
Chapter 368 Shadow Queen

Chapter 368 Shadow Queen

"Why must that bitch always be so stubborn... I guess some things never change..."

Yet despite Bixel\'s words which were speaking what was an obvious conclusion to him from the conversation he just had with Lunaria, Daelia was far from convinced, in fact there was a deeply concerned look on her face as she corrected the small, obese, and hideous creature from the Ghimderi Trade Union.

"You\'re wrong.... In the past, Lunaria would have never put a personal relationship with a vassal above maintaining the galactic order. Something is very wrong with the way she is behaving towards the Germanic Star-Empire. And I want to know what..."

Bixel stared at the Dark Elven beauty with a curious and malicious glint in his eyes before expressing his thoughts on the matter aloud.

"You think so? From my perspective, she seemed to be behaving like her normal self. Well, whatever, you know her better than anyone. So I will leave investigating this matter to your discretion.

But remember what that bitch said: any attempt to interfere with her domain will henceforth be considered an act of war. I hope you are willing to bear the burden that comes with provoking a such a devastating conflict..."

Daelia did not immediately respond to this foreboding message, and instead, took a sip from her alcoholic beverage before finally speaking towards Bixel in a hostile manner. Similar to the way Lunaria treated him, but less shall we say outright in provocation.

"You would like that, wouldn\'t you? After all, who else profits from all the chaos and discord in the galaxy, but the Ghimderi Trade Princes?"

Unlike with Lunaria, Bixel was far more cordial with Daelia even when she insulted him to his face, and simply wore a toothy grin, revealing his sharp needle like teeth, as he responded to her hostile comment with a complete and total lie.

"You wound me, my lady... The Ghimderi have only ever supported peaceful endeavors. After all, what kind of monster would put profit over peace?"

Despite saying these shameless lies, the tone in Bixel\'s voice was completely sarcastic, as if saying to Daelia

"you\'re damn right I want you two ladies to have a catfight which sets the galaxy ablaze...."

And Daelia knew that this was what Bixle intended. Thus, before shutting off her communication with him, she left him with one last snide remark.

"You will be the first one I give the good news, should war break out between the Federation and the Dominion..."

After saying this, Daelia hung up on Bixel, before cursing at the man now that he could not hear her words.

"Fucking disgusting gremlin... I hope you and your wretched race burn one day... Sinaria! Did you bear witness to the discussion?"

Immediately after calling out the woman\'s name, Sinaria Bloodwhisper, who Erich had previously captured in his previous life, more commonly referred to by her rank of Grand Inquisitor, stepped forward and bowed her head respectfully to the Federation\'s ancient Shadow Queen.

The blonde-haired and chocolate skinned beauty was quick to confirm that she indeed had heard everything that was stated.

"I have indeed, My Lady... Is there something you wished for me to do in regards to the current situation?"

Daelia nodded her head. She finished the alcohol in her glass before handing it off to Sinaria to dispose of before eventually speaking of her thoughts, and when she did, Sinaria\'s eyes widened in shock.

"Tell me, Sinaria, is that project that I asked you to look after completed yet?"

Sinaria was, of course, stunned by the question. There was only one which Daelia could possibly mean by this. And she was quick to stammer over her words, believing the very notion that she had immediately thought of was too wild to possibly be reality.

"Y...Yo.. You don\'t mean to say that you intend to-"

Before Sinaria could even finish her statement, Daelia was a wicked grin on her pretty face as she confirmed exactly what Sinaria was thinking.

"Indeed... I think it\'s about time I pay these pesky upstarts a visit, and see just how far they have truly come since they first appeared in our little game of chess half a Millenium ago...."

Sinaria immediately tried to protest this decision, not that her opinion about it really mattered.

"My Lady, you can\'t! If you were to leave the Federation, all hell would break loose! Besides... What if you get caught? There are too many unknowns about the Germanic Star-

Empire and their current technological capabilities. For all we know, they might be able to detect even the most minute difference-"

Before she could even finish her statement, Sinaria was interrupted again by the Shadow Queen of the Svartalfheim federation, who insisted on personally visiting the Germanic Star-Empire to engage in espionage against it.

"That is enough Sinaria... I have spent the last one million years ensuring that the federation is around long after I am gone from this universe... Our species may be biologically immortal, but I know better than anyone that nothing truly lasts for ever. A few years away couldn\'t possibly result in a catastrophe for our people!

Besdies, the technology has been perfected, has it not? And though we lost contact with our agent embedded in the ranks of their so called WRAITHs a few years back. Before he disappeared, he managed to provide us with more than enough intelligence on the genetic structure of the Germanic Race for us to create a body for me to make use of.

They won\'t be able to detect any difference between me and the average Germanic female... The only problems I will have will be getting close to this new Supreme Leader as a female... After all, I hear women in Germanic society have yet to be liberated...

Such a backward society, I almost can\'t stand the idea of it existing... But I refuse to take the form of a male, so I have no choice but to find out a way to achieve my goals with my limited circumstances...

Inform the doctors that I am ready to undergo the procedure... And make sure my current body is well taken care of so that when I eventually return, I don\'t have to take the form of a clone, alright?"

Sinaria bowed her head. Though she hated the idea of her people\'s secret ruler undertaking such a dangerous mission herself, Sinaria knew better than anyone that once the woman had chosen a path to follow, there was no convincing her otherwise. Thus, all she could do was sigh heavily and accept her orders.

"Alright, my lady ... I understand. I will make sure the preparations are completed at the first given opportunity..."

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