
Chapter 307 Resistance is Futile

Chapter 307 Resistance is Futile

"It doesn\'t make sense. There were billions of soldiers who remained loyal to Emrys, and would gladly fight until their last dying breath to preserve his regime. Even if the majority of the military and the citizens turned against the man, they could have ensured he was safely off the world. So how, how did one of his closest guard\'s turn against the man?"

Tia nodded her head in agreement with Erich\'s words. She had been monitoring the Interstellar Network that the Germanic Star-Empire used, and had found nothing to lead her to believe that this execution was staged. And yet the fact that Emry\'s family was safely escorted off the world, only for Tia to lose track of them, was simple proof that things were not as simple as they seemed.

Besides... There was one word that kept popping up on more fringe circles of the grid: Werwolf. There were no explanations for what this word meant, but Tia had dug deep into the annals of the Germanic Star-Empire\'s history, and found a few mentions of the word from Earth\'s ancient history. Which somewhat confirmed her suspicions.

"Master... Tia believes that Emrys is still alive, but has likely assumed a new identity, and is now leading an underground resistance movement. Look at this..."

Tia then pulled up a screen with recorded information from the second world war of Earth\'s history. Where the term Werwolf was loosely associated with the idea of forming a guerilla style resistance movement within allied occupied German territory. She spoke with absolute certainty as she declared that Alex\'s war was far from over.

"If Tia is correct, this is a code word being used on some of the darker circles of the grid, calling for a guerilla style campaign. Master, it would appear that the war is far from over. It has simply transformed into a guerilla war against you and the Emrys loyalists."

Erich simply scoffed when he heard this. He had planned to step foot into the citadel, and declare himself the victory. But now he figured the entire facility was probably rigged to explode. In an attempt to display that he was far from secure.

Knowing this, Erich decided to send in the Legion Series droids to do a sweep of the structure, as well sa the LABOR series droids to search through every nook and cranny to make sure there was no way for the building to possibly explode.

"Tia, send our robots in first to sweep the building. Once we are absolutely certain that there is no hidden danger present, then I will land on Germania and declare myself victorious. I will also make certain that automation of the Empire will commence immediately, starting with first responder services.

Once we have LEGION series droids in every world, it will be very easy to detect those suspected of rebellion. And it will be even easier to terminate those who are about to engage in political violence.

Emrys may have believed that by going underground, and waging war against the new order in a guerilla style resistance was a smart move. But unfortunately, he is unaware that the Enclave has the means to easily hunt down and eliminate such futile efforts."

Tia shook her head and commented on the futile struggle of meat bags against technological supremacy.

"Foolish meatbags! When will they learn that resistance is futile? So long as Tias is in command of both the defense network and law enforcement, there is literally nothing they can do to harm her Master...

Tia is sending in the first wave of drones now to sweet the citadel and the surrounding area for possible hostile elements. She will inform you of what she finds."

And just like that, the robotic forces of the Silber enclave landed on the world of Germania, where they began to use their advanced sensor technology to sweep the citadel and the surrounding areas.

It shocked Emrys and his so called Werwolf resistance when several of their members were apprehended and executed on the spot for suspected ties to rebellious elements. These were those men who stayed behind to rig the citadel to explode once Erich had entered be building and begun to conduct his victory speech.

But what was even more shocking was that no more than thirty minutes had passed before it was revealed by the non-combatant labor droids that the building\'s power generator had been tampered with in a subtle way. That would make it explode once the command was given.

In even less time than it was taken to discover this flaw, the power generator of the citadel was repaired so that no dangers were present to the new emperor and his arrival. By the time Erich finally stepped foot in the building. It had been cleared of any hazards, whether that be in the form of rebels, known criminals, suspicious individuals, or actual booby traps set up to ensnare Erich and his forces.

The spectacular display of resistance to the new order that Emrys and his loyalists had prepared for Erich was thoroughly defeated before the man in question ever stepped foot on the world of Germania.

And once the crowd that had gathered to witness the victory speech was cleared of any hostile elements such as potential rebels, or known criminals, Erich took to the podium and declared himself victorious.

"Brothers, sisters, I have come here today to this world that was once the capital of our mighty Empire, to declare victory. I know this last month has been hard for you all. And I know that there are many of you that still harbor animosity towards myself and the Silber Enclave.

But I have come here today to dispel these nasty rumors as mere propaganda of the Emrys Regime. First and foremost, allow me to clear up any misunderstandings you might have about my relationship with our suzerains.

From this moment and until the end of time, I, Emperor Erich Jaeger, first of my name, hereby declare the Germanic Star-Empire and all of its citizens an independent nation, one without any masters or suzerains to rule over it, or demand tribute.

The Germanic Star-Empire is no longer a mere regional power, or a quasi sub-galactic power like those have commonly referred to us as in more casual settings. No, we are a galactic power in our own right, as has been proven by the might of those forces loyal to me, your new emperor.

And though there are those wolves hidden among you who wish to remain resistant to this new order. I assure you, in the coming days, they will be rooted out and executed as the rebels and traitors that they are. Gone are the days of isolation and wars waged on behalf of another\'s interests.

From this moment forward, our people will wage wars of conquest and expansion. The Germanic Star-Empire shall grow and thrive into the single most dominant power in the galaxy. And when the rest of the milky way is crushed beneath our heel, we shall spread forth among the other galaxies, and spread our civilization by the sword.

Today is the dawn of a new era... An era our banner waves across the universe! And those who resist our efforts to expand and conquer will be exterminated like the rats that they are. Starting with this so called Werwolf resistance, who wishes to cling to a bygone era!

Once the Werwolf resistance is crushed, and we the Germanic people have recovered from the devastation of the Naraku, and this pitiful civil war. Then the Ghimderi are next. And make no mistake, if you think they are having trouble with the Parvaxian Insurgency, then wait until our armies knock on their doors! Because we won\'t spare a single member of their hideous race!

So rejoice brothers and sisters. For today, we heal, but tomorrow we conquer. And for those of you who still think you have a chance of restoring the old order, remember these words, for they will be the last that you ever hear.... Resistance is futile!"

Just like this, the Germanic Star-Empire had rapidly begun to transition from a highly nationalistic, xenophobic, and isolationist civilization. To a highly nationalistic, xenophobic, imperialistic civilization. One that would not rest until it was the center of the Galaxy\'s power.

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