
Chapter 321 Beginning a New Military Career

Chapter 321 Beginning a New Military Career

The Oni Matriarch had even gone out of her way to make Erich breakfast, which he enjoyed quite a bit... She looked at him with a far more curious gaze than she had done during their first encounter in her past life, before finally broaching the question on her mind.

"That stuff about you being a virgin... That was bullshit, right?"

Erich took a bite from the Oni style breakfast that Yumi had prepared from him and smirked before shaking his head. While assuring the woman that he had not lied to her.

"Technically, it was true... Last night was my first time... But it\'s a bit complicated. I wouldn\'t know where to begin to explain my skills at pleasing the opposite sex..."

Yumi simply smiled and nodded her head, not believing a word that Erich had said as she dug into her own breakfast, but not before making a snyde remark.

"Sure... Whatever you say..."

The two of them ate in awkward silence before Yumi finally broached the subject.

"So, are you on leave? Or did I keep you from your duties?"

Erich did not respond for some time, leaving the beautiful alien woman to pout, until finally he finished his meal and stood up abruptly. He began to head to the door, where he turned around just before leaving with a handsome grin on his face.

"I had a great time last night, your Majesty... But I\'m afraid you have kept me from my responsibilities long enough... I\'m sure that we will meet again soon enough, and I look froward too our little reunion when we do..."

After saying this, Erich pulled his coat off the rack and placed it over his shoulders before leaving the woman behind. Where she sighed heavily, before resting her dainty chin in the palm of her hand.

"Such a tease..."


Erich immediately departed for the Naval Academy, where he attempted to register his name and classes. The officer at the front desk, however, did not allow him to do so. And instead, insisted that he had no record of Erich being accepted as a student at the Academy.

This caused some confusion to Erich until he received a message on is NeuroLink that was encrypted. Once opening the message with the proper security measures, Erich found that it was a summons directly to the headquarters of Military Intelligence, along with a room number for him to enter.

Though Erich had no idea what was going on, and why, things had suddenly turned out so differently from how his father had previously outlined. He decided to do as he was told, and thus immediately departed from the Naval Academy to the headquarters of Germanic Military intelligence.

When Erich entered the headquarters of military intelligence, he was surprised by the courtesy he was being treated with. From the moment he entered the facility, all the enlisted personnel and lower ranked officers saluted him as if he were a superior officer. And it was not until he was in the briefing room, where an unknown voice called out to him.

"Lieutenant Erich Jaeger, am I correct?"

Erich looked behind him to find a young mutant woman, who had striking purple hair and teal eyes. However, when she spoke to Erich, her words served only to confuse the man.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Captain Katherine Henzler of Military Intelligence... Due to the classified nature of your identity, I have been assigned to assist you in your operations... Is something the matter?"

There was a curious look on Katerine\'s stern face as she questioned the weird expression that Erich was giving her. Which the man was quick to address.

"I\'m sorry... I was told that I would be spending the next two years undergoing WRAITH training? What exactly am I doing here?"

Katherine quickly looked at her NeuroLink and the information she had been given before expressing the discrepancy...

"It says here that you\'re already certified as a W-7, and at such a young age... Are you perhaps a part of Project Epsilon? Hold on for one moment while I verify this information real quick..."

Mirage quickly contacted her superior, and had a brief conversation with him, before being told to transfer the call.

"My superior would like to speak with you..."

Erich\'s NeuroLink then lit up with a call from an unknown number, which he accepted, before being addressed by a voice that Erich did not recognize.

"My apologizes for the confusion Mr... Jaeger... Your father was indeed correct that you were supposed to begin WRAITH training today, while officially attending courses at the Naval Academy. But after being made aware of your unique circumstances, I advised against such a monumental waste of time and resources... I\'m sorry where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Lukas Weis, and I am the Director of Military Intelligence. Aside from the Council of Governors, I am the one man in the Empire who has been made aware of your, shall we say, singular existence?

Make no mistake, there is no record of this, and instead I have fabricated a background for you that makes it seem like you were a part of our failed project known by the code name Epsilon. To put it simply, Project Epsilon was a directive of Military Intelligence to raise young boys from childhood with the purpose of becoming WRAITHs. It was shut down earlier this year due to certain circumstances...

The point is, this backstory allows you to have the proper certifications and rank to begin your military career without wasting so much time and resources. The Supreme Leader has a gift for you...

Your father made it abundantly clear that a very specific AI should be assigned to you. And she is still a decade or two away from being wiped. I do not know the exact circumstances about why this is necessary. But your request has been granted. If you would please project my holographic projection so that Captain Henzler can receive my commands?"

Erich immediately did as requested and projected the Director\'s hologram to his subordinate. The woman quickly saluted the man, which he returned before giving her his orders.

"At ease Captain... I trust you have the requested item on hand?"

Katherine nodded her head and immediately held out a helmet that was designed for a set of MK II Power Armor where she handed it over to Erich. Once Erich had received the gift, the Director of Military Intelligence gave further orders to the female intelligence officer.

"That will be all for now Captain, allow me some privacy as I speak with the Lieutenant here..."

Once Katherine had left the room, and sealed the door behind her, the Director of Military Intelligence spoke with Erich once more.

"I hope this particular AI is as helpful in your goals as you believe she will be. Now for your orders... The first thing you must do after we are done here is undergo enhancements both to your NeuroLink, and your body... Because of your unique circumstances, your have been authorized to receive the highest level of enhancements. Far beyond the tier you had in your past life.

After you have been enhanced in accordance with the proper standards, you will report to the Citadel for your new assignment. The Supreme Leader\'s personal bodyguard is in need of a new member, and you have been selected for this duty. Do you understand your orders?"

It had been a long time since Erich had saluted anyone, but it was second nature to him, and thus he snapped to attention and saluted the Director of Military Intelligence while speaking in affirmation of his orders.

"Yes, Sir!"

The Director merely smiled and nodded his head before dismissing Erich.

"Good... With that said, you are dismissed.... I wish you all the luck in the universe in your endeavors Lieutenant... The entire existence of our great race rests in your hands..."

After saying this, the man hung up, leaving Erich alone with a set of Mk II Power Armor that contained Tia, or her primitive form in this life.

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