
Chapter 233 Majority Rules

If it is true that the Sages were the ones responsible for instigating the border conflict between the Dominion and the Federation, then it is entirely reasonable to outlaw their order and hand over their representative to the Archon.

But before we come to a conclusion on this matter, I wish to give both Osiris and Anubis the floor. Anubis, since you have decided to give your mark to the Archon of the Dominion, I will permit you to speak first. Is this acceptable to both parties?"

Anubis and Osiris both nodded their heads in agreement, which allowed Ra to pass the speaking privileges to Anubis. Once it was clear that he was permitted to speak, Anubis spoke of his thoughts on the matter.

"We all know that since the Great Schism eons ago, the Theocracy has chosen to side with the Federation in their dispute with the Dominion. The reason for this is simple: how the Alfheim Dominion handled the breakup of their once galaxy-wide Empire was destructive to all the civilizations that existed at the time.

Even we are ourselves felt the sting of their wrath, and we were just a fledgling nation back then. And we were lucky enough to survive it. It is impossible to know how many intelligent lifeforms were laid to waste during those troublesome years.

However, my informants have assured me that at the very least, the Sages were involved with the border conflict that nearly ignited another Galactic War. It may not be the extent to which the Archon claims, but we may never know the truth. What I can say with certainty, is that the Archon was on the ground during this conflict, and was promoted to his current position because he stopped this conspiracy.

If he says the Sages were a leading cause of this near galactic wide catastrophe, then I will believe him. And I suggest you all do the same... Besides, in case none of you are aware, there is currently a dark elf at his party.

She is the former Grand Inquisitor of the Federation, who is apparently missing in action after a Dominion attack on a Federation prison colony. No doubt where The Archon was held prisoner after stopping a potential galactic war from breaking out. Perhaps she is a prisoner, or perhaps she willingly follows the man after learning something that none of us yet realize.

I implore you to think about the consequences of allowing a group of people who can see the future to run free throughout the galaxy with no supervision. That is all I have to say on the matter. I thank you all for listening to this old one\'s wisdom."

Osiris simply scoffed when he heard these remarks, before standing up and speaking his own piece once the floor had been given to him. He tried his best to compose himself, but he was quite irked by how poorly the sage had performed in his debate with Erich.

"The Ennead have been aligned with the sages for millennia! Until now, they have shown no lust for power, and no hostility towards us. We all know that the Sages can see the future. Even if it is not as accurate as they have led us to believe, plenty of their premonitions have come to reality.

Are we really going to give up such a valuable alliance, because one being from the other side of the galaxy claims that he has the same abilities, and that the Sages are engaged in a grand conspiracy against the galaxy?

As zealous as the sage was in his argument. The fact remains that these are men and women who have been gazing into the future for millennia, some of them for longer than even we have been alive. Are they not more experienced than this man who is not even a century old?

If the sages say that this man, this archon of the dominion, will one day plunge the galaxy into a great disaster. Then is it not more feasible to believe that they are correct, and that the Archon is simply deceiving us so that we will aid him in his ambitions?"

Anubis noticed that a lot of heads were nodding in favor of Osiris, and thus he was quick to voice his own opinion, even if the floor had not yet been handed to him.

"And who is to say that this is not exactly what the Sages have planned in advance? Need I remind you that Erich is the first Sage to ever appear in the galaxy outside of the Elven races? It is an odd coincidence that the first outsider to be given these abilities is labeled as the so called Dark Sage, and is prophesied to light the galaxy aflame in a galaxy wide war of conquest.

Let me ask you this: who has more to gain by deceiving us? Those who have, for eons, wielded considerable power in their respective domains. Domains, I might add, who have been constantly at odds with one another. These are the same men and women who have lost said power, after it was revealed, that for millennia they had been secretly working together against the interests of those who they had sworn their loyalty to.

Or are we truly to believe, that a single man, who has only recently been given a position of power, solely because his actions which halted a galactic war, and brought the treason of the aforementioned individuals to light is the one who is deceiving us, in some grand ambition that he secretly holds in his heart.

Thus far, the Archon is the only one of these two competitors, who has a proven track record of loyalty towards not only his own civilization, but the Dominion which his civilization serves. If that were not enough, then consider the fact that he also has a proven track record of putting his life on the line for the greater good of the galaxy.

Let me ask you this: what exactly have the sages done to maintain the galactic order since they were first revealed to the galaxy? And why is the first outsider to be born with their gifts, suddenly labelled by them, and them alone as a threat to the galaxy with no evidence to prove such an accusation?

Is it because this Archon is truly a threat to the Galaxy? Or is it because he is a threat to the power which the Sages have wielded since time immemorial?"

After Anubis had said this, even Osiris found it hard to defend the Sages. It was ultimately Ra who asked the question, which the other so called "gods" of the Theocracy were thinking of.

"Does the Archon truly share the abilities of the sages?"

Anubis merely smirked when he heard this, before pointing out that it was the Sages themselves who had confirmed this.

"You heard the Sage. I believe his exact words were that this Archon is the Dark Sage. Surely that must mean that the Sages themselves believe he shares their powers, does it not?"

Ra looked over at the Goddess Isis, who nodded her head in silence. He then sighed heavily before leaving the result up to a vote.

"All in favor of building friendly ties to this Archon by handing over the Sage into his custody?"

A majority of the so called "gods" of the theocracy raised their hands, and not a small one at that. It was an overwhelming majority. Despite already knowing the answer, Ra asked the next question that was needed to be said.

"And those who are in favor of declining the Archon\'s request, and in doing so remaining friendly to the Sages and their ancient order?"

A small minority raised their hands, mostly those who were loyal to Osiris, including the man himself. They were all scowling over the fact that they had lost the vote. And thus, with the slamming of a gavel, Ra declared the result of this contest.

"Very well... Majority rules. We shall hand over the Sage to the Archon of the Dominion and recognize the fugitive status of all other Sages in the galaxy. Henceforth breaking our ties with the ancient order and thus aligning ourselves with the rest of the galaxy. From this moment forth, if a Sage is caught in Theocratic space, they shall be arrested, and extradited to either the Dominion or the Federation based upon the ethnicity of said Sage. Dismissed...."

Anubis was grinning as wide as possible. He could not believe that he had managed to convince the Pantheon to go along with his perspective. Especially after one considered that only hours ago it was all but certain that the Theocracy would side with the Sages. And he had Erich to thank for this result.

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