
Chapter 85 Family Drama Part II

"Aren\'t you going to welcome your lovely wife home?"

As much as Erich wanted to question just who his mother was talking about. He could tell that he had seriously pissed her off with his previous statements, and thus he sighed heavily as he gazed upon Erika with a stoic expression and an emotionless tone in his voice.

"Welcome home, Erika...."

Erika clearly didn\'t take this lack of emotion well at all, it was written on her husband\'s face just how little he cared for her. She thought that things would be better once he learned that she had gone out of her way to repair the bond between him and his mother, but he still did not seem the slightest bit interested in repairing their relationship.

This brought tears to the young woman\'s eyes as she dropped the groceries in her hands and ran off to her room. The moment she was out of earshot, Krista shot her son a chilling glare before scolding him for his rudeness.

"How can you be so callous after everything she has done? Do you not have a single shred of human emotion within you?"

Erich could not believe that once more he was arguing with his mother for the second time in his life. As he desperately tried to defend his own actions.

"What do you want me to do, run up and hug the bitch? In case you haven\'t noticed, I\'m not exactly her biggest fan. The fact that I was married to her, of all people, is perhaps the greatest insult I have ever received. There is perhaps only one woman in this universe who I detest more than her! And thankfully, Emrys didn\'t force me to marry that cunt!"

Krista\'s brows furrowed. She could tell that whoever this woman her son was speaking about, there was clearly some history between the two of them. And thus she could not help but question the man about her.

"This woman, you despise so much. Was she one of the women you mentioned earlier?"

Erich realized he had once more stepped on a landmine, and regretted ever opening his mouth, he remained silent for several seconds, but when it was clear that this only proved to further anger his mother, he sighed heavily, and nodded his head in silence.

This answer did not seem to have an effect on Krista. If anything, it lessened her anger. As the busty blonde bombshell sighed heavily, before asking the next question on her mind.

"How many?"

It was abundantly clear what his mother meant, and thus, Erich sighed just as heavily as his mother had previously done before he answered the question.


This answer seemed to have granted Krista some relief, that is until she asked her next question.

"And how many of these women were aliens? Don\'t tell me they all were?"

Erich averted his gaze, knowing that the answer would only further infuriate his mother, but nonetheless, he raised two fingers. Which caused Krista to once more become angry with her son, but that fury was eventually replaced with disappointment as she sighed and shook her head before voicing her thoughts aloud.

"I don\'t know what to say. I thought I raised you better than this... Apparently, I am a terrible mother."

This remark caused Erich to flinch, as his mother broke out into tears. He could not believe how quickly her mood had swung from happy to furious and finally depressed. He quickly grabbed hold of the woman and hugged her tightly, while assuring her that she was a great mother.

"Mom, don\'t say that! You were a great mother. It\'s all that bitch\'s fault that I turned out this way!"

Clearly he was talking about his wife, and this caused Krista to break away from her son\'s arms and pout as she scolded him for his careless remarks.

"You still have the nerve to say that? Whose fault was it that you slept with? What was her name? Yumi? I don\'t recall you have any interactions with Erika when you chose to do such a horrible thing! I should have known.... After I found those videos, I should have corrected your behavior. I can\'t believe I let you walk down this path."

Erich tried to hug his mother in an attempt to comfort her, but she simply shooed him away. This act nearly broke the man\'s heart, especially after Krista rebuked him so thoroughly.

"Erich, I\'m sorry, but I need some time to think...."

After saying this, Krista walked off, leaving her son in a state of utter bewilderment. He had never expected to reunite with his mother, but he had often dreamt of it. But in none of those scenarios, did he ever conceive such a reality, one where his mother was furious at him over such petty matters.

He could only sigh and get undressed. Erich adorned a pair of swim trunks and flip-flops, as he grabbed an ice chest, and filled it with beer, before walking out to the beach where he sat in silence. All he could do was drank alone and think about his problems in extreme detail.


Erich did not know how long he was on the beach for, but eventually he was awoken from his stupor when he received a call from abroad. He did not know who would possibly do such a thing, and though he was better off declining the holographic communication, his curiosity got the better of him, and thus he looked around to see if he was truly alone before accepting the call.

Immediately, the figure of a particularly beautiful Oni woman appeared on his screen. One who was dressed in a kimono, and nothing else. Though if one had to explain the outfit which Yumi was wearing, it was not a traditional kimono, and was instead quite skimpy. There was an excited smile on her face when she saw that Erich was dressed in nothing but swim trunks, causing her to remark on his appearance with an alluring tone in her voice.

"Ara ara, what a treat this is. And here I was, expecting to be the one to give you a nice gift. But why do you look so glum? You should have only returned home a few hours ago. What could have possibly happened to make you so depressed in such a short amount of time?

A peculiar look appeared on Erich\'s face, as he questioned how the woman knew that he was currently at his home.

"How do you know that I\'m currently home right now?"

A sultry smile appeared on Yumi\'s face as she dismissed the question entirely.

"Oh, a woman has her ways. Now tell me Erich, what\'s gotten you so bothered? You don\'t look like your usual self!"

Erich sighed heavily before going into detail about what had just happened to him upon returning to his home. The beautiful Oni woman appeared rather concerned, as she sighed heavily before speaking her thoughts.

"You have it worse than I thought. I can\'t believe that little wife of yours went out of her way to do such a thing, only for it to backfire in her face. Honey, I understand your frustration with the little cunt, but she is trying her best to improve your relationship. Don\'t you think the least you can do is give her a chance?"

Erich was surprised to see that Yumi had taken Erika\'s side just like his mother had, but he was even more bewildered that she referred to him with a pet name. One that was usually reserved for couples. His brow immediately raised as he asked the immediate question on his mind.


An alluring smile appeared on Yumi\'s face as she responded to Erich\'s statement with a cutesy voice.

"What you don\'t like it? Well, do you want me to refer to you by something else? How about Dear? Sugar? Darling? Ooh, I like that one. What do you think, darling?"

Erich chuckled and smiled as he heard Yumi refer to him by such an adorable pet name. He had to admit, speaking with her had driven all of his worries to the back of his mind. So much so that he did not even bother correcting Yumi about the nickname she had given him. And upon seeing that Erich was no longer wearing such a depressed expression, Yumi complimented him.

"You look much cuter when you smile, darling. Please don\'t let such matters get you down. If you are so glum there in Empire, I might just have to come get you myself!"

This remark caused shivers to run down Erich\'s spine as he remembered Ryu\'s warning, causing him to awkwardly avert his gaze. But Yumi was a wise and intelligent woman, and knew that her remark had caused the man to react this way. Something which she could not stand, and was thus quick to inquire about it.

"What? What did I say? Darling, did I do something wrong?"

Erich did not know why, but he felt much more relaxed around Yumi, so much so that he let his guard down, and said something he probably shouldn\'t have."

"It\'s just that your nephew said I should be on my guard around you..."

Yumi\'s previous flirtatious expression turned to one of sheer animosity as she demanded an answer from her current lover.

"Erich... What exactly did that little runt say to you?"

Erich immediately regretted his previous remark, because he felt an overabundance of pressure on his shoulders. Even if this woman was several hundred light years away from him. But he could not very well deny her now that he had initiated this conversation. Thus, he explained the exact discussion he had with Ryu months prior.

Naturally, Yumi was furious, but not at Erich, instead she was cursing her great nephew in the most callous way.

"That little bastard. How dare he stick his nose in my personal matters! I will have to thoroughly punish the little brat when he finally returns to the palace!"

This remark shocked Erich, as he could not believe that Yumi\'s fury was directed at Ryu instead of himself, and thus he was quick to inquire about this matter.

"You\'re not mad at me?"

A look of confusion appeared on Yumi\'s flawless face, as she gazed upon her lover\'s intimidated expression, before assuring him that everything was fine between them.

"Why would I be mad at you? You were just curious about me. If anything, I find it flattering. But darling, you don\'t need to go asking others about me. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly!"

Erich could hardly believe his ears. What the hell had he done to get this powerful, and noble woman to act this way towards him? He simply could not understand her emotions. Instead, he was more concerned about his personal safety. Which he was quick to ask about.

"So you promise you won\'t kill me when you get bored with me, or kidnap me because you have become too obsessed with me?"

For the first time in his life, Erich witnessed Yumi blush in embarrassment as she averted her gaze and fidgeted with her fingers. It was perhaps the cutest thing that the man had ever seen in his life. Suddenly the woman\'s voice turned meek, as she voiced her thoughts aloud.

"Darling.... Don\'t ask me that! I would never harm you! But I can\'t promise that I won\'t end up kidnapping you...."

Erich could feel himself blush as well when he heard these sweet words come from the Oni beauty\'s delicate lips. The truth of the matter was, he would honestly rather be with her right now, then at his home with his mother and wife.

But he would never step out of his place. It was impossible for a man like him to ask for an invitation to the Royal Palace of the Great Oni Empire. And just when he was about to sigh and accept his fate, Yumi said something rather shocking to him.

"Oh, darling! I have a wonderful idea! Since your mother and wife are upset with you right now, why don\'t you give them some much needed space and come visit the palace? I have a little surprise for you, one I think you will really enjoy... Don\'t worry about my nephew. He might be a grumpy child, but he won\'t cause any problems for you, I promise!"

Erich sat in disbelief for some time. Did he seriously just get an offer to visit the Royal Palace of the Great Oni Empire from the shadow behind the throne herself? As much as Erich wanted to visit the woman, he felt if he did as she asked, that he would not be allowed to leave when the time came to do so.

But he also could not imagine staying here in a home filled with angry women for the next three months. Thus, Erich decided to roll the dice, and boldly accepted Yumi\'s offer.

"Alright... I am trusting that you will let me go when the time comes for me to be redeployed. So, I will visit you until that time arrives, if you will have me."

A look of overwhelming excitement appeared on Yumi\'s flawless face, before giving Erich a little treat. Like she had initially planned when she called him. Yumi suddenly pulled down her kimono to reveal her modest bosom, while also pulling up the bottom of her garment to reveal her moist and puffy kitty. She looked absolutely love-struck as she voiced her thoughts aloud with a particularly alluring voice.

"I can\'t wait...."

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