
Chapter 204 The War Of The Sages Begins

How did Lunaria find out about this? Because Erich had told her. Which instantly set the woman off. She despised the Dark Elves, perhaps more than anything, in this universe, which was a sentiment that nearly every Light Elf shared.

Naturally, this intense feeling of animosity was mutual. Because of this, the moment the leaders of the Alfheim Dominion, and the Svartalfheim Federation learned of this betrayal, they branded the Sages as traitors, and swore that they would declare war on any civilization found housing them.

Of course, the Sages had long since predicted this reality, and had made preparations for it eons ago. Thus, they were now living in a subterranean and self sustaining complex in a primitive world located within one of the fourteen statute dwarf galaxies which orbited the Milky Way.

Because of the location they had selected, the Sages were now far beyond the reach of any of the major galactic powers who would be searching for them. And while the Alfheim Dominion and Svartalfheim federation looked for their whereabouts, they would find no traces left behind. Only the Dark Sage could locate them, and if their visions were to be believed, then this man was Erich.

Of course, Erich\'s prophetic abilities were currently stunted, and because of this, he would not be able to come close to finding out any information that would lead him to this dwarf galaxy. Thus, for the time being, the Sages lived among a primitive humanoid species who worshipped them as living gods.

Currently, there was a discussion among the Sage\'s about how to proceed with their silent war against the Dark Sage.

"We have lost nearly all of our resources when we abandoned the Milky Way. Only a few brave Sages have stayed behind in the hopes of combating the Dark Sage and his rise to power. And we do not have routine contact with them. It could be centuries before we hear from them, and by then there is no telling how powerful the Dark Sage has become. Are we really going to live among these savages until then?"

The Great Sage of the Light Elves stepped forward to discuss this matter, hoping to dissuade any naysayers from returning to the Milky Way, an act which might leave a trail of their whereabouts.

"It is true that this world is primitive, but it is because of this that it is the perfect hiding place. We have long since known this! Nobody will be able to detect us here, unless they land, and search for us on foot! The nebula storm which surrounds this system also blocks sensors of all kinds, meaning that the planet is difficult to detect in the first place. We will simply have to rebuild from scratch.

Luckily, these savages believe we are their gods, and thus will be easy to manipulate to do our bidding! Just watch within a hundred years, we will be able to rediscover interstellar flight. Then we can begin building a powerful base which to defend ourselves from the Dark Sage. Although hopefully by then, our brothers still in the milky way, will have assassinated the enemy..."

As one of the two Great Sages, Velarion\'s words were taken as literal truth. Especially when his Dark Elven counterpart stepped forward. She was one of the few women among the ranks of the Sage\'s, and like Velarion, was ancient beyond words, but still looked like she was full of youth. Only her weary eyes revealed her age. Velaria\'s words further compounded what her Light Elven counterpart had said.

"Brothers, sisters. We all knew this was one of the potential futures that we would come across. And we have long since made preparations for this exodus. It was why none of us were caught by our pursuers. Here in this world, the most ancient of our order prepared subterranean complexes, that will allow us to live as we always have. We simply must find them. Once we do, we will be able to wield absolute authority on this planet and bend its resources to our will.

The Dark Sage is only aware that we are his enemies, and are plotting against him in the shadow. But he knows nothing of our power, or our abilities. And though we now know his identity, it will be difficult to strike at him, so long as he is protected by the Alfheim Empress. We must be patient, but most importantly, we must trust in the will of fate! Destiny has brought us here for a reason. It intends for us to gather our strength and eliminate this threat to the natural order of the universe.

So do not despair, for we are exactly where we need to be, at precisely when we need to be! Fate is the most powerful aspect of this universe, and it will guide us to victory!"

With the two Great Sages having spoken, not a single sage could disagree with their words. Or at least not openly. Though some had begun to suspect that the Great Sage had the upper hand, they would not dare voice these thoughts aloud. Instead, they simply obeyed the words of their leaders. After all, they were the oldest and most wise members of their order. Clearly, they knew the will of fate better than anyone?

Thus, While Erich began to put together a team to properly deal with the Sages once and for all, they themselves were making their own preparations against him. Both sides had access to limitless resources, but in reality, the Sages had one distinctive advantage over Erich, and that was the fact that they could see more than thirty seconds into the future.

This was something which would prove severely limiting to the Dark Sage in his early skirmishes against the Sages, and their remnants, who still hid among civilized society within the Milky Way Galaxy. Of course, as the man prophesied to destroy the order that had been built after eons, naturally Erich would have a few other tricks up his sleeve. But one thing was certain: the War of the Sages had only just begin.

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