
Chapter 664 Faust



A young man with short, spiky brown hair was panting. He had been running for a while and finally reached the city center. 

Inside the city, there were already a lot of empty buildings. It wasn\'t that they had been evacuated.

Instead, most of the people that lived on them had passed away. There were numerous cries all around the city as people lost their loved ones. 

The people weren\'t panicking anymore. They had gone to despair, thinking this would be the end.

In the city center, there were a lot of injured people lying down. They had been taken care of, but still, there were too many people in this place.

And among them was the target of the young man. He had a big, muscular body. His eyes were sharp and filled with killing intent.

However, there was a big hole in his right arm, so he came to this place to get treated.

His injury had been bandaged, and he seemed to be planning to return to the city wall. 

But before he left, the young man arrived in front of him.

"Captain. I have good news. Northwest of the city, there is a smoke signal. It seems that they are our reinforcement, but I don\'t think they are the reinforcement we\'re hoping for…" The young man reported with a worried expression. 

That was right. This big man was none other than the Demon Barrier Squad\'s captain, Faust. He was the man Noel found when he returned to the headquarters with Rose. 

He was still in the middle of training the new knights. But because of this problem, he had rushed back to make sure that his squad was alright. 

Unfortunately, the situation was worse than he expected.

Even he was injured after fighting for so long. And this time, they received good news, but they were a bit unsure since this good news might not affect the current battle. 

"…" Faust fell silent for a moment and grabbed the bow next to him. The black bow didn\'t seem to be anything special, but its weight might be similar to Paul\'s warhammer. Even the string used to attach it came from a thread of a Peak Level Demon Spider. 

Nonetheless, good news was still good news. Since there was reinforcement, he had to bring them in.

"A helping hand is always welcome in this situation. I am going to create a path for them. You go to the gate and prepare to raise it for them." 

"Understood." The young man nodded.

Both of them immediately ran toward the gate. Despite his big body, Captain Faust had speed far faster than the young man. It only took him two minutes to reach the gate from the center of the city.

He didn\'t recognize this smoke, but there was only one more reinforcement that had this small number of people. 

"I see. It seems that they are from the Demon Relief Squad, the first squad we asked for help." Faust narrowed his eyes. "The Demon Relief Squad doesn\'t really have the strength for combat, but they are, by no means, weak. I guess it\'s better than nothing." 

Faust glanced at the demons before shouting, "We are about to let the reinforcement in. Everyone takes your position. Ready to provide some support." 

"Yes, Sir." Those who heard him answered. T

Meanwhile, Faust raised his bow, aiming at the sky. On his right hand, an arrow made of Spiritual Energy appeared. 

He shot this arrow into the sky. When it reached its peak, an explosion occurred. The thunderous sound shook the area and purple particles scattered in the air. 

This was the signal that the people in the base had recognized and prepared for their arrival. 

The Demon Relief Squad had gathered in one spot, ready to charge in. Once the signal was seen, Paul ordered, "Stella and I will take the lead. Jonathan, Rose, and Ben will provide support. Iadre will provide the firepower and Zion will take care of the unexpected situation."

"Got it." 

Now that they were ready, they immediately ran forward. Since they brought three carriages, Jonathan, Rose, and Ben are the ones driving them. Stella and Paul ran in the front while Noel stood on top of the middle carriage, looking around. 

It seemed that the demons had realized their presence as well. Some of the demons suddenly turned around and ran to them. 

"Paul." Stella raised her sword, using her ability to cover the swords. 

"Yeah." Paul nodded. He also poured Spiritual Energy into his hammer. 

They jumped forth to reach the demons earlier. 

With a single wave of the hammer, Paul blew a demon back, causing four demons to crash into this demon. Meanwhile, Stella skillfully killed three demons in rapid succession. 

Still, there were at least thirty demons coming toward them. So, they had to prepare for the remaining demons. In addition, there were some demons that would block the gate. 

Noel raised his head, looking at the big man that stood on top of the city wall. There were two people next to him that stopped the demons from reaching him. 

He seemed to have aimed the arrow at these demons. Once released, the arrow flew like that of a bullet. 

Before it reached the demons, the lightning arrow let out a spark, causing it to scatter into fifteen smaller lightning strikes. Each lightning strike hit a demon, creating a hole in their body and killing them. 

Stella and Paul smiled since their job had become easier. Meanwhile, Noel had gathered Spiritual Energy in his fingertips and waved his hand, summoning a black colored phoenix. 


The phoenix let out a cry as if it was alive. It ignored the demons below it. Instead, it flew straight to the demons near the gate. 

One of the demons spotted this phoenix and jumped into the air, striking this phoenix with his paw to take it down. 

But in that instant, the phoenix exploded and the fire scattered around, burning the demons that touched it.

Even though they hadn\'t fought together, both squads knew their role. And they were going to open up a path. 

Faust couldn\'t help but smirk. This time, he conjured a more powerful lightning arrow, aiming it at the demons on the ground. 

"Lightning Dragon."

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