
Chapter 46 Saving Ensign S’aleth

In truth, the Germanic Star-Empire treated their new Dvrakian subjects quite fairly, more so than any other interstellar civilization thought they would. Though the public did not know it, the Germans needed the Dvrakians to aid in their war effort against a monumental threat which was rapidly approaching their borders.

Because of this, the Germanic-Star Empire allowed the newly formed Dvrakian Social Republic to maintain quite a bit of sovereignty over its internal matters, even more so than their previous Suzerains. What the Germanic authorities had interfered with was the reconstruction of the Dvrakian worlds, the Dvrakian Military, and the governing body of the Dvrakian people.

After all, they were going to be facing an extinction level threat in just a handful of years, and because of this, the Dvrakians needed to be rebuilt into something that could withstand a Naraku Hive Fleet. Having a democratic and pacifistic government, when such an overwhelming threat loomed on the horizon, was just asking for disaster.

Naturally, the reasons behind these decisions weren\'t made public, but it was not like the Dvrakians were facing any serious form of oppression or discrimination by the new government. Aside from mandatory military conscription, which was happening in the Germanic Star-Empire as well, the people were left to their own devices, and the GSE had been paying out of their own to rebuild what they had previously destroyed.

With all these things in mind, Erich could not understand why so many Dvrakians were willing to take up arms once more, especially after the humiliating and devastating loss they had recently suffered. There was only one thing he could think of, and it was exactly as S\'aleth had tried to warn him about. Some third party was interfering in matters they had no business sticking their nose into.

These were the thoughts that flooded through Erich\'s mind as he skillfully piloted the dropship to the marked location on his nav computer. As he approached the world\'s surface, Erich activated the dropships stealth capabilities, which not only concealed their position from advanced sensor technology, but also managed to cloak the appearance of the ship to match its surroundings.

This was a specially modified drop ship intended for use by special operations, and because of this, it was outfitted with such advanced and expensive features. In fact, the Germanic Star-Empire\'s premier military technology was even capable of confusing the sensors that most Tier I Sub-Galactic powers made use of. Thus, Erich was praying to whatever deity may exist within this universe that the Dvrakian separatists did not pick up his position, because if they did, he would be shot out of the sky in an instant.

Luckily, a combination of the stealth technology, and the Germanic Star-Empire\'s jamming technology, managed to buy him enough time to land the ship in the drop zone. Where the side hatches of the spacecraft opened up to deploy five whole fireteams of some 25 special operations soldiers, who were recruited from among the most talented and capable Star Marines to undertake the Empire\'s most covert, and dangerous operations. All Erich could do now was wait for the mission to succeed, or for the command to abort, and flee from the hostile area.


S\'varin was in the middle of a call with the Ghimderi Trade Prince Bixle Goldentooth, while unknown to his entire compound, five fireteams of Germanic Special Forces, known by the name of Storm Commandos, were rapidly approaching his position.

The short, and obese goblinoid had a scowl on his hideous face, as he picked at his sharp and gilded teeth with his grubby little fingers. He was clearly displeased with something, but S\'varin did not know what. At least not until he finally spoke.

"My spies report that you have taken the liberty to assassinate an officer within the Germanic Navy. May I ask why, out of all your possible targets, you killed a school teacher?"

The leader of the Dvrakian Separatists gawked at Bixle with a look of pure ignorance on his face. And this was all that the Ghimderi Trade Prince needed to know that a trap had been set against his newest pawns. He was just about to warn S\'varin when the sound of combat echoed throughout the compound.

S\'varin quickly looked to the doorway where one of his soldiers entered into the room. His weapon had been discarded, while his armor and flesh were covered in scorch marks. One of his wings had been entirely incinerated, and half of his face was burned beyond recognition.

"Commandant! I don\'t know how, but the Germans have found us! They are here in the compound!"

After hearing this, a flash of crimson light blinded S\'varin temporarily while the man in front of him turned completely into ash. A look of complete and total rage appeared on Bixle\'s face as he began to curse out loud in a particularly disgusting voice.

"Dammit! Those clever bastards! They set you up! Well, it looks like this is where we part ways, goodbye commandant…."

After saying this, the communication was cut, and the holographic projection of the obese and hideous goblinoid vanished just in time for the Germanic Storm Commandos to enter the room. Where they quickly relayed their information to Erich, who was practically dying of anxiety while waiting for news about S\'aleth.

"We have secured S\'varin, but no sign of the bastard\'s daughter!"

As for the man in question, S\'varin immediately assumed that his daughter had called for support from the Empire, and began to curse her name in fury, and in doing so exonerating her of the charges she would otherwise be facing.

"That filthy race traitor of a whore! She has betrayed me! I knew I should have killed her the moment she step foot in my home!"

Naturally, this statement was recorded, and sent back to Germanic High Command, who were watching a livestream of the entire combat operation from the perspective of the Germanic Storm Commandos\' helmet cams.


S\'varin was quickly extracted, while combat continued to ring out from the compound. It had even reached the subterranean bunker complex where S\'aleth was currently hanging from the rafters. Her entire body was scorched black from the burns of her father\'s laser whip, and her face was barely recognizable. If not for the ID tag the Germanic Star-Empire inserted into her hand, her rescuers would not easily be able to identify her.

It took all the energy in the woman\'s body for her to look up and scream for help in the Germanic tongue. Her voice was hoarse and raspy, as if she had not been permitted to drink for days. But it was just audible enough to attract the Storm Commandos who were rapidly advancing through the facility, and killing any Dvrakian they came across who was not a female.

"Help! Please! Help me!"

S\'aleth witnessed a flash of red light outside the door, before it finally opened to reveal two piles of ash, and a man standing in the doorway, dressed in solid black power armor. If one could see his expression behind his tinted visor, it would be one of horror, as he quickly scanned S\'aleth\'s body not only for information on her vital signs but also on her identity. Which he confirmed to be the target he was looking for.

The man quickly found something to cover S\'aleth\'s scorched and naked body with, as he cut her out of her chains before lifting her up and carrying her out of the facility. Though S\'aleth could not see the man\'s face, she was delirious enough to assume it was her lover, and as she was just about to pass out from exhaustion, she made the mistake of saying his name.


This was naturally sent back to High Command, who quickly did a search for who she could possibly be referring to, and what their relationship was, in association with not only the operation but also their connections to Commander Vernik Ekberg, who was recently assassinated. It took them all of two seconds to identify Erich as the pilot who had volunteered for the mission, and this alien woman\'s flight instructor. Which, of course, left many questions up in the air.


S\'aleth and her father were quickly extracted to the dropship, where once the team had finished killing everyone else in the facility, including S\'aleth\'s mother and brothers, they were given the order to head back to the carrier. And though Erich wanted more than anything to check on his lover\'s condition, he waited until they were in Quantum before posing the question to the medic who was providing immediate assistance to the woman. There was a visible display of panic in Erich\'s voice, which was also overheard by High Command as he spoke.

"How is she! Is she going to make it?"

The medic did not question Erich\'s flustered state and instead responded in a rather stoic tone, as he explained in detail what had been done to her.

"Her body is covered in third-degree burns, and she is missing several fingers and toes. Her wings have been completely cut off, as have her tail and horns. It is clear that she has been thoroughly tortured. Even for a bunch of aliens, I can\'t believe that a father would do this to his own daughter…. Fucking savages!"

Erich gritted his teeth and struggled to hold back the tears in his eyes while he asked the next question on his mind.

"Will she be alright?"

The tone in the medic\'s voice was much more calm, as he placed a breathing apparatus around S\'aleth\'s misshapen face while injecting her with a med pen, which managed to stabilize her vitals.

"With this, she should last just long enough to get into a med bay. Though it might take some time to repair all the damage she has suffered, she should be good as new by the end of her treatment…."

This answer caused Erich to collapse into his chair and sigh in relief, and action which was also picked up by the recording within all the soldiers\' helmets, and transferred back to high command, who began to put the pieces together.


The dropship came out of quantum not long after, where S\'aleth was immediately transferred to a medbay for treatment. At the same time, S\'varin was escorted to a holding cell in a secure location of the ship.

Naturally, due to the current circumstances of the operation, the Germanic Star-Empire could not trust any of the Dvrakians on board the carrier who might want to eliminate this valuable source of intelligence before he could be interrogated, and thus, he was protected by the Storm Commandos, who would allow nobody else, not even the Admiral aboard the ship to visit the prisoner.

At least not until a time where a dedicated interrogator from the IIS could arrive to do his job. As part of these security measures, S\'aleth was also under guard by a fireteam of Storm Commandos while she received the medical treatment she so desperately needed.

As for Erich, he was not immediately awarded with the Knight\'s Cross, which he had been promised. Rather, he quickly found himself in handcuffs where he was immediately placed upon a shuttle headed for an unknown destination.

He did not know whether the Navy had found out about his relationship with S\'aleth, or whether they had discovered his role in Commander Vernik Ekberg\'s death. But whatever the reason was behind his arrest, it was for a serious crime. One worthy of the death penalty.

Erich did not know how long it took for the shuttle to arrive at its destination. But when he finally arrived, he was surprised to see that he had been taken to the world of Germania. Where he was quickly escorted into a building that was unfamiliar to him. Ultimately, the guards forced him to sit down in an empty office, where his handcuffs were removed before being left alone.

Another few hours passed, and during this time, Erich had simply sat in his chair, waiting for what he perceived to be his impending execution. Eventually, much to his surprise, the doors opened to reveal a rather handsome and rugged man, who he had never met before.

But judging by the insignia on the man\'s distinctive white and gold uniform, this was none other than Grand Admiral Alaric au Emrys, which immediately caused Erich to jump to attention and salute the man. Surprisingly, Alaric simply smiled and responded to Erich\'s salute with a casual dismissal of formalities.

"No need for such formalities Erich, in fact, if I am being completely honest with you, I have been wanting to meet with you for a very long time…."

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