
Chapter 825 Demi-Human

After fighting against the demons, they set up a camp around the ruin. He divided the people into two groups.

He and the second prince would lead the first group and advance into the ruin while the second group remained on the surface, making sure nothing went wrong. Legolaz was a bit concerned about the mysterious organization that came after Noel.

After some thought, Legolaz realized that Noel was already aware that he was chased by them and still chose to join. It looked like Noel was trying to involve them in his problem, but at the same time, this was a kind of opportunity.

Noel had a shocking talent, so it was also an opportunity if they wanted to rope him in. In fact, Noel looked like he had the talent to become a Grand Protector in the future. But as the teacher of the second prince, he was a bit skeptical about it.

Legolaz glanced at the Ramuer as though he wanted to explain it to them.

"We are ready," Ramuer confirmed while sheathing his sword. Since they had to climb down, they couldn\'t wield their sword easily.

Legolaz then raised his hand and poured his Spiritual Energy into the air. Suddenly, the sand rose into the air and gathered around the entrance.

With a single wave of his hand, the sand flowed like water, filling up the hole.

"There are four floors underneath the ground. We have to be careful since there might be a hidden danger. We\'ll go to the first floor first and investigate the area before continuing to the second floor and so on." Legolaz explained.

"How about that guy?" Ramuer asked, mentioning Noel. Since Noel had hidden inside the ruin, there was a chance that he was ready to fight against them.

"Unless he is proven to have stolen our objective, we won\'t attack him. With his strength, it\'s hard to capture him, and fighting underground is extremely dangerous since the entire building can collapse. So, we\'ll prioritize negotiation."

"Alright." Ramuer agreed. If they were trapped like that, there was a big chance they would die, so it would be better to do this peacefully. "Still, will there be a problem with those mysterious people?"

"I\'m also skeptical about them, but their strength is overwhelming. If they want to kill us, we won\'t be able to escape. So, I don\'t think they will be destroying this building. Their original intention seems to be capturing that guy. Hence, we\'ll proceed with the assumption that they won\'t make a big move. Just make sure that you look around because they might be infiltrating the ruin."

"Got it. Let\'s go then." Ramuer nodded.

Both of them were leading the team. They could see a thick black rope attached to the top of the ceiling. It seemed that this was the way for the people to go down in the previous civilization.

Hence, Legolaz grabbed the rope and started sliding down carefully. He examined the entire area with the sand scattered on the first floor.

After he confirmed it was safe, Legolaz waved his hand, telling them to go down before he jumped into the first floor.

Like Noel, they didn\'t find a single person inside. Even the trace of the people from the previous civilizations was nowhere to be seen.

While they were confused, Noel was actually shocked to the point he dropped to his butt.

"What in the world is this?" Noel gasped in disbelief. His heart was filled with fear and anxiety.

The sight was like none other. In fact, he could only think of this as something that wasn\'t supposed to exist.

After all, the floor below the one filled with demon corpses was actually filled with humans.

Yes, on the next floor, there were a lot of tubes like the previous one, but instead of demon corpses, it was human.

Noel didn\'t know if he could even call them human.

On the nearest tube, the human seemed to have mutated. His right hand was big and robust, but the skin was completely black. The palm had the same pattern as a dog, but instead of nails, it was more accurate to consider them claws.

And that was only the right hand. His left foot was so big and covered by black fur, making it look like a black bear\'s foot.

On the next tube, he saw a human with a pair of fox ears. They still retained their human ears, making them have a total of four ears. In addition, his entire body was hairy like that of an ape.

All other humans also had a similar body but with different animals. Noel couldn\'t believe it with his own eyes.

In fact, there were two thoughts that appeared in his mind.

"Now that I think about it, they look like Demi-human, right?" Noel fell silent, remembering Old Ru.

Old Ru might look extremely similar to that of a human, but that was because he had cast away his shell. His grandson was the one looking like a combination of an animal and a human.

"Don\'t tell me, it\'s the laboratory where they are born? But I don\'t think the Atrecaeca Kingdom is the only one having this… There should be a lot of laboratories like this scattered in other kingdoms. Due to the nature of their research, it\'s long abandoned and hidden from the naked eyes."

Noel believed that there were similar underground ruins scattered in the area. They produced the early demi-human.

"Still, if I\'m not wrong, the demi-human retaliates and finally leaves the human territory, migrating to a new place and creating a new kingdom. And Old Ru hails from this place."

Noel fell into deep thought. There was a big implication of finding this ruin. First of all, the information alone would definitely scare people because there was a chance that these demi-humans would come again and wreak havoc in their territory like what happened a thousand years ago.

"That\'s right. I think everything matches perfectly."

Noel recalled all the information he had gotten so far.

"In other words, the chronology is like this… First, the demons appeared in this world, introducing Spiritual Energy. They destroyed the previous civilization, cornering them. My ancestor was also fleeing to this place and fighting back."

"However, there should be a lot of people who were smart enough at that time. They created some ruins, probably like this laboratory and anything else."

"While they were researching, my ancestor roamed around the place and helped the creation of the Muivell Kingdom."

"Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, not long after the creation of the kingdom, these people succeeded in creating a combination of humans and animals."

"There was no record of how they were treated, but they should be quite powerful. Fearing the retaliation of these demi-humans, the humans decided to expel them so that they wouldn\'t harm all four kingdoms."

"To avoid it happening again, all the people working on this project had to be eliminated so that they wouldn\'t make something like this anymore. I\'m not sure if they destroyed the ruins or not, but at least one of them survived."

"Meanwhile, my ancestor helped the migration of these demi-humans and eventually allowed them to settle down in a new land far from here. After that, nothing happened between them anymore."

Noel thought he had guessed it correctly. And the remainder of the story was similar to what was written in their history.

"In the previous life, Old Ru\'s grandson ended up following me back to the human kingdom. It must be shocking to this kingdom, but it would cause a lot of controversy as well. He would be in danger and might even learn this information and the ruin. I couldn\'t imagine what kind of reaction he would have."

Noel felt a headache thinking about that possibility anymore. It seemed that he had made a correct choice in not bringing him here.

"In any case, I got a good grasp of what this ruin is. It\'s just… I don\'t know how far these people could go. And there doesn\'t seem to be any record in this place…" Noel looked around. He hadn\'t found a single book in this place. It seemed they had at least erased the written record. Without it, the people of this generation would have trouble replicating what they did.

"Will the people of the Atrecaeca Kingdom kill me because of witnessing something like this? I could fight them, but it would be troublesome if they worked together with the Supreme Devil Organization."

Noel was afraid that in order to keep this a secret, Legolaz would make a deal with the Supreme Devil Organization to capture him. They could simply lure him out and let the organization do the rest. While it was true that he had Dimitri, it was still impossible to stop two Devil Saints unless Dimitri used his True Spirit Body.

But the moment he used it, Dimitri would be weakened, giving them a chance to capture him. So, he didn\'t know what he should do in this situation.

"It seems that my plan has to be changed again after seeing this ruin." Noel glanced at the stair that led him to the lower level. "I have to inspect the entire ruin before I can figure out what I should do."

With that thought in mind, Noel immediately headed down to discover the rest of the ruin. He had to be fast and careful if he wanted to survive. At the same time, he was also worried because he had to bring Tristan and Sandra out of this place as well.

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