
Chapter 809

I’m not talking about what happened in the royal capital.

I’m talking about the feeling of having finished a job.

Alfred, Tiselle, Ursa, Torain, and the others stayed in the royal capital because they had to go to the academy but everyone else had returned.

Above all, I’m glad everyone’s alright.

After relaxing a little, we will have a “Thanks for your hard work” banquet tonight for tomorrow, everything will return to normal.

It seems that the angels and dwarves are already having a banquet ahead of us…..

Well, let’s let it slide.

They are having it in the corner of the courtyard where the banquet will be held so as not to disturb the preparations.

Guronde is taking care of the orthros Oru in the courtyard where the banquet is to be held though he is not going to participate in the banquet.

Oru was house sitting.

At first, we planned to have him join the parade but no matter how much we think of it, we can’t let him march with Guronde. The dragons aside, he can’t even join the kuros due to their size difference.

There was a suggestion to have him ride on Guronde’s back or my carriage but Oru refused.

So, Oru had no choice but to house sit and thought he didn’t mind……

But he’s currently still sulking.

He has not seen Guronde since the last few days after all.

Yeah, Oru has completely become Guronde’s family.

That aside, I think he should be a little nicer to Girar.

When Guronde and the others returned, he rushed to Guronde, not bothering to greet Girar, who’s in front.

Girar, you would welcome his greeting, right?

As for why I think so, it’s because you’ve been watching Guronde and Oru.


What should I do?

As for me, I’m welcomed by the kuros who were left house sitting. It will be difficult to not talk to them.

Ah, Dors, who didn’t notice me since I’m being surrounded by the kuros, came to invite Girar.



As I see off Dors and Girar, I resume playing with the kuros, with a ball.

I had them house sit.

This is the least I could do.

Well, at least until the banquet tonight starts.

Throwing ball is not a problem for me.

I’m already used to it.

However, I find it hard to pet and praise the kuro who who brought the ball.

The kuros who stayed to house sit are the middle to lower rankers among the kuro pack.

They usually have few chances to get in contact with me.

Thus, they are full of energy.

They are so excited that I’m a little scared.

However, this probably shows how lonely they usually are.

As far as I’m concerned, I want to treat them equally, but I don’t want to break the pack order of the kuros.

This is quite a difficult problem.

I wonder if it would be better to create opportunities for them like this time.

Ah, I was thinking too hard that my petting hand wasn’t moving.


I’ll think about it later.

For now, let’s focus on the kuros.

Alright, here’s the next ball!


I kept throwing the ball until my shoulder hurt.

I thought I was already used to it.

If I could transform the “AFT” to a ball, I wouldn’t have gotten tired but it would come back to my hand automatically before even the kuros catch it.

No, the “AFT” can’t transform into a ball, right?

That can’t be, right?

Yeah, it’s impossible.

A ball is not a farming tool.

How about the spear then?

It’s used to protect the field so it’s a farming tool.



Night, the banquet began.

It’s not a big banquet.

Just a little one.

The main purpose is to thank them for their hard work.

The evaluation meeting on the parade outside was completed before returning to the village.

The main topic here will be to talk to those who had not participated in the parade outside about the parade outside.

Ah, I also reported to Zabuton about the spiderlings leaving their costumes and she forgave them.

It was an emergency after all.

However, I will not take advantage of that and will be careful in the future.

In addition, the whale bone that was picked up by Aegis during the parade had been dedicated to the shrine in Village Five.

I was afraid of forgetting about it if I put it off.

I haven’t felt anything strange since I received it but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Let’s check on it later.


It was not the same as usual banquet……that is, I’ll say it’s more elaborate.

The dishes laid on a long table placed in the center of the banquet hall were shaped to resemble the parade outside the village.

The salad, with prominent cut cucumbers, probably represented the beastkins.

The eggplant dishes should be the high elf group.

The radish dishes are the kuros.

Well, I guess you have to use your imagination a bit but it’s clear enough.

The dragons are made of candies so there is no need to imagine it.

Even so, I guess they couldn’t prepare enough candy for this banquet since there are only three of them, Dors, Girar, and Hiichirou.

Ah, the oni maids are making Raimeiren over there so I guess they just didn’t have time.

The group of spiderlings are decorated steamed potatoes.

The carriages that I and the children were riding were made of pumpkins.

The scale has some variation due to the ingredient limit but I don’t really mind.

This gives off the parade atmosphere.

However, why isn’t anyone touching any of the food? Perhaps because there are other dishes besides the food on this long table?

Or are they made just for show?

They are food so we should eat them, right?

After checking with the oni maids who had prepared the food, I reached for the pumpkin dish that was probably representing me.

Oh, it looks like they were only waiting for me to eat it.

The dishes on the long table dwindled fast.

The angels, mountain elves, dwarves, villagers from Village One, Two, Three, Four, and Five are also represented with some dishes but Village Three and Four, who are made of fruits, were the most popular.

They disappeared in no time.

As for the broccoli Village One villagers……no one?

Broccoli tastes good.

Fairy Queen, you can eat the candy work but don’t crush them in front of those who they were modeled with.

That will create some strange atmosphere.

No, I don’t think everything will be okay just because you handed them out to the children.

And don’t give Girar’s candy head on her.

Guraru looks troubled.

Think about it first before giving anyone anything.

Raimeiren, don’t protect the candy Hiichirou.

You’re not?

But you used magic to protect it, right?

Even I can see that.

Because of that, neither the Fairy Queen nor the children are approaching the candy Hiichirou.


About those palm sized sake barrels that represent the dwarves…..do they have anything inside?


They had a dispute over which sake to put in and in the end, the dwarves drank them before putting it in.

I see.

So, they’re just decorations.


Speaking of decorations, there are three ice sculptures in bird shape a short distance away from the long table.

They are Swan, Black Swan, and the phoenix chick Aegis.

At first, I thought they were made of candy like dragons but they were made of ice.

Swan and Black Swan look exactly alike because they are made of ice but the roughness of the carvings might have given a different atmosphere. I could tell this one is Swan and this one is Black Swan.

I asked who made them.

They told me it was the mountain elf who went to the academy with Torain.

She made them before they left for the parade outside the village and they had been magically preserved until today.

I see. I’ll send her a letter later with my impressions.


There’s one more, right?


I know it’s ice but Aegis looks miscarved or something…..

When I was thinking about that, the ice sculpture Aegis suddenly fired up.

The surface of the Aegis ice sculpture was coated with a chemical that burns.


This automatic ignition mechanism is something only the mountain elves would do.

By the way, won’t this flame melt the ice?

As expected, it’s melting.

However, why does it look like the flame is getting stronger as it melts?

Is this whole thing made of frozen flaming chemicals?


Put the fire down now!

I’ll add a complaint to my feedback letter.

As I thought about that, I somewhat felt that I’m really back in the village.


Angel: I’m dissatisfied with the fact that we were made of bell peppers.

Oni Maid: It has no other meaning.

Angel: Candy will do, candy


AN: It’s been a while.

Sorry for the updates delay.

I went to the mid-august comiket (three days and two nights travel to Osaka from Tokyo and back by car) and I couldn’t get over the fatigue.

Is it summer fatigue or is this a sign of aging?

I managed to recover last Saturday but I had a lot of backlogs on other things too so I had to delay the update until today.


Once again, I’ll do my best.

My best regards.

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