
Chapter 281 Sweet Retaliation

Chapter 281 Sweet Retaliation

This company was named Tia Heavy Industries, or THI on the galactic stock market. Naturally, this was one of the many corporations Tia had created to help generate funding to her master\'s ambitions, and to begin flooding the galactic defense market with military technology which, unbeknownst to the buyer, had a kills witch inside.

The weapons produced by Tia Heavy Industries varied in quality and price, but one thing was certain: everyone from minor powers to sub galactic powers were scrambling to get their hands on the goods produced by THI. It was because of this that everyone had gathered today, from across the galaxy, to get involved with THI\'s IPO.

Nobody really knew where Tia Heavy Industries was located, or what species the company belonged to. If they had known that it was located in the Silber Enclave and the goods were produced entirely with robotic labor, they would be stunned.

Of course, that would explain why the prices were so low, as Tia did not have to pay these robots who manufactured the products for their labor. Thus, the only price she had to charge for was the raw materials that she did not already have access to, and of course, profit.

However, unbeknownst to the security guards who worked at the galactic stock exchange, a single man had entered the building from a race who was not permitted to even land on Ghimderi. How did this man get on this world, let alone in this building?

By advanced stealth technology, which concealed his presence from even the most advanced sensors. Stealth technology that was designed and manufactured by Tia Heavy Industries. And today, on the day of Tia Heavy Industries\' IPO,

After all, TIA never planned to sell shares of her company to anyone but herself. She just wanted to make it look like she was not responsible for this attack, so that people would continue to buy her products.

After all, it was not her sensor technology that was employed by the Ghimderi Trade Union, and after this attack was pulled off, she could post a message from the "Public Face" of the company, explaining that this attack could have been prevented with THI sensors. Thus, driving up the demand for her products.

Eventually, the Parvaxian insurgent disabled the cloaking technology he had used, but despite this, nobody really witnessed a man in a trench coat appeared out of nowhere. After all, the crowd was too big. And the room was filled with men and women from across the galaxy yelling "Buy!" and "Sell!"

That is, of course, until his voice reverbrated throughout the stock exchange, enhanced by a certain mouth piece he had.

"This is for the glory of Parvaxia! And the Parvaxian race! Die, you evil snotlings and your pathetic bootlickers!"

Before anybody could even react, the man detonated the explosive substance which coated his body. This was an extremely powerful and highly malleable explosive compound, which Tia had invented. One that could be applied to a lifeforms skin, like makeup. It was the perfect method of suicide bombing, as it was damn near undetectable, and could be colored to match a lifeform\'s skin tone.

And the effects of this explosive proved to be extraordinary, as once detonated the entire galactic stock exchange, and everyone in it was engulfed in an explosive blast, that left the entire city block in a state of ruin. All the while a small mushroom cloud raised into the sky, showing the entire world, and the galaxy who watched the livestreams of the THI IPO that this terrorist attack was very real.


Immediately after the attack on the Galactic Stock Exchange, the Parvaxian Liberation Front came forward, and took responsibility for the attack, they had done so by making a video which consisted of the public execution of one of the most powerful Ghimderi Trade Princes that existed. They ruthlessly beheaded the man and castrated his lifeless body. Which was streamed live to the Galactic Network.

The galaxy was shocked and dismayed by the sudden attack. It was done without anyone ever realizing this Parvaxian Liberation Front existed, nor did they know that a Ghimderi Trade Prince had been captured by them.

And while Erich watched the video of the trade prince being executed, and the Parvaxians declaring a war of liberation for what used to be their homeworld. He laughed like a madman. After five whole years of supplying and training the Parvaxian Insurgents, they had made their first attack. And while it wasn\'t exactly crippling to the Ghimderi Economy, it spread fear across the galaxy.

Naturally, the first response to this attack was for the Ghimderi Trade Union to mobilize its defense forces, which consisted entirely of foreign mercenaries. After all, the Ghimderi were not exactly a species capable of waging war. They were small, frail, and unsuited to the savagery of battle. Thus, they paid for other races better suited to the task to do it for them.

Yet the Ghimderi were amazed to find that the Parvaxians had completely infiltrated their world, without the slightest trace of them doing so. And all hell had begun to break loose, as the Ghimderi Defense Forces struggled to contain a wave of violence, from a threat they were not even aware existed.

Oddly enough, while Erich was watching the violence unfold, and the world of Ghimderi lit aflame by the armed conflict he had sponsored, he received a request for communication from a man he least expected to hear from.

Perhaps because he was in such a good mood, he decided to answer the call, where Emrys revealed himself. Unlike Erich, who was dressed in a black, red, and gold military uniform, with the armband of his enclave wrapped around his right arm.

Emrys was dressed the exact opposite, in a white and gold uniform, with the infamous red armband of the NSGWP wrapped around his own right biceps.Emrys had a stoic expression on his face as he asked a single question, which honestly surprised Erich.

"Did you do this?"

Erich wore a sadistic grin, as he nodded his head in confirmation that he was responsible for this attack. This caused Emrys to gawk at the man as if he were an idiot, before lecturing him like one.

"What kind of fool provokes the Ghimderi like this? Do you have any idea how brutal their retaliation will be when they learn you are the one behind this?"

However, Erich seemed entirely amused by the prospect. He knew that so long as he remained in his world, which he referred to as Midgard, he was perfectly safe. And thus, he responded with an almost psychotic tone in his voice as he asked Emrys for his opinion of the attack.

"Magnificent isn\'t it? The terror I have caused for that race of rats and vipers! Truly, it is a beautiful thing. Now they know that they are no longer safe in that world they call home. A frightening prospect, is it not? You said that they will retaliate against me for this? Let them try. This is already my retaliation for provoking me in the first place.

You didn\'t really think that my current genetic sequence just magically ended up in the hands of your agents, did you? The act of treason that allowed you to get such vital information was bought and paid for by the Ghimderi. You see, they decided that I had too high of a chance of winning our little dispute, and because of this they decided to level the playing field between us. So I decided to do the same for them.

Even if they do find out that I armed and trained these insurgents, I will deny it. And if they attempt to strike back, I will retaliate even harder the next time around. This isn\'t a war that the Ghimderi can win, despite the power and influence they have over the galaxy. Sure, they might be able to defeat the PLF, but if they try to strike at me in my home, I will make sure it is the last thing they ever do.

You see, Emrys, unlike you, I have the balls to do what you, and every supreme leader before you, have always sworn that you will do. Bring down the Ghimderi Trade Union and exterminate their wicked race from this galaxy.

And once I take over the Germanic Star-Empire, as is my right, I will shift the focus of my armies to those god damn Goblins who continue their vile efforts to destroy our people, and our way of life. It is just a pity that you won\'t be there to witness the day that the Germanic race triumphs against its enemies."

After saying this, Erich hung up on his former mentor, and continued to watch the destruction of the world of Ghimderi unfold, all the while he snacked on some popcorn, as if it were the most entertaining movie he had ever watched.

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