
Chapter 627 Plan

"!!!" The Stone Lord and Clara were shocked to see the reinforcement coming from the outside. Since they had to fight the enemies upon their return, they didn\'t know anything about their plans.

So, they thought the Plant Lord and Septa didn\'t come back to the fort.

But considering Noel was here, they should have thought Septa was hiding somewhere. But the Plant Lord was far away from them. Even Zion was stationed on another wall, so they didn\'t know about the Plant Lord\'s whereabouts.

Just when they were about to think the situation had gotten worse, the situation was overturned in an instant.

Septa immediately struck the third Superior Demon that was hiding from their sight this whole time. The chameleon was extremely powerful with that camouflaging ability, considering only Septa was able to find it.

They wouldn\'t be able to find the chameleon before it was too late.

That was why it was good to have Septa handling this chameleon. There was no way the chameleon would be able to hide itself from Septa.

At the same time, the Plant Lord had stretched many roots to capture a lot of demons.

The surprise attack worked like a wonder, giving a lot of time for the people inside the fort.

And due to the situation, the Plant Lord didn\'t realize that he had fallen into traps. The fact that Septa used someone else\'s identity to protect him alone was enough for him to be suspicious.

Yet, because the situation forced him to act, he didn\'t have time to suspect anyone.

Noel\'s eyes flashed the moment his plan had entered the final phase.

"Captain Clara, Sir Stone Lord. Please kill that demon as quickly as possible. I\'ll take care of the rest of the Peak Level Demons." Noel shouted, enhancing his voice with Spiritual Energy.

Clara and the Stone Lord exchanged looks. They knew fighting the Superior Demon like this allowed them to kill it quickly. And Noel\'s objective must be the other Superior Demon, which would give Septa time to protect the Plant Lord.

From the Plant Lord\'s perspective, it was Noel\'s consideration of this unpredictable thing. But he didn\'t realize it was what Noel wanted him to think.

Of course, to make his plan work, Noel had to work hard as well, especially in fighting these five Peak Level Demons.

During the time he conveyed his instruction to the Stone Lord and Clara, the Peak Level Demons approached him from two sides.

They jumped into the air with the intention of dragging him down to the ground.

Noel flapped his wings and released the Fire Gale.

The hot gale scorched their skins. Even the Peak Level Demons might get heavy injuries if they weren\'t careful.

So, both Peak Level Demons followed their instinct and used their attacks to blow their bodies away and fall back to their group.

The other two demons charged their tails again, ready to shoot him down. Meanwhile, the last one jumped like the first two but with different timing.

As expected from a Peak Level Demon, whose intelligence was said to be equal to that of a human, it knew Noel would use Fire Gale to repel the two Peak Level Demons, but after that, there would be nothing to stop him.

Noel saw the incoming demon along with the lower level demons that tried to reach him by stepping on top of each other.

He used the flap earlier not only to produce the hot gale but also to spin his body.

After that, he put his sword in front of him and completed a full rotation, striking both the fifth Peak Level Demon and the demons beneath him.

Circular Sword Strike (Vertical).

The sword strike expanded. Even the Fire Bird Demon didn\'t dare to face it directly, so the Peak Level Demon chose to use it to blow him away instead of charging forward.

But the lower level demons weren\'t that capable. They even took the Fire Gale head-on, let alone this Circular Sword Strike.

Unfortunately, their strength was not enough to stop them and multiple demons got their bodies sliced by it.

Still, there were the other two demons that had charged their attacks this whole time. As soon as they saw Noel using his ability, they shot him down, taking advantage of the split second Noel was unable to move because he had to complete his ability.

Noel had expected this already, but still, there was nothing he could do. Even though he had become a Spirit Master and his strength was able to compete with five Peak Level Demons, the quantity wasn\'t that easy to defeat by quality.

At the same time, there were other low level demons that kept distracting him. Some even tried to attack him from afar.

If not for the fact that Noel had sent the Fire Gale and the Fire Feathers before his attack, he would have been swarmed by all these demons.


The two demons\' attacks hit him.

"Iadre!" Clara shouted and gritted her teeth. It was still too much for Noel to fight all those demons by himself. At the same time, this might be their only chance to turn around the situation, so she couldn\'t help him.

On the one hand, she was afraid that she would lose her subordinate during the expedition again. On the other hand, she had to fulfill her role so that they would have fewer casualties.

Clara could only gnash her teeth and continue fighting the Superior Demon.

Meanwhile, Noel, who was blown away by the attack, managed to recover his balance by flapping his wings a few times.

Despite receiving the two attacks head-on, there wasn\'t a single injury on his body. Instead, his skin was covered with scales. It became even more visible since the attack blew up his clothes.

In addition to the protective armor made of the Ancient Demon Tree, Noel managed to escape unscathed from the attacks.

Noel hurriedly flew toward the fort again since his position was right in the middle of the enemies. If he didn\'t move, all the demons around him would drag him down.

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