
Chapter 340 Loyalty to the Empress

Chapter 340 Loyalty to the Empress

In the morning, Erich made his way back to his own penthouse, where he received a message from Yumi, confirming that the Great Oni Empire had pledged itself to the so-called Triple Alliance between the Germanic Star-Empire, the Dvarakian Consortium, and now the Great Oni Empire.

For nearby interstellar civilizations, this was a trouble thought. As two of the regional powerhouses had formed an alliance with a minor power that was within their immediate vicinity. And though it was a well-known secret that there was some form of economic and strategic alliance between the GSE and the GOE. Neither of the two nations had fought side by side in decades, if not centuries.

For these renewed military ties, and the so-called sharing of technology and information. It was indeed a troubling thought for those who existed within the periphery of these nations. Especially since everyone knew about the hawkish nature of the GSE.

So much so that Lunaria actually received complaints from some of the interstellar civilizations that existed within her quadrant of space. Because of this, she had no choice but to contact Hans, and inqurie about the exact nature of this military and economic alliance.

Hans was not exactly the type of man who would indulge the Alfheim Empress in more than he was required by oath to inform her with. But Erich just so happened to be in Hans\'s office, informing him of important strategic matters that he, Tia, and Yumi had been working on.

When Lunaria\'s holographic projection appeared in the room, Erich felt a tinge of guilt in his heart. In his past life, he had promised to marry Lunaria as his only wife, and form an alliance with her that would forever change the dynamic of power within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Instead... He had brought the death and destruction of the entire galaxy upon himself. And no doubt the past Lunaria he had loved must have suffered a terrible fate, as did all the women Erich had come to love.

Lunaria however did not pay Erich any attention as she immediately addressed his superior.

"Hans, my little pet... I have been hearing certain rumors about you building a military alliance with your neighbors... In fact, I have heard certain rumors that you have been terraforming celestial bodies within your borders. But that couldn\'t possibly be true...

After all, if that were the case, it would mean that you have either discovered such technology on your own, stolen it from yours truly, or were gifted it for an act of supreme treason by a rival of mine!

Either way, if you little dogs actually have such powerful tech, then it would mean you would no longer have to wage wars on my behalf, and I don\'t think I am just quite ready to let go of the leash that I have tied to my favorite little puppies!"

Hans had no idea how to respond to this accusation, as it was true that Tia had gifted them with such advanced technology, and they were, in fact, employing it across their rather insignificant borders.

Luckily for Hans, Erich was by his side and immediately acted by kneeling in front of Lunaria\'s projection while assuring her that the loyalty of the Empire was absolute.

"My Empress... I must apologize for being so rude as to interrupt your interrogation to my superior, but I must say that it pains me to hear such allegations lobbied against my people. The Germanic Star-Empire has always been loyalty to yours truly... We would never do anything to break your trust!"

Erich had said something that immediately intrigued Lunaria. What he said was not wholly accurate... The Germanic Star-

Empire was beholden via an oath of fealty to the Alfheim Dominion and whoever its ruler may be.

And while this just so happened to be Lunaria herself, it did not technically mean that the Germanic Star-Empire was loyal to her specifically. It was a subtle distinction, but for an ancient and wise ruler like Lunaria and an obvious one.

She wore a curious smile on her flawless face, as she commanded Erich to raise his head so she could get a better look at this unfamiliar man.

"You... Introduce yourself properly! And show me your face!"

Erich tried not to grin, and instead forced an expression of reverence as he slightly raised his head, revealing his handsome face for the woman to admire. He then properly introduced himself to the woman.

"Field Marshal Erich Jaeger, your highness... I apologize for my earlier outburst, but it wounded my heart to know that you would ever think of your loyal servants such as myself as potential traitors. I just had to say something. If I must be punished for my actions, then I just hope that my Empress does so with justice in mind!"

Erich was not lying about his rank. Over the past three years, he had been promoted to the highest rank in the Germanic Star-

Marine Corps. Which was the branch he was officially affiliated with in this life. For the sake of political power, and to show off his skills, he was given complete command of the Germanic Armed Forces for the sake of the upcoming Terminus War.

However, it was neither his rank, nor his young age at which he was rewarded with such a position that intrigued Lunaria. Instead, it was the fervency in his tone when he claimed he was a loyal subject of hers.

After all, the men of the Germanic Star-Empire were incredibly proud and independent. Lunaria may admire them, but she knew the only thing keeping them under her control was the threat of supreme force. Yet Erich sounded not like a defiant subject, but rather a fanatically loyal one. A man that, while not submissive, knew that she was his empress. And she could not help but find that appealing.

Like Erika, S\'aleth, and Yumi... Erich had just made a far superior first impression on the mighty and ancient Alfheim Empress than he had during his first attempt at life.

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