
Chapter 82 Corrupting An Innocent Mind

These videos included everything from personal interests to his time in active service within the Germanic Navy and even included his intimate time with the female spy. And these were the videos that Yumi found to be the most eye catching. She could only watch each and every time Erich had been intimate with Mirage, and feel deeply envious that it had not been herself who the man was making love to.

It was while she was enjoying these videos that a knock resounded on her door. Which quickly caused the woman to turn off her holographic projector, and swiftly dress herself in a nightgown, before answering the door with a rather livid expression on her beautiful face.

Just when she was about to scold whoever was the idiot who decided to intrude on her private time, she noticed that it was her young great niece, who appeared puzzled about why her aunt seemed furious.

"Aunt Yumi, did I wake you by any chance?"

Yumi forced a smile on her pretty face as she shook her head and quickly allowed Ayumi to enter her room. Where she then sat on the bed and dismissed the young woman\'s question entirely before asking one of her own.

"Not at all, sweetheart, but I must ask, what are you doing here at this time of night?"

There was an awkward expression on Ayumi\'s face, as if she were afraid to ask the question on her mind. This confused Yumi for several seconds until her young niece pulled a holographic projector out of her pocket and displayed an image on it. One which Yumi was all too familiar with.

Yumi\'s expression suddenly turned grim, as she spoke her thoughts with a fearsome tone in her voice, one that her niece was entirely unfamiliar with.

"Where did you get that?"

The image in question was one she had taken of Erich during their first night together. It was the same one that got Erich disowned all those years ago. Ayumi blushed when she saw her great aunt\'s expression, believing that the woman was furious with her, and was quick to answer Yumi\'s question.

"I may have broken one of father\'s rules, and gotten access to the Galactic Network, where I narrowed my search to the Germanic Interstellar Network, and after searching for information about the pilot in the video you showed me, I found this on social media.

Apparently, he suffered from a bit of controversy because of it. And there are still people in the Empire who have not forgotten. They don\'t appear to know that it is you in this image, but they are saying that Erich broke the law, and slept with you.... Aunt Yumi, are you in an illicit relationship with this man?"

If it was anyone else who brought this up, Yumi would make them disappear on the spot. But since it was her beloved niece, she did not bother hiding the truth from the girl. Instead, she silently made her way towards her personal wine cooler, where she pulled out a bottle of sake and took a large gulp from it directly. Once her beautiful cheeks were well and rosy, Yumi spoke of her relationship with Erich.

"You could say that... At first it was a one-night stand, but it was one of the best nights of my life. Even though I haven\'t seen him in years, I never truly forgot about him. And then, I heard he sacrificed himself to destroy the Naraku Kingship, and though I grieved for his death, I managed to move on.

That is until I ran into him while I was trying to solve the trouble your brother had caused. Seeing Erich alive and well filled me with a certain degree of happiness, which I have not felt in years. I tried to convince him to come back with me to the palace, where I would spoil him for the rest of his life, but the stubborn bastard refused my offer. I haven\'t been able to get him out of my mind since..."

Ayumi could hardly believe her great aunt\'s confession. She was openly admitting to breaking their race\'s greatest taboo. While it was not illegal to engage in an act of interspecies relations in the Great Oni Empire, it was enough to have one shunned for the rest of their life if others found out about it.

The young princess of the Great Oni Empire could hardly believe that her royal aunt, a woman she looked up to more than anyone, had done such a thing, and did not appear the least bit remorseful. She could not help but scold Yumi for her taboo behavior.

"Aunt Yumi, how could you do such a thing? That is taboo!"

Yumi simply scoffed after taking another swig from her bottle before responding to her niece\'s outrage with a bit of pity on her face.

"Oh please, you sound just like your father and your grandfather before him. What would any of you know about my tastes in men? Germanic men are bigger and stronger than Oni men, significantly so!

Not only that, but they have increased libidos. And yet, despite this, they still know how to treat a woman right, and take care of her needs in addition to their own. Something which the men of our species are terribly inept at.

Erich was a virgin when I first met him, but because his species is genetically enhanced to near perfection, he quickly adapted to the situation, so much so that by the end of the night I was overwhelmed with bliss.

Although we drank so much that I highly doubt he remembers everything that happened that night. We\'re just lucky that our two species are not capable of reliably reproducing with one another, or you would have a little cousin by now."

Yumi\'s words were like a bomb that went off in her niece\'s mind. After all, the young woman was a pure maiden who had never even seen a pornographic video before. She knew very little of the opposite sex and their anatomy. Having been sheltered her entire life, Ayumi could not possibly understand her aunt\'s obsession. But her creative mind conjured all kinds of scenarios. Leading her to quickly become overwhelmed, to the point where she needed to sit down.

Seeing that she had upset her young niece, Yumi sighed before handing her the bottle of rice wine which she was currently drinking from, one that Ayumi was quick to accept. After taking a few gulps, Ayumi\'s cheeks flushed red, where she was just about to pose a question to her aunt, when the woman booted up her own holographic projector to reveal the video of Erich being intimate with Mirage.

The video was from the perspective of the female spy, who was being ravaged by her mutant lover. A serious taboo in the Germanic Star-Empire, but to an outsider, it just seemed like two attractive humanoid aliens going at it.

This video caused Ayumi to avert her gaze, and take another sip of alcohol, where she secretly watched it from her peripheral vision. It was only after Erich withdrew himself from Mirage that Ayumi gasped in shock before exclaiming her surprise aloud.

"Why is he so big!?!"

Yumi smiled, and nodded her head, upon seeing that her niece had finally begun to understand her obsession, where she then whispered the words into the girl\'s ear with an alluring voice.

"Like I said, the Germanic race is genetically enhanced to near perfection, naturally this includes sex appeal. It is such a pity, if Erich had not been mutated to have silver hair, and eyes, he would be considered the pinnacle of his species..."

Ayumi did not immediately respond, and she instead took another sip from the bottle in a desperate attempt to drown the overwhelming heat she felt emanating within her extremely voluptuous body.

It was only after she realized that no amount of alcohol could drown this fire within her did Ayumi suddenly stand up from the bed and walk towards the door in a hurry. She did not say a word to her aunt as she fled the scene.

As for Yumi, she had a wicked smile on her face as she said farewell to her young niece with a rather taunting tone in her alluring voice.

"Have fun!"

Little did Erich know that Yumi had planted the seeds in her great niece\'s mind that would have the young woman fall head over heels with him. By the time he was forced to visit the palace as a diplomat of the Germanic Star-Empire, he would be in for a rather surprising turn of events.

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