
Chapter 325 Forging Alliances Part I

Chapter 325 Forging Alliances Part I

But after posting a few selfies along with some bland comments like "Happy to serve", and "Just following Orders" both of which outlined a humble sentiment which would get the public on board with his new public persona. Erich found a string of hate being directed towards Erika.

In fact, he didn\'t know it yet, but the teenage idol was hiding in her room, beneath her covers in a state of depression after accidentally unleashing a torrent of online hate towards herself. Erich sighed heavily and shook his head. This girl really was going to be trouble for him in both lives.

But at least this time around, he was not the object of her hate, but rather desire. Which was a good start. Thus, Erich decided to intervene in the online harassment campaign currently targeting the young idol. After all, she was his wife in his past life, and the mother of his child.

Perhaps it was his sense of guilt for pushing the woman away after his unfortunate joining with Terminus, but Erich felt an intense desire to make up for how he had treated Erika in his past life. And thus without even thinking about it he began typing in her defense.

The moment the Hero of Antares spoke up in Erika\'s defense, everyone immediately ceased. After all, they were giving her shit about her comments towards Erich, and if Erich said he was not bothered by what Erika had said, then the haters had no ammunition left to use against her.

To Erich, this would be the end of his dealings with Erika until she finally came of age. Or so he thought. But the girl in question saw his message, and how he defended her against her haters and immediately became enamored with the man. Moreso than she was when he received his prestigious awards.

Of course Erich did not know this, all he received was a simple direct message from the girl which included only two words.

"Thank you..."


Erika was not the only one who had been attracted by the awards ceremony. In fact, in a nearby sector of space, the Oni Matriarch was having a bottle of sake, while sitting in a bath, and watching a floating projection of the news in the Germanic Star-Empire.

She took one look at the man who was on stage receiving the award and nearly spat out her sake. Though the public of the Germanic Star-Empire may not be aware of the political significance of this event, Yumi was well enough versed in Germanic politics to know that this was no mere awards ceremony. If it was, then the leaders of the Germanic Star-Empire would not all be present. In fact, only the Supreme Leader was obligated to attend such a ceremony.

To those well versed in Germanic politics, such as Yumi, they knew that this was the unofficial crowning of a Prince. To think that she had met this man while he was on his way to the awards ceremony and had actually spent the night in bed with him... This fact caused Yumi to smirk as she twirled her fingers over the top of her bottle.

"Well, isn\'t this interesting? Who would have thought that the heir apparent would be on a commercial flight... It would appear we both had our reasons for being on that starship... But a mutant Prince? In all my years, I have never heard of such a thing before...

Though this does pose an interesting possibility? Unless the man was lying to me, as a mutant, he has no wife... Perhaps I should offer up Ayumi to this man? In exchange for a permanent alliance with the Germanic Star-Empire.

After all, our current alliance is one based solely on mutual interest, but who knows when the Germans will toss us aside in favor of a stronger, more prosperous ally. If that were to happen, our National security would be at stake... What do you think, Nephew? Is the heir apparent to the Germanic Star-Empire not a worthy groom for our little Ayumi?"

Though Yumi was in the sacred hot springs of the Kondo Palace, she was wearing a towel. While her nephew, the Great Oni Emperor, stood nearby, looking in the opposite direction, with a spare bottle of sake in his hands. As if he were nothing more than a glorified butler who was waiting for his master\'s demand to refill her cup. However, at the mention of his only daughter being handed over as a bride to an alien, he could not help but look in Yumi\'s direction with an expression of fury on his face.

"You must be joking! There is no way I would possibly "

It was only a few seconds into his statement that the Great Oni Emperor realized his mistake. He had done the unthinkable and looked in the direction of his Royal Aunt while she was in the bath, who in this timeline had yet to lose control over her dynasty, simply because she had yet to be so shameless with Erich in public.

Because of this, she still held absolute control over the Great Oni Empire, even though it was from the shadows. And by looking over at the woman while she was in the bath, even if she was wrapped in a towel, the Great Oni Emperor had committed a grave sin.

Yumi rose from the bath and clung to her towel tightly to her modest figure. She had a look of fury on her face as she stepped out of the sacred pool, and towards her nephew. Upon seeing this, the man immediately fell to the ground, kowtowing in front of the woman, as if it were his only chance at mercy.

Yet Yumi did not show him such a thing, as she stepped on the back of the man\'s hand, and pressed his face firmly into the wet stone flooring. There was an irksome tone in her voice, as she asked a rhetorical question to the man, yet demanding an answer nonetheless.

"And who exactly gave you permission to gaze upon me while I bathe? Bold... Very bold, nephew.... You do know the punishment for such a thing, or am I mistaken?"

The Great Oni Emperor absolutely refused to look up at his angered aunt, and instead begged, begged as if his life was on the line...

"Please... Aunt Yumi... I did not mean to! It was an accident! I beg you, have mercy! I will do anything!"

This was exactly the comment that Yumi was looking for as she smirked something sadistic before releasing her foot from the man\'s head. While he continued to kowtow, she got dressed in her Yukata, before finally granting the man permission to look.

"You may rise now, Kenji... I will grant you leniency under one condition, and I think you and I both know what that is..."

The Great Oni Emperor raised his head with a bitter expression on his face, as if he had just been forced to eat a bowl of boiling shit. He knew, judging by their previous conversation, exactly what the woman wanted, and could not help but express his unwillingness to relent, even if his life was at stake.

"She\'s just a girl! At least wait until my daughter is an adult before deciding on such a thing!"

Yumi, however, did not look the least bit merciful as she smirked before informing her pitiful nephew of her intentions.

"I never said they should get married now... After all, you know how those Germans are with their ridiculous xenophobia. Not that our species is much better... It will no doubt take a few years of effort on your part to even begin to convince that stubborn old fool to accept such a proposal.

But I happen to know that our little silver prince is far more tolerant of such things. And once our little Ayumi has blossomed into a proper woman, I\'m sure he will not be able to withstand her beauty.

To make up for this grievous offense, you will begin improving relations with our most powerful ally immediately, with the goal of brokering a permanent alliance via marriage between our princess and their "prince." Or I can simply have you executed and go through with this plan anyway.... Which will it be, Kenji?"

When Yumi put it like this, the Great Oni Emperor really had no choice but to relent... As much as he might hate the idea of selling his daughter off to an alien, he knew Yumi would not relent in this regard. And he also knew how valuable his relationship was with the Germanic Star-Empire.

After all, in this timeline, they had yet to suffer catastrophic damage from the Hive Fleet Terminus, making them the most powerful force in the Region. And though the Germanic Star-Empire was classified as a mere Regional Power on the Galactic Index, their military strength was enough to defeat Sub-Galactic Powers, at least when supported by other militaries.

If the GSE were to eventually decide it no longer needed its alliance with the Great Oni Empire, the consequences could be disastrous for the Oni, who had gained regional influence as a result of their alliance with the Germanic Star-Empire.

Thus, he had to admit that although he hated the idea due to his own personal bias, his Royal Aunt\'s proposal indeed had its merits. With this in mind, the Great Oni Emperor let out a heavy sigh and admitted defeat to his aunt Yumi.

"Very well.... I suppose I have no choice..."

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