
Chapter 38 A Dastardly Plot By The Ghimderi Trade Union

However, with the current mass military buildup which the Germanic Star-Empire was undergoing, it was becoming increasingly clear to Bixle and several of the other Trade Princes that if left unchecked, the Germanic Star-Empire would inevitably prove disastrous to the Ghimderi Race as a whole. Especially after they realized just how much the goblinoid race had conspired against them.

Even if the Germanic Star-Empire did not directly seek out vengeance against the Ghimderi. The very idea of them surviving, and eliminating a Naraku Hive Fleet while being a regional power, would inevitably inspire other interstellar civilization to follow their path of self sufficiency.

If such a thing were to occur, then it would rapidly decrease the power and influence of the Ghimderi Trade Union. This could not be permitted under any circumstances. Thus, Bixle Goldentooth had summoned his peers to discuss how to prevent the Germanic Star-Empire from surviving the onslaught of the Naraku Hive Fleet, which was currently heading towards their borders.

"We can\'t allow these golden-haired shits to increase their military strength. It was bad enough when they began efforts to doube the size of their Armed Forces just with their own population. However, after annexing the Dvrakian Consortium, they now have access to far more resources and manpower than what they were previous limited to.

What we need to do is instigate a war, perhaps with a Sub-galactic power, so that the Germanic Star-Empire wastes its resources that they have recently accumulated. This way, they will have a far lower chance of surviving the Hive Fleet terminus!"

Another Trade Prince, who was just as ghastly in appearance as Bixle, was quick to nod his head in agreement before voicing his own opinion on the matter.

"It has become clear to me that this so called Germanic Star-Empire has become a threat to our continued power and influence over the galaxy. They have managed to achieve military power in parity with Tier III Regional Powers, while only holding thirty-six systems beneath their control. Now they have access to over three hundred. It is impossible to know just how much power and influence they will achieve in the coming years. It is only a matter of time before other interstellar civilizations try to emulate the Germanic society.

We can not allow this to happen, and since we can not manipulate their economy, as it is entirely self-sufficient, we must manipulate another power into declaring war on the Germanic Star-Empire. So long as they are not facing imminent extinction, the Alfheim Empress will not interfere with a military conflict. Thus, we can waste their resources until the Naraku take care of their pesky race once and for all!"

Despite the words of this specific trade prince, another and more hideous looking elderly Ghimderi by the name of Qeld Silvergleam was quick to voice his disapproval with this plan, not because he found it to be unethical, no there was not a single Ghimderi would disagree with this proposal based upon something as inconsequential as morality. No, he disagreed with this plot specifically because he believed the fascination which the Alfheim Empress had in her newest pets was something that his peers were underestimating and thus he was quick to voice this concern.

"I believe you are all failing to realize how much of an infatuation Empress Lunaria Asterion has with the Germanic race. I have it on good authority that she has said some rather obscene things about her desires towards the men of the Germanic Star-Empire, specifically their Grand Admiral, who currently seems to be leading the Empire in its efforts to prepare for the Naraku Hive Fleet.

She will naturally be able to detect any hostile moves we make towards her precious pets, and will not easily forgive them, especially as they are now fighting for their very survival. I believe if we were to encourage one of our puppets to declare war against the Germanic Star-Empire, then it won\'t be long before the Alfheim Dominion mobilizes its forces to blockade our home world! If that happens, our wealth will vastly diminish, as will our control over the galaxy!"

Bixle\'s plump little fingers curled so much that his claws began to dig into the flesh of his palm. He gnashed his overly sharp teeth in response to Qeld Silvergleam\'s words before voicing his distaste for the Alfheim Empress and her race as a whole.

"Those damned Light Elves, they think because their military is superior to our own, that they actually have a say in how far our influence spreads! Absolutely disgusting, the lot of them! If they were more easily manipulated, like their dark-skinned cousins, then perhaps we wouldn\'t be having this problem!

Regardless of what that damned whore thinks, the Germanic Star-Empire and their entire race must be eliminated. Their very existence is a threat to our power! And If the Alfheim Empress decides to get in our way, then we will just convince the other Galactic Powers to restrain her. No matter how powerful the Alfheim Military is, they cannot win a war against the entire galaxy!

As for their bitch of a Crowned Princess, she needs to be humbled. For such a foolish little girl to speak to me with those vile words, I think we need to teach her a lesson! We need to capture her alive and soil her purity! Perhaps after being sold to the Dark Elves, she will learn some proper respect! All in favor of coercing a sub-galactic power to declare war against the Germanic Star-Empire, and for the kidnapping of the Alfheim Crown Princess?"

The vote was unanimous as each and every Trade Prince within the Ghimderi Trade Union agreed to start a war with the Germanic Star-Empire via the use of a proxy, and to kidnap the Alfheim Crown Princess so that they could gift her to the Svartalfheim Federation as a pleasure slave.


Almost immediately after the meeting between the trade princes took place, Lunaria received a call from Qeld Silvergleam. He did not intend to warn Lunaria about the schemes of his peers simply out of the goodness of his heart, but rather out of greed. To the Ghimderi, nothing was above wealth and power, even their own race. In fact, it was to be expected that at least one of the Ghimderi Trade Princes would sell out their own kind in pursuit of a quick buck.

After hearing everything that the elderly Trade Prine had to say, Lunaria gazed in disgust towards the hideous goblinoid creature, more so than usual. She was utterly furious that they had not only desired to drive her favorite pets into extinction but also were planning to go after her own daughter with such despicable methods.

The fury a mother had when her children were targeted was not something easily calmed. And thus, she sent a substantial fortune to the Trade Prince, who had warned her while also returning the favor.

"Humph, how impetuous of your peers to think that they can get their hands on my precious daughter, and turn her into a plaything for those hideous dark skinned freaks! All because she spoke the truth about your people! Well, I will show them, when Bixle\'s agents come for my daughter, I will have their genitals mutilated before feeding them to the wretches they belong to through a straw!

As for the punishment that I have in store for your peers, I believe I will leave that up to my precious puppies. Once they have fully grown, I will tell them of what your despicable race has done to them, and what you all will continue to do throughout the coming years. Then I will watch as they latch their jaws around your gangly necks, before ripping out your throats with their sharp teeth!

Naturally, I will spare the Silvergleam Cartel, or at least make the best efforts to do so. But if I were you, I would flee from your so-called home world before the Germans arrive. Because when they do, it will not be easy to appease their fury. Not after they learn all which you have done to them! No, I believe only the extermination of your entire race will satiate their blood lust! And I personally look forward to the day the name Ghimderi is just an embarrassing memory in the history of the Galaxy!"

It was only now that Qeld Silvergleam was beginning to regret his decision to inform the Alfheim Empress of the plans that his peers had concocted. She was beyond furious, and it would appear that even though he had warned her in advance, she would not make much of an effort to spare him and his Cartel when the day of reckoning finally arrived.

Perhaps Bixle was right all along. The Germanic people needed to be erased from the galaxy, for if they were not, then it would mean disaster for the Ghimderi race. After all, the Ghimderi were not warriors; they were not skilled in the art of war. Their biology basically prevented them from being proficient in such noble pursuits. They were only good at coercing the other races to commit violence on their behalf.

But with the rapid rate which the Germanic-Star Empire was developing, and the animosity that the Alfheim Dominion now had towards the Ghimderi Trade Union, it was only a matter of time before they found themselves embroiled in a war with two galactic powers. When that happened, perhaps even the combined might of the Asuran Cabal, the Svartalfheim Federation, and the Ennead Theocracy would not be enough to save his people.

After all, the Germanic Star-Empire had thus far shown a remarkable ability to punch above their own weight, and by the time they were truly a galactic power in their own right, whether this took a millennium, or a hundred, they would be able to effectively counter at least two galactic powers on their own. After all, even the most militant of the Galactic Powers, which was the Alfheim Dominion, admired the proficiency in which the Germanic race engaged in violence.

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