celestia contacted her mother, stating that her presence was required to further enable the gradual plans for the union of the three galactic powers. Sinarai did the same for Daelia.

Thus after the two ancient and comeptive monarchs returned to their respective domains, and only after Erich could sigh in relief. In fact, he decided to take the day off work, as he sat down on his sofa and sighed in exhuastion.

Ayumi washed Erich\'s feet, in an attempt to help him recuperate. She had long since moved from the Oni Embassy on Germania into the Citadel to live with Erich and Erika. S\'aleth had done the same, and while Ayumi washed Erich\'s feet and gave him a pedicure, the Dvrakian beauty rubbed messaged the man\'s back and neck.

Meanwhile Erika was preparing dinner, and was the first to speak about how troublesome Erich\'s two new wives were.

"Honestly Erich... Is it going to be like this every time you bring a new woman into this home? Because I don\'t know how much more I can take of this!"

In this timeline, Erika had been far more favorable to Erich since the start. And had lived with the man for some time before he proposed the idea of allowing his concubines to live with them.

At first Erika was averse to the idea, but she had to admit after living together for some time with Ayumi and S\'aleth, the three of them had actually become something akin to sisters. This was despite the fact that those two women were dirty aliens.

Erich, of course, sighed heavily and shook his head before responding to this comment, almost as if he was thoroughly exhausted with women altogether.

"Honestly... I think I\'m going to go become a monk.... I only realize now that\'s my true calling."

Erika simply giggled at this before placing the meal that their family would share on the table while commenting on Erich\'s grand plan.

"I know this move was necessary for the future of the Empire, and I am sure you are not simply going to let those two hags have their way. But honestly Erich, you should have expected this. Those two women have hated each other quite literally since our species even came into existence. Did you really believe they would just get along over night?

If anything, you are lucky that they are competing over which one of them is more important to you, although, I\'m not going to lie, I have no idea how you did that..."

Erich sighed, but before he could respond Ayumi finished up with her task, before lecturing the man on his haste.

"I honestly don\'t know what it is your planning, but you really moved too quickly. I mean springing this on the Empress on her wedding day? That was cold. You should have known better."

Despite wanting to plead his case, that it was the only way to make Lunaria agree, Erich knew better than to argue with Ayumi. She may not be the type to get angry easily, but she could pout like nobody else. And the silent treatment was honestly worse than an open display of anger.

Thus, Erich bit his tongue, while S\'aleth and Ayumi washed thier hands from the oils and chemicals which coated them.

"I\'m going to stay out of this one. It is not my place to speak of the matters pertaining to the galactic powers. Instead I\'m going to go fetch the kids so we can all share a peaceful meal together. It has truly been too long since we were able to do that."

This was a sentiment shared by Erich and the three women by his side. Just like S\'aleth had said she fetched the kids. Erich had a child with each of them. With Erika he had Kurt, who had turned out exactly like he had in the past life.

The boy was several years old by now, and could easily run around the house like a rocket. As for his half sisters, there was Aiko the half-Oni, who looked almost exactly like her mother insofar that she had indigo hair and amber eyes, but unlike a typical Oni, she only had one horn directly in the center of her head.

And then there was S\'aleth\'s daughter, someone who unfortunately did not exist in the previous timeline, but Erich was happy to welcome into this one. S\'aleth\'s daughter carried over the S in font of her name, something which represented the clan that the girl and her mother were a part of within Dvrakian society.

The little half Dvrakian was named was S\'hareth. And she looked like a less like a red devil, and more like a stereotypical succubus from 21st century Japanese animation. Insofar as she appeared perfectly human aside from the wings and tail.

S\'hareth had blood red hair and eyes, but pale white skin. She was also lacking her mother\'s horns. The girl was roughly the same age as Aiko, only a few months apart. And like her half sister was wearing an adorable little dress. The children ran up to their father and hugged him while he picked them up in the air and swung them around.

The weariness Erich had moments ago from Daelia and Lunaria\'s fighting had seemingly vanished as he pecked his kiss on the cheek before bringing them over the dinner table.

"There\'s my little rascals. Are you all ready for dinner?"

In unison, almost as if they were a choir, the three kids responded to their father positively.

"Yes, sir!"

This caused Erich to chuckle as he set the kids down in their seats while their mothers prepared the food for them. Erich would ultimately join his family for a nice meal, while contemplating how he would unify the three galactic powers without causing social strife.

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