
Chapter 100 Well And Truly Boned

The weapons that the Oni Rebels had gotten their hands on were obsolete by the standards of the Germanic Star-Empire, and because of this were sold abroad to Minor Powers who lacked the means to develop and manufacture their own weapon designs. Yet despite their age, they were still more than capable of punching through Oni body armor, and even some of their more lightly armored vehicles.

And while Kenji had first thought that the weapons were originating from his most powerful ally, it was later revealed by German Intelligence that a third party, which was licensed to manufacture these obsolete German weapons, was the ones selling to the Oni Rebels.

Thus Emperor Kondo Kenji was currently on a three-way call with the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire, and the third party which was selling these weapons to the Oni Rebels. There was a look of complete and utter fury in the man\'s face as he scolded the person who he believed to be responsible for causing so much devastation to his realm.

"It is simply unacceptable! How dare you arm and train rebels in my own territory! It is equivalent to an act of war! And I demand that you immediately cease your sell of arms to the Oni Rebels, and as well as your covert training programs!"

Despite the threat of war, the alien humanoid who was taking the blame for the actions of the Germanic Star-Empire appeared calm. Obviously, he had been paid by the GSE to take the fall on this matter, and thus, he accepted his position with superb acting skills. He did not hesitate to fire back with a smug look on his face.

"An act of war? Do you really think you can fight on two fronts while also waging a civil war on your home front? I highly doubt you will even be able to maintain your conflict with the Lutharians for much longer.

Let\'s not jest here, Emperor Kenji. You do not have the means to retaliate, and we are simply taking advantage of a valuable business opportunity. If it were not us selling weapons to your rebels, then it would be somebody else. For example, I would not doubt that the Lutharians are sending military aid to your insurgents as we speak. Perhaps you should take up your concerns with them as well?"

Upon seeing that this discussion was heading nowhere, Emrys was quick to intervene before it ended up as little more than a shouting match.

"Gentlemen, I think we can all agree that this has gone too far. To put it simply, these weapons are manufactured via license with arms corporations based out of the Germanic Star-Empire. And to sell them to the enemies of our allies is a clear violation of our contract. So, as long as our friend here decides to cease supplying the Oni Rebels, I think we can let bygones be bygones.

After all, what he has said is correct. Recent intelligence supports that the Lutharian Ascendency is taking advantage of this crisis to arm and supply the Oni Rebels. I would not doubt that this entire rebellion was instigated by those purple bastards in the first place!"

What Emrys said was correct, and Kenji knew this. Even if he could convince this interstellar civilization to stop supplying his rebels, the Lutharians would only pick up their place. Thus, he could only sigh and accept his fate.

Luckily for him, Emrys and the leader of this third party had already come to an agreement before this meeting, and thus, the man surprisingly decided to agree to Kenji\'s demands.

"Considering the fact that I do not wish to lose my ties with the Germans, I have no choice but to cease the sale of weapons and munitions to the Oni Rebels. If that is all that the two of you wished to speak to me about, then I believe it is time that I bid you farewell."

After saying this, the alien\'s holographic projection dispersed, leaving Emrys and Kenji alone. The Great Oni Emperor could not help but voice his frustrations aloud as he thought about the mess he was in.

"Well, that settles one of my problems, but if the Lutharians really are behind this rebellion, then I have no choice but to continue my war with them. However, as more worlds burn within my empire, I have no choice but to divert further troops and resources from the front lines to quell these rebellions. I can only ask that you dispatch a third fleet to assist in this matter...."

A frown appeared on Emrys\'s face as he gazed upon the leader of his greatest ally. Initially, he had agreed to enter this war, but under the condition that he deployed a single fleet. However, after the nasty business with the Kenji\'s coup, the GSE had no choice but to send a second fleet to the conflict.

Yet, now the Great Oni Empire was asking their allies to dispatch a third fleet. When was this going to end? Was the Germanic Military going to suddenly become the primary fighting force in this foreign war? That was not something which Emrys wanted to happen, and thus he put his foot down then and there, making his intentions abundantly clear.

"Kenji, when your aunt asked me to join this war, she assured me that I would only have to contribute minimal assets. Now you are asking me to take the responsibility off your shoulders for the entire conflict, so that you can put down a rebellion that you caused with your own foolish coup.

I want you to know that although I will be dispatching a third fleet to assist in this matter, I will NOT be sending a fourth. So, if you can not defeat your rebels in a timely manner, then I will have no choice but to withdraw from this conflict altogether, and will instead simply place my forces at your borders with the Lutharian Ascendancy so to protect them on your behalf."

This was obviously not what Kenji wanted to hear. But he had limited control or influence over the Germanic Star-Empire. After all, the relationship between their two nations was built off of Yumi\'s diplomatic efforts. Without her, the Germans had suddenly begun to distance themselves from the Oni, as if her death was a terrible insult to their civilization.

It was only now that Kenji had begun to realize the lengths that his royal aunt went through in order to ensure a stable and powerful empire. Something which he was wholly unprepared to undertake himself when he first initiated the coup.

Was overthrowing Yumi really worth it? His daughter was sullied either way, and the end result was her exilement. At least when Yumi was in control, there were no rebels knocking on his door in an attempt to overthrow him and his dynasty.

It was with all of these thoughts in mind that Kenji attempted to do his best to secure the alliance of his greatest military ally. And thus, he was forced to accept Emrys\' words, no matter how much he might despise them.

"I understand your concerns, and I promise that I will use this valuable time which you have bought me to end this war as swiftly as possible. Within the next six months, these damned rebels will no longer exist, I can assure you of that!"

Despite the fiery speech by the Great Oni Emperor, Emrys was not convinced. How could he be? After all, he was the man responsible for instigating this rebellion, and was all too aware of how likely they were to succeed in their endeavors. Although the Germanic Star-Empire was no longer directly supplying the Oni Rebels, the Lutharian Ascendency had begun to take their place, all of which was according to Emrys\' plans.

Now that the rebels had a more reliable supplier from an actual hostile nation, the war would be over soon enough. But it would not end in Kenji\'s favor. Especially after Yumi finally revealed to the public that she was still alive and took control over her supporters. Once that happened, the war would be concluded in a matter of weeks. And Kenji\'s skull would be mounted on a display for the gorgeous Oni woman to admire as her prize.

Still, now was not the time to reveal this information, and thus, Emrys simply nodded his head with a stoic expression on his face. He left behind a few parting words before ceasing his transmission.

"I hope you are correct in your assessment. Because if you are not, then you will be left entirely on your own..."

After saying this, Emrys ended his communications with the Great Oni Emperor, leaving the man in a state of bitter rage, as he realized just how well and truly fucked he actually was.

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