
Chapter 172 It Was An Honest Mistake

Lunaria instantly picked up the call to reveal that she was dressed in a rather skimpy swimsuit, while sipping on a liquid that appeared as if it were molten gold. There was a rather displeased look on her face, as she spoke to Erich in a tone that was similar to a mother scolding her errant son.

"Oh... Look who finally remembered? It\'s too late Erich, the time to hear your answer has passed. I am already in Germanic space, and am heading towards your coordinates now. Thank you for calling me, by the way. I would not have been able to so easily find out your whereabouts without you contacting me first. When I land, I am taking you on board my yacht, and we will explore the stars together.

As for the matter of your military service, I will have an official summons drafted up and sent to that smug old bastard you call a Supreme Leader. He won\'t be able to deny me, even if he wanted to... So Erich, do prepare some proper attire for the occasion, will you? Oh, but don\'t worry about your swimwear, I\'ve got the covered. And do be hasty, because I will arrive at your destination momentarily."

Erich was stunned beyond words. This woman had seriously travelled such a vast distance overnight just to drag him away from his life? What was going through her head? He couldn\'t believe this was his reality and was quick to voice his disagreement.

"But... I just got home. Surely you intended to give me some time before setting up a proper date? This is madness?"

Lunaria\'s immaculate face turned stern, as she handed the bottle of what appeared to be molten gold to what was clearly a service robot. Which whisked it away. She then stood up, out of the hot tub, revealing that her swimsuit was even more revealing than he had initially thought. It was a shimmering gold slingshot in one piece.

Which did little to conceal her pastel pink nipples, or her puffy lower lips. She then spoke in a sultry tone, while licking her lips at the sight of Erich\'s abdominal muscles which came in the form of an eight pack.

"You are more handsome than I thought. I made the right choice to come and get you.... Normally, I would have given you a few months before setting up a proper time and place for our date. But you did not fulfil your promise, and now I have no choice but to take you by force. I was even ready to face your rejection, although I severely doubt that you would do something so foolish.

But, by breaking your promise to me, you no longer have a choice in this matter. You will accompany me on my journey across the stars, and if there is something that develops between us, then you will be mine! No other woman will be able to touch a single silver hair on that beautiful head of yours. For all eternity, we shall be together! Doesn\'t that sound wonderful?"

Erich seriously felt like he had somehow caused an absolutely mad woman to fall in love with him, and that under no circumstances was he allowed to inform her that he was already married and having a child.

Naturally, there were many questions on Erich\'s mind, but one more so than any other, which he was quick to give voice to.

"And if nothing develops between us, and you instead grow sick of me?"

Lunaria frowned at this remark, before giving Erich an expression that basically said, "what do you think?"

Causing Erich to sigh in depression. He had no choice but to accept this crazy woman\'s demands, and do everything he could to please her so that she might fall in love with him. His very life depended on it. And that of his loved ones. If he did get Lunaria to fall in love with him, he would have to somehow tame her possessive nature, so that he could still be with Erika and Ayumi. But that was a worry for another time.

"Alright.... I understand.... I will go pack my things this instant, and will meet you at the star port in an hour...."

Lunaria\'s stern expression finally shifted to one of warmth, and it appeared as if she were genuinely excited, as she spoke her mind with an incredibly seductive voice.

"I can\'t wait!"


Erich immediately did as he was told. He packed up his belongings as quickly as possible, before heading to the star port where he would board Lunaria\'s luxury yacht. His mother and lovers seemed entirely dejected at the idea of Erich leaving them literally a day after he had returned home. But apparently there was some kind of emergency with his unit, and he needed to be deployed immediately. Or at least, this was the bullshit excuse he had given them.

As for Lunaria, quickly dispatched a royal summons for Erich. The reason for this was not listed, but Emrys did not have the power to resist. As suspicious as he might be over this rapid development, and so shortly after the Alfheim Empress had pardoned Erich, there was truly nothing he could do. Thus, he had to give Erich an extended leave of absence, while granting permission for the Alfheim Yacht to land on Teutonia.

Lunaria never stepped foot off the ship. As far as anyone knew, it was empty, and was remotely piloted for AI as a means of picking up a guest to the Alfheim Dominion. However, the moment Erich stepped on board the luxurious starship, he felt as if he had entered a decadent palace, befitting of the Demon Prince of Greed.

Every surface that could be gilded was done so. Even the robots appeared to have a gold plating done to them, or perhaps were constructed out of some kind of gold alloy. What wasn\'t gilded was made of a futuristic white material, whose sheen made it appear as if it were constructed from polished marble. Perhaps it actually was polished marble, Erich honestly could not tell the difference.

The moment the doors sealed behind him, allowing no outside eye from peaking in, Erich saw the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon, descending from a staircase while dressed in the skimpiest swimsuit he had ever seen. Her tits and ass jiggled with each step, as if she were a character taken from a popular Japanese video game made during the 21st century of Earth\'s history.

The seductive smile on this divine beauty\'s face was enough to melt any reservations Erich may have had about this whole ordeal. As Lunaria approached him, she placed a hand on his firm shoulder, before whispering something in his ear.

"I\'ll have the droids bring your stuff to your room. How about you go shower, and get dressed in the swimsuit I have prepared for you? After you have done that, we will have some proper breakfast, and maybe enjoy the pool for a bit. How does that sound?"

Erich could not believe that one honest mistake had caused him to get a vacation, alone with the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. And though it might take some convincing for Lunaria to allow him to return home to his wife, and fiancee. Erich felt like that was not something he should be worried about at this moment. Because for the first time in many years. He might actually be able to finally relax and enjoy himself for an extended period of time.

Thus, with a slight nod of his head and a confident smirk, Erich agreed to Lunaria\'s request. The Alfheim Empress then led him to his quarters, where she left him be while he prepared himself for the day she had planned for him.

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