
Chapter 51 A Humiliation Worse Than Death

Well, that was because the main star of the film was his own daughter who was currently being gangbanged by what were clearly a bunch of Germanic men. Perhaps the most insidious part of the video was, after having three of these men finish inside his daughter, she began to enjoy her mistreatment and beg for more. Either that, or the title of video was the most offensive part of it all, as the words were clearly written in the Alfheim script.

"Tinkette Goldentooth Embraces Germanic Supremacy."

When he read these words, Bixle immediately knew who was responsible for this outrageous film, and was quick to contact the bitch. Who immediately answered with a smug smile on her flawless face. This only further enraged the Ghimderi Trade Prince, who said something he probably shouldn't have in an act of fury.

"You fucking harlot! You kidnapped my daughter and forced her to do such unspeakable things! Do you have any idea how this will damage the public perception of the Goldentooth Cartel? I could lose quadrillions!"

Lunaria gazed upon the small, obese, and grotesque goblin with a hint of satisfaction in her golden eyes, as she boasted about how much money the film was grossing.

"I dare say, Tinkette Embraces Germanic Supremacy might be the most profitable pornographic film ever recorded in galactic history. It appears there are a lot more people who take enjoyment in your downfall than I had initially thought there would be.

I had originally planned to ship the little minx back to your homeworld after the film was over, but she doesn't want to leave Alfheim now! I have tried my best to convince her to return home, but she wants to do another film as quickly as possible.

And believe it or not, I may have finally convinced the leaders of the Germanic Star-Empire to accept interspecies relationships, at least behind closed doors. Because they really enjoyed your daughter's tight and virgin holes. I think we might just have a star in the making, and it is all thanks to your generosity..."

These last words were dripping with sadistic sarcasm, so much so that Bixle was quick to lash out at the holographic projection of the Alfheim Empress.

"My Generosity, what the hell are you talking about? What makes you think we won't punish your Empire for these outrageous actions? I could easily bring the might of the entire Trade Union down upon the Alfheim Dominion. Within months, your entire economy will collapse because of our sanctions. Do you really want to play this game, bitch?"

The smug look on Lunaria's beautiful face immediately vanished and was instead replaced with a rather sinister expression as she responded to Bixle's threat with a tone filled with both animosity and rage.

"I remember a certain somebody sent his goons to kidnap my beloved Celestia in an attempt to force the poor girl to perform a similar role as Tinkette. Oh what, were you not aware that I successfully managed to capture those puny gits and torture them for information on which of you little bastards had sent them? You have really underestimated the ability of my agents, Bixle, and for that, you now suffer the consequences! What is it the Germanic people are so fond of saying again? Oh yes, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth!

This is your own fault for daring to make such a despicable move on my beloved daughter. Now you will have to watch your own flesh and blood bathe in the bodily fluids of the men you despise so much. I think it is perhaps the most fitting punishment for you, especially after everything you tried to do to my dynasty.

Know your place, you filthy little Goblin, because the next time you come after my bloodline with hostile intent, I promise you I will do so much worse! As for your threats about economic sanctions against the Alfheim Dominion, while the Goldentooth Cartel may be able to do so themselves, I highly doubt the rest of the Trade Princes will agree to follow suit.

At least not after the losses you will suffer as a result of this little film of mine. You can consider your position as Chief among your peers to be thoroughly ruined. After all, I have no doubt that your fellow Trade Princes have already watched your daughter be so thoroughly turn into a plaything for other men. In fact, I believe such a massive scandal might very well be the final nail in the coffin to the Goldentooth Cartel.

But go ahead, try to rally the Ghimderi Trade Union to take justice on behalf of your daughter. Let us see if your fellow Goblins care more about your prestige or the profits they will now make at your expense. I think we both know the answer to this question though, now don't we?"

Bixle could not find the words which he wished to convey to the Alfheim Empress in this moment, but they were somewhere in the vicinity of "I will burn your whole world down for this", to "just watch as I repay the favor that you have bestowed upon me!"

Either way, the fat and hideous goblin was utterly furious about what had just happened to his daughter, and no matter what, he needed to get the girl back under his control, so that she could spin his narrative to the public, in an attempt to save face among the Galactic Community.

Thus, he was quick to make his next demand, and he was not going to take no for an answer.

"I want Tinkette, back home on Ghimderi, no ifs, and, or buts. She will return home, or I will do everything in my power to wipe your species off of the galactic map!"

Contrary to what Bixle was expecting, Lunaria simply scoffed at the Trade Prince's threats before making a shocking gesture.

"Tinkette, dear, your father is on the line. Tell him what you told me after we concluded that little scene of yours!"

The young goblin woman immediately entered the scene. She was buck naked, and covered in the cum of the men who had just gotten finished with her. Much of it was still dripping out of her holes, and yet she did not seem to care in the slightest. There was a wide smile on her face as she informed her father that she would not be coming home.

"Hi daddy! I know you must be concerned, but don't worry about Tinkette. She has discovered a new passion of hers. I will be staying in Alfheim where I will continue my career in the adult film industry! After all, I can't go back now that I have had a taste of these Germanic men. I don't know why you hate them so much. They are really friendly and are soooo big!"

Naturally, Tinkette was not just referring to the height of the genetically enhanced superhumans, which was the Germanic race. Of course, this only further enraged the tiny Goblin, as he demanded his daughter return to him.

"You will come home this instant!"

However, in response to her father's orders, Tinkette simply stuck out her tongue and ran off, leaving behind one last set of words.

"Don't wanna!"

Once she was out of sight, Lunaria smiled sadistically, as she was obviously taking pleasure in the mental anguish she had inflicted upon the Ghimderi Trade Prince. It took several moments of awkward silence, but eventually, the Alfheim Empress spoke up once more.

"Don't worry about your daughter, Bixle, I will ensure she has everything she needs to be happy here on Alfheim, and I mean EVERYTHING. Oh, and yes, I will be filming her every time she interacts with my favorite pets, so be on a lookout for our next film, because it will be even better than the last one!"

After saying this, Lunaria hung up the call, leaving the Ghimderi Trade Prince in a state of utter fury. Not only had the Germanic Star-Empire found out about his devious plots, and had begun eliminating the Dvrakian Separatists en masse, but his own daughter had suffered such public humiliation. This was something which he would never be able to erase from his good name, or that of the trade empire which he had built.

There were no words for just how much Bixle hated the Light Elves and their Germanic pets at this moment. If he had the power to, he would immediately order the annihilation of both of their species. But one was a major Galactic Power, and the other had an irritating habit of overcoming whatever odds they found themselves up against.

Bixle could only pray to the almighty Moloch that the Germanic Star-Empire and the entire species which it represented was wiped off the face of the galaxy by the Naraku Hive Fleet Terminus, because thus far, all of his plans had gone up in smoke, and he had even suffered a humiliation that was worse than death.

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