
Chapter 272 Hunting Down The Stragglers Part II

Because of this, the Dark Elven beauty had ample skills, knowhow, and contacts to track just about anybody who entered Federation space. Her target was a Dark Elf Sage, who had actually been foolish enough to stay on the world she was tasked with performing espionage on.

This meant that tracking down this Sage was a fairly easy task. One that Sinaria did not quite enjoy doing. After all, she had no loyalties to Erich other than the fact that if she were to dare think a disloyal thought, her head would explode due to the collar wrapped around her neck.

It was because of this, and this alone, that she obeyed the man\'s orders. Still, there were some redeeming qualities about Erich, or there were. Not so much anymore, after the man had spent the last two years hanging around orcs.

Sinaria was growing increasingly concerned that Erich\'s personality was shifting from a battle-worn soldier to a warrior hellbent on conquest. And if that were to be the case, then it would indeed be a reason to worry. After all, there was something unusual about his artificial intelligence, and with Tia by the man\'s side, there were few things he could not accomplish if he really put his mind to it.

At the moment, however, Sinaria had to push such thoughts to the back of her mind. Because she was currently watching her target with an eagle like gaze. The dark Elven woman, who could allegedly see the future, was sitting inside a cafe, drinking coffee.

Meanwhile, Sinaria was perched on a rooftop with a sniper rifle in her hands. While gazing through its scope towards her target. She honestly doubted whether the sages could really see the future, because if so, why had this woman not predicted Sinaria\'s every move?

Despite debating with herself how so-called prophets of fate could not even see their own end. Sinaria callously flipped off the safety of her weapon and squeezed the trigger in a very gentle but subtle motion. One that caused the energy beam to shoot out of its muzzle, and through the windows of the establishment, where it then struck her target in the chest, killing the sage instantly.

While the authorities scrambled to find her location, she herself absconded from the scene of her crime, before alerting Erich that the deed was done.

"Target eliminated, moving onto the next one!"


While Sinaria was tracking Sages within the borders of Federation space, Mirage was doing the same task in Dominion space. She had searched far and wide for any potential targets that might be a sage, and had been covertly eliminated by them all in the most ruthless methods possible.

Whether they were proven to be a target or not, she actually did not care, and instead stalked each and every one of her targets with brutal efficiency. At the moment, one of her potential targets was currently seeing a doctor for a specific ailment they had.

Thus, Mirage had snuck her way into the parking lot, where she located the hostiles vehicle. After ensuring that nobody was around to spot her actions, Mirage then ducked under the vehicle and attached an explosive to its engine. The moment this vehicle powered up, it would explode, and in such a devastating explosion that the entire parking complex would be demolished with it.

It was bacause of this, that Mirage quickly dipped out of the area, after succeeding in her efforts, and watched from afar with a drone, as she waited for her target to leave the hospital. Which he did, before heading to the parking lot where he entered his vehicle. At first the engine did not start, almost as if the target had suspected something was amiss, which caused Mirage to curse the man out while snacking on some chips.

"Come on, you ugly Elven bastard.... Ignite that engine already!"

Sure enough, in the exact next moment, after she had said these words, the target ignited the, and in doing so activated the car bomb, which had such an explosive blast that one might have suspected that it was actually a tactical nuclear device that went off. Because not only did the entire parking complex become nothing more than a crater, but the nearby hospital was partially caught up in the explosion. Causing Mirage to stare at the devastation she had caused, and realize that Tia had set her up.

the Blue haired beauty gritted her teeth, and spit on the floor before cursing Tia\'s name.

"That little fucking bitch..."

Obviously, Tia had made the explosive compound farm ore potent that she had told Mirage. Perhaps hoping the woman would get caught up in the blast. Or perhaps as a prank to cause Mirage some distress. But one thing was certain, the Alfheim authorities would be on her ass in moments, and thus she was quick to flee the scene of her crime, much like how Sinaria had done.

After all, Erich had resigned from his position as Archon, and because of it, these extra-judicial killings were not backed by the crown. Which meant they were murder at the least, and outright terrorism at the worst. Thus, Mirage pulled every trick in the book to evade the authorities and get off the world so she could move onto her next target.


While Mirage and Sinaria were silently stalking their prey across their respective sector of space. Kali had an entirely different tactic. She would send the members of her cabal, to root out and behead and elf within Asuran space who was the least bit suspected to be a member of the Order of the Sages.

Because of this, she simply sat back, and enjoyed her life of luxury. In truth she probably should be by Erich\'s side right now. But every attempt that she had made to seduce the man had resulted in bitter failure. She was starting to think that Erich was simply not interested in her.

Of course, while she was snacking on some spicy food, and watching her favorite soap opera, a communication appeared within her device, which she was quick to accept after seeing the ID behind it. It was none other than on of her servants, who was quick to inform the woman of the good news.

"God news, your majesty, we have rounded up another fifty elves, and confirmed at least two of them are Sages. They have already been beheaded, and I will be sending their heads to you as a gift!"

"Kali looked disgusted at the idea, and instead commanded the men to do something that might be able to gain her some favor with Erich.

"No need... Send the bodies and heads to this address. I believe my business partner actually has some use for the Sages remains. After you have done that, continue your hunt, and do not rest until all of Cabal space is free from these filthy fugitives!"

The man bowed humbly with respect before responding to Kali\'s demands with a tone filled with reverence.

"As you command my Goddess..."

After saying this, Kali hung up and looked over up at the stars above, thinking about what Erich was up to right now.


Erich was currently in a submission grappling match with Mala. The two of them were both skilled warriors, who knew the arts of hand to hand combat, almost as if they were second nature. For a Germanic male, he was expected to be proficient in not only hand to hand combat by the age of fourteen, but several types of melee and ranged weapons.

As for an Orc, they were fighting from the moment they could walk. Wether for honor, prestige, or just outright fun. Because of this, both Erich and Mala were quite evenly matched in their skills when it came to the finer arts of grappling.

Just when Erich was about to sink in a tight knee bar on Mala\'s left leg, he received a message from Tia over his NeuroLink which confirmed that by now 3/4s of the remaining sages had been completely wiped out.

"Master, you will be happy to know that your subordinates have been quite efficient in hunting down and eliminating the remaining sages. Tia estimates that by this time next month, all the remaining sages will have been terminated, thus freeing up your crew for more important tasks."

Erich ignored the message at first, as he sunk in the knee bar, as a waaith he knew not to get distracted during combat, and thus, Mala tapped out, knowing that if she waited a second longer her knee would be broken.

Once she had done this, Erich responded to Tia\'s message with a proper thank you.

"You\'re the best Tia, keep me posted"

After saying this, Erich gazed upon Mala\'s muscular body, and proposed an idea to continue this battle in the captain\'s quarters.

"How about we go for round two in my bedroom?"

Mala smirked when she heard this, before helping herself up from the ground, where she responded with a sultry tone in her voice.

"You\'re on!"

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