
Chapter 59 A Rallying Cry

To the rest of the Galaxy, this was an astonishing feat, and had only been possible because every citizen of the Germanic Star-Empire willingly sacrificed themselves to halt the devouring swarm in its tracks. Something which could not be said about any other civilization that the bugs had come across.

Currently, the Germanic Star-Empire was making a public announcement, which was watched by every interstellar civilization in the Galaxy. Grand Admiral Alaric au Emrys stood at a podium, surrounded by an army of men, as he made yet another speech to the rest of the galaxy.

"Suebi has not fallen! And for the time being, the bugs have been repelled. But we will not rest until every single one of them has been slaughtered. And so, we are now using this time to make our last stand at Suebi! As I speak, what remains of our Fleet is being dispatched to the world in one final attempt to destroy the Naraku Hive Fleet, and all the bugs within it!

If Suebi falls, then the rest of the Empire will fall with it! But if we emerge victorious in this final battle, then we will survive, and we will rise from the ashes more powerful than ever before. Victory or Death!"

Erika watched the Grand Admiral\'s speech with a hint of concern in her electric blue eyes. She had more reasons than most to worry about Suebi\'s survival. After all, that was her homeworld. And though she was currently on a tour abroad, in the Great Oni Empire, where she was particularly popular, she was still deeply worried for her people, and more importantly her family who were left behind on Suebi to fight on the front lines against the bugs.

However, her worry did not last for long, because ultimately she was forced to shut down the video, as the Great Oni Emperor himself entered the room, alongside him were two very beautiful women, one was his mother, and the other was his most respected aunt.

Erika and the other girls in her pop group immediately bowed before the foreign monarch with respect, and did not move until they were given permission to do so. The Great Oni Emperor had a look of compassion on his face, as he announced some news which stirred the hearts of the Germanic Idols who stood before him.

"Long ago, my father forged an alliance with your people, and in those days, we fought and died together as brothers in arms. Since then, the Germanic Star-Empire has never called upon us to aid them in their wars. Even now, when you are fighting for your very survival, we have received no request for support. Instead, your people wish to fight their own battles, this, is an admirable quality, but a foolish one.

After much discussion with my honorable mother and esteemed aunt, we have decided to honor this allegiance.... For the first time in three centuries, German and Oni will fight and die together against our enemies."

The group of Germanic idols were astonished when they heard these words. They had visited the Great Oni Empire not as diplomats but as entertainers, and when they were summoned to the Imperial Palace of the Great Oni Emperor, they believed they had done so to entertain him and his guests. They never thought that he would use them to convey to the Germans that help was on the way.

The girls instantly fell to their knees with tears in their eyes, as they thanked the Great Oni Emperor for his benevolence, all of which was caught on video and displayed across the galaxy.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, your majesty!"

However, the Great Oni Emperor simply raised his hand and waved it in dismissal, before pointing to his aunt Yumi, who was the real reason behind his actions.

"You do not need to thank me, if anyone, you should thank my esteemed aunt, who has maintained diplomatic ties with your Empire for the last two hundred years. It is from her behest that I now send my fleets to aid our allies during their time of need. And though I weep for the deaths of my soldiers, as they march to war against supreme odds, I know that it is the right thing to do."

After saying this, the Great Oni Emperor shifted his gaze to the nearest member of his guard, and gave the order live on camera to muster his fleets for war.

"Rally the Fleets, I want them armed and ready for war within a fortnight. If the Germanic Star-Empire can hold out until such a time, then they will get the reinforcements they so desperately need. And together we will end this galactic menace once and for all!"

While all the attention was on the Great Oni Emperor, Yumi took this chance to speak with the girls of the idol group. As she grabbed hold of their hands and led them to a more secluded area of the palace. She was quick to offer them some rice wine, as she drank from a bottle of the stuff herself. The various Germanic idols gazed in silence at the alien beauty for some time, before the woman decided to speak.

"It took some convincing, but I was able to coerce that stubborn nephew of mine to give his support to the Empire. Albeit it was only after your people secured a victory at Suebi that he was finally convinced.

I must admit that I was dismayed when I saw the destruction that had occurred in that battle. After all, Suebi was once such a wonderful world. Did you know that the planet is named after a tribe of warriors who are supposedly the ancient ancestors of your people?

Throughout my tenure as an ambassador to the Empire, I have learned much about your history, including the stuff they don\'t teach you in school. For example, these Suebi warriors were so fearsome that even the mighty Roman empire of the time referred to them as the most warlike of the Germanic peoples.

I find it suiting that the world of yours, which did not fall against an enemy invasion, was named after these fearsome warriors whose very name sent chills down the spine of those who were superior to them. After all, no matter how mighty the Suebi were on the battlefield, the Romans still considered them nothing but barbarians.

Much in the same way my brother looked at you all when he first met your ancestors centuries ago. If he could have seen all that you have achieved in the years since his death, then perhaps he might have felt differently.

I can\'t guarantee your race will survive this catastrophe, but if the Naraku get passed your core worlds, then soon it will be our turn to face them, and we do not have the strength to resist to the last man, woman, and child like you do. So, we have chosen to make our stand with you all, no matter what fate might have in store for the both of us.

Besides, I must admit that I owe at least this much to a certain young man who showed me a good time during my last visit to the Empire. Damned fool probably got himself killed by now, such a shame...."

It was at this moment that Erika finally realized who Yumi was. And was completely shocked by it. After all, the photo she had seen of the woman was taken years ago, and she was dressed far less lavishly than she was now at the time. In fact, the mature Oni woman looked even more beautiful than she did when she and Erich had hooked up.

It had been some time since Erika last thought about Erich. After all, the man hadn\'t made any moves that would force the media to take note of him in years. But now, she felt a bit bitter, knowing that her first crush might have very well gotten himself killed in defense of the Empire.

At the very least, the Empire now had a much better chance at survival, with their allies deploying their navy in support. Thus, Erika could not help but bow her head before Yumi and express her gratitude for all that this woman had done.

"Thank you, thank you for everything you have done for us."

Yumi simply wore a bitter smile as she stared out the window and towards the sky. What she was thinking at this time, nobody knew but her.

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