
Chapter 77 Negotiations Concluded

"I must admit, you have improved by leaps and bounds since we first met. No doubt thanks to those other women. It is a pity you didn\'t accept my offer, because I have a feeling I could train you perfectly to fit my needs....

Alright then, I suppose this is farewell Erich, at least until this war is over. After all, I will make damn sure you that fulfill your promise to me! Even if I have to pester that new Supreme Leader of yours. So, don\'t get yourself killed, because there is still so much I want to do with you."

Erich could not help but lament the fact that his time together with Yumi was so short. He had nearly three years\' worth of lust built up, and he was not able to vent even a fraction of it onto the woman\'s pristine body. Still, the prospect of meeting up with her after the war with the Lutharian Ascendancy was over was enough to keep him going, at least for now.

Did he feel guilty about cheating on Erika? Not in the slightest. Their marriage was one of political convenience. There was nothing more to it than that. And though cheating was strictly prohibited in the Empire, Erich could have what you might call an "exemption" on his hands. Because the royal aunt of the Great Oni Emperor had personally taken a liking to him. And the alliance with the Oni was far more important than the strict morality which the Empire preached in its propaganda.

Erich gazed upon Yumi\'s pretty face as she waved goodbye before exiting from the mess hall, where she and her armed escort then returned to the capital of the Great Oni Empire. It was only after the woman was gone that Erich realized just how much joy she brought to his life, even if it was for the briefest of moments. Perhaps he should have taken her up on her offer, but then he would be nothing more than a concubine, and that was something his pride as a man would not allow him to do.

Thus, Erich swallowed his moment of regret, and looked towards the future, and all which he hoped to achieve in this life. A mere concubine of an Oni royal? Not a chance, he was destined for greater things, just like he had told Yumi! Now was the time to prove it.


Immediately after exiting the Mess Hall, Admiral Kilen and his executive officer were there to greet Erich. They had opted not to spy on his private conversation, even though they had the means to. But they could suspect that more than talking went on for the hour that it took for Yumi to finally leave. Regardless of this suspicion, the Admiral had more important questions on his mind which he was quick to ask about.

"So, what Miss Kondo has said is true? We are to keep holding her great nephew as our prisoner until this war is over? And we are expected to vent the others out the airlock?"

Erich silently nodded his head, in doing so, confirming that this was Yumi\'s decision. Which only created further questions on the Admiral\'s mind, which he could not help but ask.

"And the Great Oni Emperor is okay with this? I mean, this is his eldest son we are speaking about!"

Erich had a bit of caution in his eyes, as he debated with himself about whether or not he should inform the Admiral of who the true power behind the throne was, in the end he remembered the frightening gaze that Yumi had given him when she said that he was damn lucky to be cute, and instantly decided not to mention it. Instead, he dismissed the idea entirely, but vaguely.

"I wouldn\'t worry about that if I were you... All I can say is that unless we receive orders to the contrary, it is best to do as Yumi says..."

The Admiral sighed, not knowing whether or not that woman was a blessing to the Empire or a curse. But that was not for him to decide, and thus he immediately gave out the orders to his marines, to vent the Oni Admiral, Executive Officer, and Marines out the airlock, like Yumi had instructed them to do.


It did not take long for Yumi to make her way back to the Palace, where she decided that she needed a good and proper rest in the hot spring, rather than report what she had done to her nephew. Thus, she stripped out of her attire, and climbed into the large pool that was the Oni Royal Palace\'s personal onsen.

The beautiful Oni woman could feel the weariness of her bones as it was sapped out of her body, all while her youth was revitalized by the mystical water which imbued her soul with the life force of the universe. But it was only then that she realized she was not alone in the bath.

Her great niece Ayumi was also soaking in the mystical water. Although Yumi was an exceptionally beautiful woman in her own right, she could not help but feel that Ayumi was basically an upgrade over herself in every way. At least, physically speaking.

While they both sported fashionable bob cuts, as was a common trend among their race. Ayumi had distinctive indigo hair and amber eyes, which only enhanced her beauty. Not to mention the girl\'s extremely voluptuous figure, which was uncommon for their people.

Yumi simply could not stand that the young, na?ve, and pure woman had such a sinful body, when she herself had such a modest figure. Thus, she wore a devilish grin as she snuck up on the girl and grabbed hold of her substantial breasts from behind, which caused Ayumi to shriek in shock.

It took Ayumi a moment to notice that her great aunt was groping her, but after she did, her heart rate lessened a little, at first she thought that a predator had come to steal her chastity, but it was just her great aunt being playful again. Yumi expressed her discontent with her great niece\'s body as she continued to grope the girl\'s large and round mounds.

"My gods, what is your father feeding you for you to grow so big? I swear it has only been a few weeks since I last grabbed onto these things, and yet they seem even bigger now!"

Ayumi flushed red in embarassment as she managed to slip out of her great aunt\'s grasp, where she immediately covered her sensitive spots with her hands before scolding the woman for accosting her again.

"Aunt Yumi, why is it that every time we share a bath, you have to do this?"

Yumi simply pouted and averted her gaze as if she were offended by her great niece\'s words, before responding with a shameless remark.

"I am simply checking up on your growth. It is my job as your aunt to do so!"

Ayumi, of course, did not buy this excuse for one minute, and simply sat back down in the water, which concealed her heavenly curves once more. Seeing that the girl was not putting up with her shenanigans, Yumi did the same, where she immediately said the words which shocked her great niece.

"Oh boy, you will not believe the day I have had. Your dearest onii-chan has done something incredibly stupid and is now being held prisoner by our allies...."

This news shocked Ayumi, who instantly rose out of the water with her fist raised in rage.


Naturally, by doing this she revealed her divine assets to her aunt, who simply smirked like a devil, as if her taunts had succeeded in their hidden goal. Noticing this, Ayumi quickly flushed red in embarassment sat back down in the water, before calming her mind so that it could form a proper coherent question.

"I\'m sorry, but what did you just say? What has happened to Onii-chan!?!"

Yumi sighed when she heard this, before explaining the situation in its entirety to the young woman, who was a bit overly attached to her older brother. Ayumi could barely believe her ears as she listened to the tale, and was outraged that her great aunt had negotiated with the Germans in a way that actually punished her brother.

But still, she could not understand why Ryu had suddenly pulled a gun on a German officer. And had even attempted to kill the man without ever having any past grievances. However, Yumi\'s next words reassured the young woman, and made her entirely thankful to her great aunt.

"You know Ayumi, you should be thanking the Germans for not plugging a hole in your brother\'s head the moment he pulled a gun on one of their officers. They would have been completely justified in doing so.

However, what is more important is that I was able to make sure that little Ryu is safe and sound throughout the rest of this conflict. In case your father hasn\'t already told you, he has activated the reserves..."

Ayumi looked over at her great aunt with an expression of dread as she asked the question that she feared most within her mind.

"You mean-"

Before she could continue, Yumi nodded her head with a grave look on her pretty face before confirming her great niece\'s worst fears were realized.

"The fleet that little Ryu serves upon is headed off to war. And it just so happens that he is now in the safest place he can be! So you do not need to worry your pretty little head, Ayumi. Your brother has almost a zero percent chance of death now that he is in the brig aboard a Germanic carrier."

Ayumi, however, was not following her great aunt\'s thought process and was quick to ask for clarification with a confused look on her flawless face.

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that her niece was as ignorant of galactic politics as always, Yumi sighed heavily before bluntly speaking her piece.

"Why do you think we allied with the Germanic Star-Empire, when they are such a young upstart of an interstellar civilization? When we first discovered them centuries ago, their military was equal to our own. And by then they had only been on the galactic stage for less than a hundred years! Now, their military might is completely beyond our capabilities. And it is better to align ourselves with such a powerful, but small nation, than to risk getting in the way of their imperial ambitions.

To put it simply, the Lutharians do not have a weapon that is capable of destroying a Germanic carrier. And I know this, because we ourselves would struggle to do so, and we are only slightly ahead of the Lutharians when it comes to military technology.

Why do you think our allies only dispatched a single fleet to aid us with? As long as little Ryu is safe and sound in their brig, there is not a chance in this universe that he is going to die. After all, I made sure that the Germans treat him with the dignity and respect that a Prince like him deserves, even if he is a colossal idiot..."

Tears began to flood down Ayumi\'s eyes, as she realized now why her great aunt had forced her brother to remain as a prisoner of the Germanic Star-Empire, causing the na?ve young woman to hug her aunt, and smother her with her colossal breasts. Something which shocked Yumi, as she struggled to breathe beneath their weight.

In the end, Yumi managed to survive as she forced her great niece off of her, and gasped for air. They then had a lengthy conversation about galactic politics, and the place that both their civilization and the Germanic Star-Empire had in it. By the time they both climbed out of the bath, Ayumi had newfound respect for her allies, and a bit of a curiosity about how they achieved such power, so quickly.

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