
Chapter 421

Chapter 421


"Roger. I detected them as well," Delhart answered.

Is it a detection based on those long organs of his? If those feelers are hiding an ability similar to Grasping Perception, they could also possess feeler-like sensors.

"Your Excellency, your detection ability is much faster than mine!" Helme praised me.

Then again, I\'ve been using Grasping Perception quite frequently. The technique of expanding one\'s own mana in a sphere around your own body is called Grasping Perception. The mana reconnaissance using Grasping Perception has been deeply ingrained into my body thanks to Master Achilles.

But, Helme\'s detection ability is fast and precise as well. I\'m honestly happy about her praise, but I won\'t be negligent about enhancing my ability.

Down here we were in a world of darkness, an underground realm. A cold wind was going and a faintly rotten stench hung in the air.

Once I looked through <Nightvision>, huge, rectangle crystals were spouting out of the walls and ground all over the place. A group of crystals was also growing on the ceiling. The light reflected by those crystals looked very pretty.

If Mysty had been here, she would have picked up some of those crystals and jutted down all sorts of notes.

But, the long and thin crystals on the ceiling were eerie. Something like smoke was spewing out of the tips of those crystals, and you could also see something like foam dripping down from them. That foam changed into something venomous during its fall while swirling around in a vortex.

…Those crystals are naturally spewing poison?

Six pillars of flame existed at the cliff near the place where the divine platform came down. Those pillars are probably the result of the platform having come down so abruptly. Railway-like metal crawled along the wall from the ceiling to the ground while burning.

Are those the tracks of the platform? They clearly reminded me of the tracks of a mass driver. Or has something been clinging to those tracks?

The remains of destroyed crystals were still scattered in the place where the platform landed. I guess the fragments of those crystals are the source of the crunchy feeling beneath my feet.

Now then, the moving magic sources…I sense magic source responses from all over. Some of them have humanoid shapes. And they come in all sizes.

The magic elements became frenzied just as an loud, eardrum-bursting sound reverberated. I\'m quite certain that those magic sources have to be monsters.

"It\'s based on the sound, but those are monster-like responses. And, there\'s also poison and bad visibility. Are you ready for battle?"

"Yep," Delhart answered with a grim look.

His eyes were gleaming. I think his eyes can clearly see the enemies even within darkness.

Delhart stabbed his beloved magic spear\'s head into the ground, piercing through the crystal fragments.

"Yes, I will handle them with my power as Kilmogarl."

Eboue had a sharp glint in his eyes as well. As he narrowed cat-like pupils, the glowed faintly. His body was still clad in the black panther costume.

"The poisonous breath of General Naz On was much more brutal," Shuhelia commented.

She seemed to be alright as well. Then again, originally she used to be a demonoid race, so she\'s probably tougher than humans. Currently, she\'s my only Light Demon Knight though. Furthermore, she also possesses her Demonic Eyes\' abilities, which I consider to be combat-oriented, unlike Yui\'s.

"Your Excellency, leave the left side to me," Helme declared while expanding a defensive water barrier around us.

"Got it. Shuhelia, Delhart, you take the right side. Helme, Eboue, you are on the left. Rollo and I will take care of the front.


"Nn, nyaa."

I don\'t think it was a reaction to my partner\'s meowing, but suddenly crystals protruded out of the ground in front of us, and with a creaking crystal monsters quickly jumped out of them. They had humanoid shapes and rectangular, crystalline torsos.

Their crystals weren\'t colorless or transparent. A plethora of multi-colored crystals were contained within their crystal bodies. The inner crystals gave me the impression of being Mandelbrot sets.

As soon as they extended their beautifully shining, crystalline arms towards us, you could hear abnormal explosions. Those damn things had shot projectiles at us.

It was a huge amount of bullets. I was going to cope with the crystalline bullets, but I also made sure to update everyone. Going by their individual prowess, it was unnecessary, but well, they\'re my subordinates, so I\'ll protect them.

"Watch out, folks. Though, I\'ll take care of it, so far as it goes," I released <Chain> from both my wrists while warning my friends.

The chains immediately formed into a huge shield. Right afterwards, the bullets hit the shield. High-pitched, dissonant clangs could be heard as if hard, aluminum-like objects were raining down on the shield.

No sooner than I finished defending against those crystal projectiles, Rollo kicked off my shoulder.


Rollo must have become excited after watching the attacks flying at us. Because her nails were extended when she took the leap, she scratched my shoulder which hurt quite a bit.

Rollo got on top of the big chain shield and turned into a huge black panther as if to protect us while roaring loudly. My chain shield didn\'t get crushed by my partner\'s weight, but she had a size that made it quite feasible.

And then she spewed her flames over an extended range. The projectiles, which came flying at us with a delay, were swallowed up by the conflagration and dissipated. Rollodeen\'s crimson fire breath didn\'t remind one of a heat wave, but a huge cumulonimbus.

The crimson flames mercilessly spread in a semi-circular form. The fire should stand out so much that you\'d be able to see it from quite a bit away.

The swarm of crystalline humanoids in front of us was engulfed by those big, massive flames, and fused into new objects. The poisonous gas didn\'t catch fire and explode. Rollodeen\'s flames might have simply evaporated the gas without giving it any chance to do any more.

I could see that some crystalline monsters were still left. I feel like I\'ve seen those things somewhere before? Jeliumborn?

Everyone was silent. They were all startled by Rollodeen\'s crimson conflagration.

I can totally relate to that. Those were flames so hot that they stung our faces.

"Those things resemble jeliumborn, crystal-based monsters."

"…Y-Yes! I will take care of the few remaining monsters on the left."

Shuhelia\'s blond hair was clinging to her forehead. She was apparently drenched in sweat. Her expression looked somewhat shaken, too. She drew her two swords and checked the vicinity while pressing a shoulder against the chain shield.

"――Gotcha!" Delhart asserted powerfully.

He was emitting an aura of not being scared by a divine beast\'s flames. While swaying his muscular torso, he charged by himself in a forward-bent posture.

He thrust out his right arm while twisting it. The spear in his hand extended straight forward. Probably a <Thrust>-based skill. It\'s cool, but I don\'t want to look too much since he\'s not wearing any pants or underwear.

He\'s a demon, so it might be different, but…well, he\'s a dude, so I won\'t analyze things too much.

His spear penetrated through the torso of a monster, just for him to immediately lift up spear alongside the skewered monster. By mightily swinging his spear, he caused the monster to glide off the spear and fly away. That tossed monster crashed against one of those melted objects. Both its legs shattered.


Eboue, on the other hand, looked like he was clenching his teeth. He had been hiding behind the shield together with Helme. It looks like he got scared by the flames together with her. He was readying his ax while his body trembled.

"Divine Beast-sama, please don\'t turn your flames in my direction. I will die."


Rollodeen reverted into her cat form while standing atop the shield. After meowing once more, she got off, extended several tentacles towards Helme\'s butt and gently caressed it.


It was probably Rollo\'s way of saying that she\'d understood. She climbed on Helme\'s shoulder and licked her face.

I erased the chain shield and poured mana into Baldok while running, and then threw the Magic Halberd. Flashes of light that transformed into red, violet, and jet-black colors were released from Baldok in all directions.

As soon as the colorful spearhead pierced through one crystal monster, it penetrated the monster behind it as well. But, the spearhead with its storm-cloud shape didn\'t lose any of its momentum while releasing a shock wave, and penetrated a third monster as well. Just like this, Baldok continued to stab through several dozens of crystal monsters. Yet, its charge, which resembled that of Gladopalus, didn\'t stop.

And then its journey finally came to an end when it ran into the ground. For an instant, the halberd looked as if it wanted to devour the soil while it jolted around furiously. It continued to release flashes of light while sucking up the blood around it.

"…Everyone, I think most of the crystalline monsters have been defeated, but I still sense magic source responses. Let\'s explore the area while killing the monsters as we go――"

"Very well. I will keep an eye on the right side. What are you going to do about the looting?"

"You don\'t need to loot unless you spot something that looks fairly valuable. I\'ll pick up the materials."

"Got it."

"I will take the left side then."

"I shall scout the area ahead from above."



Eboue transformed into a panther, before heading over to Rollodeen while holding his ax in his muzzle.

I picked up Baldok.

If these are jeliumborn, their materials should be useful. I\'ll grab them, just in case.

I took out a huge bag filled with food from within my item box. I looked inside. It also contained the bottles with everyone\'s blood. Helme also had their blood, so it wouldn\'t be a problem, even if I lost it, but they might come in handy as blood supply, if I don\'t use them for <Blood Chain Search>.

The looting was done quickly.

"Your Excellency, it looks like a battlefield lies ahead. There are large monsters causing havoc!"

"Okay, I understand――"

A battlefield…

The footing around here was bad as rocks were disorderly littering the area all over. While using <Magic Hand guided by Thought> as a foothold, I jumped through the air towards the place indicated by Helme.

The one rampaging around over there was a big bear with a fiendish expression. Moreover, it had two of those expressions because of its two heads. Half of the skull was exposed on either. It had four thick arms, but two of them were abnormal as in being skeleton arms.

Its build appeared to be sturdy and meaty, but you could see the bones inside its body. From my current position, it looked like a big demonic bear general who would easily look good in steel armor. But, the prime cause for me to regard it as demonic bear general wasn\'t its mighty appearance alone. That very bear was actually riding a cool, savage, black lion.

The lion\'s obsidian-like skin was pretty. But, its heads (just like the bear it had two) spelled trouble. Half of their skulls were exposed. Maybe it\'d be proper to call both, rider and mount, demonic zombie beasts.

The bear\'s bone arms were gripping massive bone chains. Those chains were connected to the lion\'s collar and bit. The bear with its furious expression was suppressing the rampaging lion while sitting on its back, pulling on the bone rein and laughing.

A dozen bear soldiers had gathered behind the bear general.


"The one ruling over the Lilium Valley is King Woce! Not some shitty dwarves!"

The two-headed soldiers shouted. They were also riding black lions. Just like their general\'s lion, their mount also had two heads, each adorned with huge horns.

"All hail King Woce! Hurrah, Captain Donga!"

"It\'s not just the dwarves, you know? Let us also crunch down on the bones of the gnomes, Tree King of Wonders, the underlings of the Demonoid Empire\'s underground gods, and the dark elves! We will offer their blood to Bone God King Woce!"

"All hail King Woce! Captain Donga! We\'ll follow you!"

The soldiers called the bear general Captain Donga. Is that King Woce behind the big bears or something?

"Vanguard Donga Ga N, here I come!"

Captain Donga pulled on the bone reins of his steed and hit its torso with his feet, starting to advance. The lion, which was equipped with a horse cover extending from a chest belt, charged while brandishing its huge horn sideways.

Countless humanoids were stabbed by the horn, just to be sent flying in the next moment. Next, the lion dashed back, running across the corpses of the humanoids.

The humanoids fighting the bear unit led by Captain Donga were small in height. Going by the words of the bears, they got to be dwarves.

I told Helme, who was standing right next to me, "Helme, we\'re going to head over there. Based on what they said, the bears are our enemies. Let\'s get rid of them."

"Okay, I\'m with you on that, Your Excellency."

"――Everyone, Helme and I will head over diagonally right to the front. Don\'t attack the dwarvish people over there, okay? Mop up the remaining crystal monsters and then join up with us while annihilating all our enemies."

I informed the others and then moved ahead.



"Nn, nya, nya~"


Since our battle would be close, they\'d immediately be able to tell what was happening on our side. Once I focused on what was lying ahead, Helme was in the middle of letting a big amount of ice rain pour down on the bear soldiers. Because it was more of a barrage of 《Ice Spear》 than rain, they packed quite a punch.

The heads of the lions were pierced as well. As might be expected, Captain Donga also stopped moving because of Helme\'s magic. From my point of view, it looked like Helme had unleashed a freezing blizzard.

While scattering water sprays around her, she planted herself in front of the dwarves who had retreated somewhat. Seeing her strike one of her seductive, original poses, I unintentionally was lured into clapping my hands behind the dwarves who were surprised or excited by Helme.

"From now on, the grand strategist of the Holy Lucival Empire, Helme Lucival, the supreme chairman of the Butt Research Association――"

I moved forward, "――Helme, that\'s too long."

After Helme\'s head was thrown back after she got hit by my 《Ice Bullet》 retort, she covered her forehead with a hand.

"Your Excellency…that hurtsss!"

"Sorry, but we\'re on a battlefield. Don\'t get carried away."


I activated five <Shining Chain Lances> while rebuking her. The five lances flew across the dwarves like glowing meteorites. One lance hit Captain Donga\'s head, piercing through it. A flash of light lit up from the skull half, followed by it melting like magma.

The spear proceeded to fly further, and as soon as it struck the wall behind the bears, it instantly deployed its light net. That net became a light source of sorts as it covered the wall.

With a slight delay, another spear pierced through Captain Donga\'s other head. That head burst, scattering black bones.

After having lost both his heads, Captain Donga of the bear squad had transformed into a mounted corpse.

Next, two lances struck the bear soldiers behind their captain. The lances easily penetrated their armors, killing them in the process.

The last lance hit the cuisse of another bear soldiers and stopped. And then the light net deployed from the spear\'s rear part. The net covered the soldier\'s waist and a part of his legs, before penetrating into the body while creating a mesh-like cutting pattern. The soldier\'s waist and legs were sliced into meat chunks.

"Helme, I\'m going ahead."

"Okay, I\'ll match you."n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

While advancing, I targeted the remaining bears.

Helme and I quickly created a wall of bear corpses around us. Before long, Rollodeen came running, breaking through that wall and starting to hunt down the remaining bears.

A little moment later, Eboue also jumped at a bear soldier with his magic ax in his muzzle. That ax clearly struck the head of a bear soldier. Eboue\'s body bulged a bit, giving him the necessary power to push the ax\'s blade through the soldier\'s torso and thus bisecting his foe.

Shuhelia and Delhart also joined the mop-up operation. They apparently used original tactics of former Spirit World Knights. Combining their spear and twin-sword arts cleverly, they butchered a bear soldier.

After putting away my own weapons, I simply watched my friends\' battles.

The instant the dwarves realized that the battle had basically ended, they yelled chaotically from behind.

"Ooohh, what amazing movements! A spear user wielding a holy spear! And a chain attack of ice by a Pule! And a beast user! all of them are incredible!"

"Thank youuuuuuu!"

"But, who are they?"

"Who cares anyway. All that matters is them saving us."

"Pheeew, if we\'d run away, the folks of the Deputy King Council would have yelled at us."

"But, behind us…is a dead-end."

"It\'s a gathering spot for jeliumborn…"

I approached the dwarves.

"Hello, I\'m the one who used the holy spear just now."

""A m-magul!?""


For a while, it turned into a magul festival. Chanting "Magul, magul," the dwarves danced around with Helme while alternatively lifting a leg. I dealt with them calmly without going along with their antics.

However, once they spotted Shuhelia, who had come over a bit later, they got excited.

"A blond dark elf!"

They kicked up a fuss while roughly breathing through their noses. I think there are women among the dwarves as well, but…it looks like they got likewise aroused by the sight of beauty.

But, when they saw the grim Delhart next, all of the dwarves fell silent. The feeler-like organ extending behind his ears glowed.

Yet, rather than being surprised, they started to chat with bated breaths.

"Is that a demon?"

"An underling of the underground gods…"

"Are the quezunarl hiding?"

"Even if he\'s part of the Demonoid Empire, some of the demons wish to interact with us as well…"

"…There are countless factions in the Demonoid Empire."

"But, those blinking whiskers are unusual."

"Hey, Sanche, you didn\'t forget to pray to the hedgehog god\'s statue, did you?"

"Damanon, how about you?"

"I prayed properly."

It sounds like it brings good luck to pray to that god.

Then all the dwarves shifted their attention from Delhart to Rollodeen and Eboue. They looked a second time, a third time, and then they looked at Delhart, before staring at Rollodeen once more. Everyone was shocked.

"A monsteeeeeer!"

They made a huge racket.

"――Calm down!"

I gave them a rough explanation. And once they had settled down, we finished with an introduction. They were a wandering mercenary band who had traveled far from Underground City Lanegun which belonged to the Langur Empire. It sounded like they also knew Amu\'s Hafmalida.

I was taught by an elderly dwarf that they had received the Deputy King Council\'s order to protect this part of the Lilium Valley, which was located quite a distance away from Independent Underground City Farzan Dome.

His name was Kongold ― the captain of this squad.

"By the way, I don\'t know anything about your special exploration party, but have you been acting as the main force of some underground city?"

"I think it\'s better for you to not know the answer for this. I\'m a magul after all."

"……T-That makes sense."

Afterwards, the dwarves used the bear soldiers\' meat to cook a hot pot for us as thanks. Once I offered them some foodstuff, the dwarven party became even happier.

"Still, a hot bear pot in the underground…"

"Delhart, you don\'t like it?"

"No, no, it\'s great! But, going by what I have heard from you, Your Majesty, I can tell that we\'re close to the territory ruled by those big bear monsters. Setting up a campfire and eating those bears while naked in enemy territory is quite bold to say the least."

"You\'re right. But it\'ll be okay since Rollodeen and us are here."

The dwarves ate the meat while taking off their clothes. Is it some sort of naked culture? Or this squad\'s custom? Either way, I managed to learn about socializing while naked and it was weird how it made me feel a strange affinity with them.

And Kongold told me all about the existence of Bone God King Woce and his strife with the Langur Empire.

After talking with them for a bit, we bid farewell to the dwarves. At the end, they invited us to visit Underground City Lanegun, but I politely declined since I wouldn\'t find any beauties there.

We went back to the divine platform. I inserted the medal into the slot, and operated the platform once more. It slowly rose, and although we could hear the sound of metal screeching against metal from outside, the elevator proceeded towards the surface.

Eventually we arrived back in the cave where the divine platform came to a halt. The doors of the platform were open.

"We\'re leaving."

All of us ran to leave the cave. And after escaping outside through the path we came, Rollodeen changed into a huge, divine beast, and had us get on her back.

"Okay, I mentioned it earlier as well, but we\'re going to head above the waterfall. We\'ll prioritize the ship. If the monsters are still fighting, we\'ll wait and see."



"Nn, nyaa."

Rollodeen kicked off the rocky ledge with both hind legs. While flying, she easily crossed the object which used to be a ship in the past. Then she descended while circling. At this rate, she might break through the deck, but my partner landed on the deck as if stabbing it with her hind legs. The impact of her landing sounded dangerous, but the landing itself was gentle.

It was a deck with some parts already corroded, but it hadn\'t caved in so far. And looking closely at the ledge spreading out above the big waterfall, the area was littered with the corpses of deer monsters.

The battle appeared to be over.

My partner went down at the riverside for the moment, and then headed into the ship\'s ruins. The water splashing up from her feet hit my face, but I didn\'t mind――

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