
Chapter 88 A Particularly Awkard Dinner

Immediately Yumi sat on Erich\'s other side and did the same. But was suddenly embarrassed when she realized her bust size simply could not provide the service that her great niece could. Erich found this to be rather endearing and simply chuckled as he sat back in the hot water, and enjoyed the benefits that came with soaking in it.

After some time of silence, Yumi finally broke it by asking a question, which immediately caught her niece off guard.

"So, did you two have fun in the bath?"

Erich knew Yumi\'s personality well enough by now that he had suspected she would say something so shameless. But Ayumi flushed red in embarassment as she thought about the naughty things she had done with this foreign man.

This reaction caused Yumi to wear a sinister expression as she leaned in close and whispered something in Erich\'s ears that he found to be utterly enticing.

"If you thought that was fun, wait until tonight. I have much more planned for the three of us after dinner is over."

Erich did not know how to respond to this, and simply took a deep breath to calm his resting python, which tried to rouse itself from its slumber. Yumi was only slightly disappointed when she realized her words had failed to achieve their goal. But she was a patient woman and would wait until the proper time to have her fun.

After bathing, and recuperating in the sacred hot spring of the Kondo Dynasty. Erich found a set of clean clothes for him. They were undoubtedly in the traditional Oni style, and just when he thought that he would be getting dressed himself, he was accosted by Yumi and Ayumi, who both worked together to ensure that he was properly dressed in the fashion of their people.

Once the two naked beauties ensured that Erich looked perfect, they got dressed themselves, forcing the man to watch and wait as they adorned their kimonos and put on their makeup. It was not socially acceptable for an Oni woman to conceal her natural beauty with makeup, and because of this, these two women only put on the slightest amount to enhance their already flawless features.

Once completed, they each grabbed one of Erich\'s arms and led him to the dining hall, where the entirety of the Kondo Dynasty, excluding Ryu, was already sitting and waiting for the arrival of their matriarch and princess.

Erich was extremely nervous when he saw the outraged expression on the Great Oni Emperor\'s face, who gazed upon him with the most bitter hatred in his eyes. But Yumi shot him a fierce glare, which immediately caused the man to stand down.

When Ayumi took her seat next to her father and mother, Erich realized that there was not a spot reserved for him, and just when he was about to ask where he was sitting. Yumi grabbed his hand, and led him over to her own seat, which was stationed at the opposite end of the table, across from the Great Oni Emperor.

Erich was a bit confused at first, but Yumi pushed him down, and then sat on his lap. Which caused Erich\'s face to flush red. Meanwhile, the expressions of the other members of the Kondo Dynasty paled in horror at the sight. They could hardly believe that the Matriarch of their family had chosen to sit on her foreign lover\'s lap so brazenly in front of them all.

The servants eventually brought the food out. Where the entire room echoed in the chants that the Kondo Dynasty spoke before digging into their meals.

"Thanks for the food!"

It was only after gazing upon his meal for several seconds that Erich suddenly realized that the Oni people did not eat with the same utensils that he did. Rather than using a fork, knife, and spoon to eat the exotic food which was a staple in their culture, the Oni relied on chopsticks, and Erich had no idea what those were or how to use them.

Naturally, Yumi knew this would be the case, and thus she smiled when she dipped her chopsticks into a bowl of ramen, and pulled out a few noodles before stuffing them in Erich\'s face. She did this while saying the words which caused the rest of her family to look away in second hand embarassment.

"Say Aah!"

No matter what, Erich refused on a deeply personal level to allow this woman to feed him. But his stubbornness was met with forceful retaliation. Yumi pouted before sticking the chopsticks into Erich\'s mouth, and forcing the man to eat the ramen.

Though Erich was surprised that this alien food tasted so good, he was deeply embarrassed that he had allowed a woman to feed him, as if he were a mere child, and she were his mother. After swallowing the food, albeit rather begrudgingly, Yumi kissed Erich on the cheek and complimented him, further adding to the humiliation he currently felt.

"Good boy!"

Yumi then used the same pair of chopstick to eat her own ramen, where she began to rotate between her bowl and Erich\'s. Ensuring that both of them were well fed. But not before grabbing hold of a piece of Takoyaki where she once more fed it to the man.

The entirety of the Kondo dynasty watched this embarrassing scene, all of which questioned whether their matriarch had suddenly gone mad. All except for one, that is, because Ayumi was pouting with a jealous expression on her cute face.

Against the wishes of her father, Ayumi stood up, and approached the other side of the table, where she knelt down by Erich\'s side, and offered him her own serving of the many dishes which had been presented for this feast.

At this point, Erich was convinced that the girl\'s father would murder him in his sleep, and though he tried to ignore the woman\'s request to have her feed him, she suddenly turned just as forceful as her aunt.

The members of the Kondo Dynasty averted their gaze, but also had an expression that the world had turned upside down. The Matriarch of their dynasty, and their eldest princess, were both treating this foreigner as if he were their conqueror. What madness was this?

Erich struggled to fight back tears in his eyes, and the urge to apologize to everyone. If he had known he would be subjected to such humiliation, he probably would have stayed home with his angry wife and mother.

After all, Germanic society was all about self sufficiency, and thus what the Oni considered being a sign of submission on behalf of Yumi, and Ayumi, was in all actually a great humiliation for Erich who was not permitted to feed himself.

Naturally, Yumi knew this, as she had a better knowledge of Germanic culture than just about any other foreigner. But nonetheless, she did this to show to her family what place Erich had in her heart. After all, if they knew how much she cared about him, then none of them would dare to lay a finger on the man, even if she was not around to protect him.

As for Ayumi, she did not know much about Germanic culture, and thus could not understand how Erich felt about this. She instead saw her act in the same way the rest of her family did. Naively, thinking that it would please Erich.

The dinner continued in awkward silence, as nobody dared speak against their matriarch and her shameless actions. Eventually Erich became full, but not until he had consumed more food than anyone else at the table. After all, he had an enhanced metabolism, and could consume more calories than your average baseline human, let alone the Oni species, without having to worry about obesity and the myriad of health problems that it caused.

It was only after Erich had finished his meal that Yumi dismissed the rest of her family. And when she did so, she wore a sultry smile before whispering something in Erich\'s ears.

"Now, how about we retire to the bedroom, so the real fun can begin?"

Erich knew exactly what Yumi was referring to and was completely aroused. He had seen plenty of pornographic videos from the Great Oni Empire, which depicted the legendary threesome, but he never once thought that he would be able to experience such a thing during his life. Let alone with two of the most beautiful Oni women he had ever laid eyes on.

Thus, he allowed himself to follow Yumi\'s lead, as she grabbed hold of his, and her niece\'s hands before leading the two anxious young adults towards her royal bedchambers. An act which would not doubt infuriate the Great Oni Emperor, but one he was powerless to stop.

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