
Chapter 304 Galactic Chaos

Chapter 304 Galactic Chaos

No... What Kali was so drawn to during this speech was the idea that Erich and Lunaria were actually secret lovers. This was a deeply enticing idea for the woman. After all, during their travels together, Kali had taken a great interest in Erich. And though she betrayed him, to her, her actions were a matter of business, and were by no means personal.

She had often thought about what would happen if she and Erich had spent a night together. But these were just passing ideas of lust. The mighty Deva never planned to actually act on these fantasies.

Yet Lunaria, a woman who was even more powerful than Kali was, and one who commanded a significantly larger amount of respect across the galaxy, just had her name besmirched by one of her former vassals.

It was truly the most delicious gossip. And if Kali was being honest, she suspected these rumors that Emrys had spread were false. After all, the blue-skinned beauty knew Erich quite well. Well enough that she would have detected if he was involved in such a scandalous relationship. Or so she thought. And thus, she decided to give Erich a call to ensure him that neither she nor her colleagues would act on such rumors.

Naturally, it came as a surprise to Erich when he received a call from a woman who he had written off as a traitor. Because of this, there was a stern look on the man\'s handsome face as he accepted the call, and spoke to his former comrade in an almost irritable tone.

"What do you want, Kali? In case you haven\'t noticed, I am currently dreadfully busy, and don\'t have time for your nonsense."

Though Kali did not like the way that Erich was talking to her, she forced herself to remain calm as she chatted with the man as if they were both still the closest of allies.

"Oh please Erich, there is no need to take such a tone with me. Are we not friends? I just wanted to call and let you know that the Asura Cabal is universal in agreement that any claims regarding you and the Alfheim Empress potentially being lovers are unfounded and outright slanderous. We wanted to assure you, and Empress Lunaria, that we have no intentions of acting on such information, or engaging in the spread of baseless rumors."

Erich raised his brow when he heard this, before asking Kali exactly what she meant by this.

"And why... pray tell... did you come to me with this information, instead of contacting Empress Lunaria directly?"

Kali rolled her eyes as if she were upset with Erich\'s continued ignorance before lecturing her on why she could not do such a thing.

"Do you think someone as lowly as myself has the power to simply call up the Alfheim Empress on a whim? Even for diplomatic purposes, only someone like Vishnu holds that much power and authority. But I know as an archon of her majesty, you would be able to get into contact with her and convey our intentions quicker than through actual diplomatic means."

Erich rolled his eyes. While technically still an Archon in the service of the Alfheim Empress... Erich had officially resigned years ago, making him no longer required to fulfill the obligations that came with such a powerful title. This was a privilege exclusive to him as Lunaria\'s lover. As anyone else was an Archon for life, and thus a slave of the Empress.

But of course, as Lunaria\'s lover, even if their relationship was a bit rocky right now. Erich also had the woman\'s number on speed dial. If he called, she would pick up no matter what hour of the day it was. Or what circumstances she found herself in.

Thus, Erich finally decided to convey Kali\'s thoughts to Lunaria, especially since this was the Asurans way of saying "our alliance still stands.

"Alright... I\'ll send her the message. Now, if you don\'t have anything more important to discuss, I have a war to wage!"

After saying this, Erich hung up on Kali entirely, where he proceeded to call Lunaria. The woman was perhaps, for the first time since Erich had met her, in a state of anxiety. She had vassals left and right declaring their independence. While at the same time, her people were demanding proof that she was still pure, and had not been tainted by a filthy foreigner. Upon noticing the condition the woman was in, Erich was quick to comfort her with his words.

"I see you have your hands full. If I were not currently busy waging a war against that rat Emrys, I would be tempted to once more take up my position as your archon and put down the rebels who seek to reject your divine authority. But all I can do now is comfort you with my voice, and my body if you were so inclined..."

Lunaria scoffed and rolled her eyes at Erich before expressing her thoughts on the matter.

"I\'m fine, thank you, besides if you were to visit Alfheim now, it would only further arouse suspicions about our relationship. So just stay where you are, and do what you need to do. As for these damned rebels, I have other Archons who can be deployed to deal with them. So you can just relax. How is the war going?"

Erich scoffed and informed Lunaria of exactly what she wanted to hear.

"Everything is progressing smoothly. Despite the fact that Emrys has mobilized his reserves and had replaced his losses from the Legion of the Damned, we have seized another fifty worlds in the past twenty-four hours.

As I previously stated, it will be a month at the latest before the Germanic Star-Empire falls into my clutches, and I can execute Emrys once and for all. I am sure you can hold on that long..."

Lunaria nodded her head and smirked before lecturing Erich on his own inflated sense of confidence.

"I am not some damsel in distress! I have ruled over this sector of space since before your species first evolved from apes! This is not the first rebellion that I have been forced to put down, and it certainly won\'t be the last. The GSE is lucky. They have you to take the place of that traitor Emrys, as for those other vassals who foolishly deny my right to rule over them, I will make an example of them all, and turn their civilizations to ash!

When you seize the throne of your people\'s empire, remind them that they have you to thank for the mercy that I have shown them! Maybe then they will think twice about raising up their arms in rebellion against you, their rightful emperor!"

Erich smirked and nodded his head as he heard this, before agreeing with his woman\'s sentiment.

"Indeed... Well Lunaria, I have already contacted Erika, Ayumi, and Mala. Our marriages have officially been annulled, and they have been rendered to the status of concubines. Though they were upset with me at first, I explained to them that certain circumstances have forced me to do so. Ultimately, they decided to agree with my decision, even if they aren\'t happy about it.

Once I have finished this war and forced my people to recognize me as their Emperor, I will declare to the galaxy that our relationship is real, and propose to you properly. Although, I hope Celestia won\'t mind too much."

Lunaria nodded her head in agreement with Erich\'s words, before further commenting on them.

"I am glad things have gone well with you and your other woman, and don\'t worry about my daughter... She might be a bit upset about not being able to marry you, but she understands the political significance behind our marriage.

If you achieve what you claim that you will, then the GSE will be a new galactic power, even if its territory is miniscule, and I will even be forced to recognize its independence. If that is the case, then the balance of power within the galaxy will forever be shifted.

No longer will we have to juggle alliances between the Asura Cabal, and the Ennead Theocracy based upon who is more favorable towards us that day. Instead, the Alfheim Dominion and the Germanic Star-Empire will have a permanent alliance!

The other three powers will have no idea how to proceed. Giving us an advantage, and your people a chance to expand at the expense of the Svartalfheim Federation, and the Ennead Theocracy, both of which whose borders you will eventually share once this war is over, and I grant you permission to annex the former territory of the Rylonian Imperium.

But that is enough scheming for now. I have things I must attend to, and so do you.... Until we speak again, my love!"

Erich silently nodded his head before hanging up on the woman. Even if he did marry Lunaria, he had no idea how he would be removed from his seat of power in Midgard. If he left this world for too long, he would feel an overwhelming urge to return to it. One that only Terminus could satisfy...

But that was a problem to for another time...

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