
Chapter 323: In a Heartbeat

Chapter 323

The wind blew Xiao Shengzhou\'s bangs into a mess.

Xiao Shengzhou led his horse back home.

Behind him were the waves rushing into the sea inlet.

He was rejected. He was actually rejected. His first sincere and solemn confession in his life, a very serious confession, was rejected.

There were no tears of anguish or anything like that, he was not that sad, he just felt a little unbelievable.

He was a very thoughtful person, and handled everything and everyone in a thoughtful manner.

From his observation over this period of time, Su Xiaoqi did not have a boyfriend or ambiguous partner. She was very disciplined and worked very hard, making use of every fragment of time to study. Excellent people were not born that way, there must be effort put in, this was the philosophy Xiao Shengzhou had always adhered to.

So he admired this young girl, from the very beginning when she was not afraid of dirt or tiredness and worked hard, to later when he discovered her bits and pieces of excellence, his admiration grew into liking, it was a natural feeling.

The future life he envisioned would be very relaxing, even if he graduated in his fourth year it would not matter, he had great trust in Su Xiaoqi.

He felt that this young girl also had affection for him.

Her expression was very worshipful when looking at him, yes, he could feel that kind of emotion.

They were both sober people, they did not need extra courting and chasing, or extra moods every few days, he felt being together like this was great, they could improve together, and life would definitely get better and better.

He imagined many, many things, the only thing he did not consider was that Xiaoqi actually rejected him.

Not like other girls who were sticky and ambiguous, or played nice, she rejected very straightforwardly.

She asked: "President Xiao, when you see me do you feel your heart race? Does your heartbeat quicken? Do you feel shy?"

Xiao Shengzhou: ......

He was already a senior in his fourth year, not a freshman, he admired Su Xiaoqi and was sure he liked her, it was not fake, although there was no accelerated heartbeat, shyness, or heart-throbbing feeling, but what did it matter?

He shook his head, unwilling to deceive Su Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi also shook her head with a smile: "I don\'t have a heart-throbbing feeling towards President Xiao either, my heartbeat doesn\'t quicken, I\'m not shy, so I\'m sure, I don\'t have that kind of affection towards President Xiao, so I can\'t agree to your request."

After the young girl finished speaking, she rode away on her horse.

It was almost in a blur.

Leaving only a smaller and smaller back view for him.

And at this moment, Xiao Shengzhou suddenly felt his heart race, his heartbeat quicken, he felt a kind of ardent, fiery feeling...

It was just for a moment, he placed his hand on his chest, heartbeat, "thump thump thump..."

He felt it was probably an after-effect of being rejected.

After all, he seldom did things without confidence, he seldom failed.

Xiaoqi rode her horse and turned many circles, truly unleashing her speed and dashing wildly, she and Taylor felt extremely exhilarated.

After galloping, Xiaoqi did not stay at the riding field for dinner... Although she was justified when rejecting, now she still felt a little guilty.

It would be a little awkward to see the President.

Might as well leave.

Plus she had an elective Spanish class tonight.

She went back without even eating, Xiaoqi chose to take the bus back to save some time.

She would eat at the school cafeteria, with luck maybe there would still be braised pork ribs with fermented bean sauce.

Thinking of braised pork ribs with fermented bean sauce... it made her think of that Li Wei Jin classmate who tasted like ginseng chicken stew...

Xiaoqi shook her head, she must be too hungry, stop stop.

On the other side in Lvshan City, the Su Youfu couple busied themselves for a day, came back early from the city museum in the afternoon, and went to look through the newsstands and places that might sell newspapers that they didn\'t finish searching yesterday.

All in all, the two of them bought thirteen copies of the Beijing Evening News, the one with their daughter\'s photo.

One copy was crumpled and messy, Su Youfu kept pressing it flat with his arms.

The couple felt it was a pity, the newspaper their daughter was in, just thirteen copies was not enough, too few, strange things happened in this day and age, newspapers could not be bought.

"Hubby, I heard people in the city have errand runners that can help buy things, why don\'t we get an errand runner to buy newspapers." Sheng Juanhua\'s mind was nimble, although she hadn\'t been in the city long, she kept up well with the times, she heard this from the workers who helped renovate their home.

At the time a material was missing, the worker said they could call for an errand runner.

How could Sheng Juanhua bear to spend that money, she would rather run over herself in the sweltering heat, it was much more relaxing than doing farm work up the mountain, to call someone to buy something actually cost over ten yuan.

But now that they couldn\'t buy newspapers, Sheng Juanhua remembered this.

Su Youfu didn\'t really understand there was such a thing, but he listened to his wife very much.

The couple fumbled with their cellphones, Sheng Juanhua had no education but her mind worked well, she managed to download Meituan, found the errand running service, and actually successfully placed an order.

"Sir, that newspaper is hard to buy, it\'s not today\'s paper, now newspapers are ordered specially by units, the newsstands definitely won\'t have them, I\'ll try to find a unit that might have this newspaper for you, but it\'ll take me a long time to run this errand for you, not cost effective."

The young man on the phone spoke very fluently.

Sheng Juanhua had it on speakerphone, looking at her man.

Su Youfu nodded.

"Alright, if you can buy it I\'ll give you an extra red envelope."

This errand runner later really brought eleven copies of the newspaper, Sheng Juanhua reluctantly gave an extra twenty yuan for the errand fee.

But the couple had also opened the door to a new world, you really could pay to have someone do work.

They placed another errand order.

This time the errand runner was very capable, directly said: "Sir I found a government agency that has this newspaper, they have fifty copies, but they want five yuan per copy, do you want it?"

When Sheng Juanhua heard five yuan, simply outrageous, the newspaper only cost one or two yuan usually, and they wanted more for the expired papers.

Su Youfu gritted his teeth and said: "Get it, as many as possible."

The couple went through repeated troubles, and even bought at five yuan per copy, plus various errand fees, in the end they collected a total of eighty-two copies of the Beijing Evening News.

Now they carefully flattened each copy and laid them out.

Su Youfu inspected each one, every copy had his daughter\'s photo.

Just looking at it satisfied him completely.

"When the shop opens, take a copy of the newspaper and frame it, hang it in the store, keep the rest carefully put away." Su Youfu said solemnly.

After speaking, he laughed heartily, laughing at himself: "Can also hang one at home, in the living room, anyone who comes can see it, our Xiaoqi made the newspapers."

"No, the living room is for ancestral portraits, let\'s hang it in the kitchen." Sheng Juanhua gave her opinion.

"Can\'t do that, too much smoke and oil fumes in the kitchen, it\'ll be ruined. Forget it, hang it upstairs, in the bedroom upstairs, for us to see, don\'t let others see." Su Youfu laughed.

After putting the newspapers away carefully in a box.

Su Youfu merrily went to pour foot bath water, still singing loudly and sonorously: "Who brought the ancient call... who left the millennium yearning... Alashan, that\'s the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau..."

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