
Chapter 243 Uniting The Orc Clans Part II

But Erich\'s goal in gaining the loyalty of this clan, who we\'re known as the Bloodied Hand Clan, was not to add additional warriors to his ranks. But instead, to gain the Orcish women of the clan, so that the warriors of the Ironhand clan could breed more than they already were.

Erich wanted an Army of Orcs that was unrivaled, and to achieve this he needed to focus on uniting smaller clans into his Horde, and using those clans to breed a new generation of elite warriors who were equipped with the best armor and weapons in the galaxy.

This was a ten-year plan, which was starting now. Thus, when Erich arrived in the system, he was surprised to find that it was near the borders of the Germanic Star-Empire. In fact, it was a star system he had once visited during the early days of his military career. Specifically, when he was doing illicit jobs for the criminal organization once known as Splinter.

The Thaxkorvian world was lit aflame, so much so that the fires could be seen from space. Meanwhile, a large cluster of gunboats were bombarding the planet from orbit. Like most Orcish vessels, the ships were large, and were mostly captured from other species, usually cargo ships, or barges that had been retrofitted with salvage parts and guns.

The ships were substantial enough in size to host large populations, while still providing the support needed for firepower. This was one of the reasons why the Orcs were easily defeated by proper navies. Especially those of larger powers.

So long as you could muster a fleet in defense of your worlds before they began their assault, it was fairly easy to repel an Orc raid. But most interstellar civilizations were not as focused on military might and security as the Germanic Star-Empire, and thus it was rare to see fleets constantly patrolling each habited star system.

Thus, it was civilizations that were less prone on a military focus that the Orcs typically raided. Like the Thaxkorvians. At first, the locals thought that perhaps their Germanic neighbors had arrived to aid them when they detected the new fleet enter orbit. But when they saw that it was a much larger fleet of Orcish ships, they basically surrendered on the spot.

The Bloodied Hand clan ravaged the world and plundered its resources, while Erich sent a holo of communication frequency to their fleet. Which was answered by the Chieftain of the clan. This Chieftain was an ashen skinned Orc, with long black hair, and a chain sword in place of his right hand.

At first, this Orcish male was expecting a fellow member of his species to contact him, especially since the fleet that had suddenly arrived to their aid was clearly another Orc clan, but he was perplexed when he saw a Germanic male\'s holographic projection display itself in front of him.

Erich was wearing a peculiar pattern of power armor that Tia had manufactured for the purposes of the Orc clan. It bore the sigil of the iron hand clan, and was coated in the skulls, bones, and hides of powerful beasts throughout the galaxy.

Where she had collected these, or why they were on his armor Erich did not know. But the sight of this armor bewildered the Orc Chieftain, who was adorned in similar fashion, albeit without power armor. But Erich\'s words were what confused him the most.

"Chieftain Zarruk Bladefist I presume?"

The Pale skinned orc gazed upon Erich\'s armor, spefically the sigil of the Ironhand clan which was painted on his chest, and could not help but gawk in disbelief.

"Don\'t tell me an alien is now the leader of the Ironhand clan?"

Erich smirked when he heard this, before introducing Mala to the man, who spoke on her husband\'s behalf.

"You should be aware who I am chieftain, I must say I was shocked when a member of the Germanic race offered to fight an engagement duel with me, but the rules are the rules, he is my husband now, and that makes him the new Warchief our my clan. I would suggest you listen to his proposal, becuase it is the only hope your clan has of surviving. After all, you are already in such dire straits...."

The pale orc snarled like a wolf, he could not believe that Mala Ironhand of all people were defeated in single combat by an alien, especially an alien without their advanced technology to help. But he was quick to respond to her words while addressing Erich.

"What do you want Warchief? I can only guess that you wish to cannabalize my clan, so that yours may grow! Well that will never happen! The Bloodied Hand have existed for over a thousand years, and we will die before we strike our banners and join another clan!"

Erich however scoffed, as he shook his head before correcting the orc of his intentions.

"I do not wish to force your caln to integrate into my own. My intentions are far more generous. I wish for you to swear your fealty to me, and recognize me as your Warchief. Join my Horde, and I will ensure that you not only have the ships to house your people, but that you have the resources so that you can focus on breeding a new generation of warriors.

Warriors I might add who will be equipped with the best power armor, and weapons that can be manfuactured in the galaxy."

The Orc Chieftain was absolutely dumbfounded by Erich\'s offer, as he looked over to Mala to assure that this outsider wasn\'t lying. With a smug smile on her pretty face, Mala nodded her head, confirming that Erich\'s offer was genuine.

The offer honestly seemed too good to be true, and the Chieftain was naturally skeptical about the whole thing. Thus, he was quick to ask just how Erich planned to provide the ships for his people.

"You can provide enough ships to house twenty-seven million Orcs? How? Such a fleet would require thousands of ships!"

Erich scoffed when he heard this, and shook his head, once more correcting the pale-skinned orc about his mistakes.

"I can provide ships that are capable of supporting hundreds of millions of your people.... Do you know what a Titan-class Dreadnought is, Zarruk?"

The pale-skinned orc shook his head, having no idea what such a warship was. Which caused Erich to smirk confidently, as he informed the man of just how large such a ship was, despite being much, much smaller than some of the warships he had seen in use by the Alfheim dominion.

"It is the largest warship of the Germanic Star-Empire. It is roughly 7.5 kilometers long. Now that is a ship designed for the purpose of war, and thus its crew complement is in the thousands. However, if redesigned with sustaining a population in mind, modified accordingly, just one of these ships could theoretically house tens of millions.

In fact, I would only need two of these modified dreadnoughts to house your entire clan\'s population. Currently, I am working on designing and manufacturing warships of this size, for this purpose, so that the old, and obsolete ships that my clan currently uses are phased out of service.

Naturally, these ships can also be used for the purpose of war and are upgraded with technology on par with the Galactic Powers. So if I give your clan ten years to do nothing but breed and train the next generation, how many warriors do you think you could produce at that time?"

Zarruk thought about this offer for a few moments. He had indeed heard of what the Ironhand Clan had done to the Asurans, he just didn\'t think it was true until now. After all, where would they have gotten the power armor? But seeing as how they had a Germanic male in charge of their claim, this could explain some things.

Thus, Zarruk bowed his head and kneeled before Erich, as he swore fealty to the man and his new Horde.

"Very well, so long as you can fulfill your promises, I don\'t see a reason to reject your offer. The Bloodied Hand shall fight alongside the Ironhand!"

With this, Erich had gained a new and valuable ally. One which he would immediately take back to Tia\'s world so that they may receive their new equipment.

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