
Chapter 192 Stranded

And if titanic predators, and Svartalfheim Special Forces, who were virtually undetectable aside from Erich\'s foresight ability, were not enough. Then the abysmal weather conditions were just another layer of shit that Erich and his comrades had to wade through.

The power armor of a WRAITH was rated to survive in the harshness of space. And because of this, Erich and his team did not feel cold. But the dense blizzard would commonly block their visors, causing them to have to stop, and brush off of the snow and frost which accumulated on their helmets.

Since the moment they came under attack, Erich had constantly been using his foresight, allowing it to guide him and the others to safety, and to alert him of any chance encounters with the local wildlife or hostile forces.

Eventually, enough time passed that Erich believed he and the others were safe. Especially after they found a cave to take refuge in. Once inside, Erich gave an order to Echo to guard the entrance, while he and JT chatted about their situation.

JT sounded dispirited, as he voiced what he had been doing while following Erich to safety.

"I\'ve been on the comms. By now, I am aware that our encryption has probably been sliced, but it\'s still worth the effort to alert the other teams that the enemy is lying in wait for us. Unfortunately, I have got nothing but static. We have to come to terms with the fact that we are all alone out here, and the Empire has no idea that our plans have been leaked.

If the invasion happens now, it will be a disaster. I wouldn\'t be surprised if more Dark Elf forces are hidden beneath the frost, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. If someone doesn\'t alert high command about what happened here, our boys will be walking into a slaughter."

What JT had said was entirely correct. But Erich was more worried about something far more grave. And thus, he was quick to voice his thoughts.

"It\'s worse than you think, JT. The Dark Elves have already violated the proxy agreements by deploying their own forces to counter ours. If the vassals of the Alfheim Dominion were to attack, then we would be starting a war, not with the Svartalfhiem Federation\'s allies, but with the Svartalfheim Federation itself.

This petty conflict could quickly escalate into a full scale galactic war, which would tear down the millennia long peace that had been established across the galaxy. It is not our superiors which need to be alerted, but the Alfheim Empress. Somebody needs to get a message to Alfheim space, and quickly. Or else I fear the Galaxy will be set ablaze."

When JT realized the scale of what was about to happen, he could not help but curse beneath his breath. Before questioning how they could possibly salvage this situation.

"What the hell are we going to do? It\'s just the three of us out here. All the other teams have most likely been wiped out. What the hell can three WRAITHs do against a world full of enemies?"

It was at this moment that Echo stepped forward and voiced his plan. For the second time since JT had known him, the man had broken his vow of silence to make a comment. Something which neither Erich nor JT were expecting to happen.

"Everything! We are the greatest warriors of the galaxy\'s greatest race! We have the skills, knowledge, and abilities to accomplish anything we put our mind to. We just need a plan of action!"

The fiery speech which Echo had made roused the fire of resistance within the hearts of Erich and JT, so much so that Erich came up with a plan on the spot, when he had previously been able to think of one. Which he was quick to give voice to.

"JT, if we can get you to a communications relay station, can you send a message to the Alfheim Dominion?"

JT looked at Erich with a bit of confusion on his face for several seconds of awkward silence before responding to the man\'s question.

"Yeah, I can, but the nearest communications tower is within the fucking city. There\'s no way we are getting to it with our lives intact. Let alone have enough time to send a message!"

Erich\'s tone turned grim, as he looked out of the entrance of the cave, and towards the city that lie within the distance. He then spoke of the rest of his plan with a tone filled with determination.

"You leave that to me... I will cause a diversion within the vicinity of the city, and will draw the attention of the enemy to myself. If I can buy you guys five minutes, can you get the job done?"

JT and Echo looked at one another for a single second, before JT started screaming at Erich in a hysterical voice.

"Five minutes? What do you think you are, a god? You saw how those bastards crept up on us without the slightest trace! None of us could detect them! How the hell are you going to fight what you can\'t see?

You are just going to throw your life away! This isn\'t a joking matter. We don\'t even know if we can be brought back this far away from our own forces! For all we know, Ghost and Heavy have suffered a perma death!"

Erich\'s tone suddenly turned agitated as he looked at JT and demanded an answer.

"Just answer the fucking question, god dammit!"

JT was slightly taken aback, but Echo remained silent as he nodded his head, confirming that he and JT could easily get the job done within five minutes. Thus, Erich sighed in relief before explaining the rest of his plan to his two comrades.

"Alright, well, you wait for my signal. Trust me, you will know it when you see it. Then the two of you sprint as fast as you can through the city, and its censors, and get to the damn comms relay. Kill who you need to. I highly doubt they will be expecting such a suicidal scheme, and so they will dispatch all their available special forces to my location.

After you have sent the message, get the hell out of dodge. There should be a hangar not far from the comms relay. You take the nearest shuttle, and escape back to the Empire. Once you are back in the safety of our borders, you go directly to Emrys, and only Emrys, and you tell him everything that happened. He needs to know that there is a rat within our ranks who sold us out to the fucking Dark Elves! Do you understand me?"

Echo nodded his head in silence. He seemed to have gone back to his typical ways. While JT struggled to understand what he was hearing. It was only after he realized that Erich would be left behind did he ask what Erich planned to do.

"What about you? We are not just going to leave you behind!"

However, Erich simply shook his head. There was a grim tone in his voice as he said the words that JT wanted to hear least.

"Trust me, if I do my job right, there won\'t be much left of me to retrieve. Just do your fucking job, and I will do mine. Do you understand? The fate of the galaxy rests in our hands."

JT was about to protest Erich\'s words when Echo grabbed hold of his shoulder and silently shook his head. Echo knew that one of them would have to sacrifice their lives for this mission to succeed. And he had a funny feeling that Erich might be hiding some of his abilities.

After all, Erich had somehow managed to detect the Svartalfheim Commandos when nobody else could. He also managed to lead them to safety in a world which wanted nothing more than to devour them.

It was only after Echo assured JT that everything was okay did the man sigh heavily before accepting the plan of action. With this in mind, JT showed the first sign of respect to a superior officer, since he had first been sentenced to a lifetime of service. He quickly raised his arm, and saluted Erich, before saying the words that nearly made him cry.

"It has been an honor to serve with you, Captain!"

Echo silently saluted Erich as well. Which Erich then returned the favor with a bitter smile on his face. He responded to JT\'s and Echo\'s words with a proud tone in his voice.

"The honor has been all mine...."

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