
Chapter 215: The Car With Wings and a B

Chapter 215

Now he understood why he felt that way - he must have been a huge lightbulb, glowing extremely brightly.

The members of his club were too sly, all old hats. They must have chatted all the way while walking over instead of actually running. But then again, he had also sat on a tractor with some fellow villagers to get here first...

Luckily, he was smart.

The Gossip Temple was on the outskirts of Enhua University, surrounded by villages. The most common vehicles around were tractors, used to transport hay, fertilizer for farming, etc. The local villagers were quite nice - they were willing to stop and give you a ride as long as you called out to them.

As he was thinking, he suddenly saw a shiny black car driving up the hill towards him. The front had a large grille, with huge air vents. Lu Chao didn\'t know much about cars. He was just a poor loser.

But even standing here and seeing the car slowly approaching, he still felt a little shocked.

He had heard that the bigger the air vents on a car, the more expensive it was.

As the car drew nearer, he could see two small wings in the middle, with a letter B between them. The wings looked like the winged pads used in feminine hygiene product commercials. He didn\'t recognize this model of car either. What brand was it again?

He was just thinking of taking out his phone to take a picture - a car like this must be a nice one. His roommate Ye Shuli knew a lot about cars. He could send the photo to him to take a look.

But then the car actually stopped right in front of him!

A middle-aged man wearing traditional Chinese attire stuck his head out. He looked very refined and scholarly.

"Young man, have you seen an injured teenage boy?"

Lu Chao was just about to shake his head - he hadn\'t seen any injured teenage boys, though there was one who got force-fed dog food. But then he thought - wait a minute... Could that guy who took a tumble be the injured teenage boy this man was talking about? He nodded.

"He\'s one of our club members. I\'m the president of the long distance running club. We organized an activity today and accidentally he took a bad fall."

And so a bewildered Lu Chao was asked to get in the car.

Sitting inside, his bottom sank into the seat and he felt even more dizzy.

He didn\'t even dare set his slightly dirty shoes down firmly on the soft, fluffy white carpet below.

When he was outside, the car had seemed to be slowly crawling up the hill. But once he was inside, with a swoosh, the car was already at the pavilion - it moved as fast as flying!

When they arrived in front of the pavilion, he pointed at the two people there and said, "That\'s him over there, the injured one. Is that the person you\'re looking for?"

He wanted to get out of the car quickly, but the middle-aged man stopped him.

"Young man, please wait a moment."

The man spoke very politely even though he had just come to pick someone up. He didn\'t seem to be in a hurry to get out of the car at all.

Lu Chao didn\'t know why, but he felt a little constrained. Anyway, he just answered whatever the other party asked. He didn\'t know the girl over there well anyway... He had only just met her today...

"She runs very fast. A good long distance running talent," was all he could say.

Uncle Rong had never seen the young master tolerate a girl being so close to him for so long before. At one point, he had thought the young master didn\'t like girls...

Over at the pavilion, Xiao Qi was not paying attention to the newly arrived car because Li Weijin was helping clean his injured hand as gently as if he were a porcelain doll. He kept flinching and his eyes were wet, on the verge of crying, making Xiao Qi want to both laugh and cry. It was rare for her to be so gentle.

His hand wounds were basically cleaned thoroughly now. All the fine sand and pebbles were removed so subsequent treatment would probably be simpler.

If not for his low pain tolerance, dealing with injuries would not have been such a hassle in the countryside. No need for disinfectant even - just rinse with cool water would do. At most some would use disinfectant for a quick wipe down. There was no need to carefully clean with cotton swabs bit by bit like this. That would only make it hurt more.

But looking at his knee, even Xiao Qi felt a bit of pain.

It was much more serious than his hand injury. There was a long, ugly scrape.

Although there was no longer any bleeding, indicating his blood clotting ability was probably quite good.

"This part might hurt more, endure it a bit," Xiao Qi said, looking up at Li Weijin.

Li Weijin nodded.

Actually at this point, he was already numb. He couldn\'t feel any pain, only a sensation like Xiao Qi was in his arms because she had her head lowered attentively cleaning his wound, occasionally blowing on it. He had never experienced such gentle treatment.

Even when he fell down as a child, his parents would just tell him to get up by himself.

He saw Uncle Rong\'s car but was in no hurry for him to come over. The corners of his lips turned up slightly.

Uncle Rong was always so capable.

The knee wound was a little deeper so more cotton swabs were used.

Xiao Qi did not randomly discard the used swabs. From the start, she had laid out a tissue and placed a small rock on it to weigh it down before carefully stacking the used swabs on it, both bloodstained ones and clean ones. There was already a small pile.

Li Weijin didn\'t dare keep staring at Xiao Qi because whenever he looked at her, he felt his collarbone grow hot, as if an iron chain was shackled around it, tugging and controlling him.

Her touch felt like ice cubes against his skin, cool and refreshing.

He looked at her hands.

His own hands were also very beautiful - slender and fair, with slender phalanges.

But her hands were even nicer to behold - soft, fair and delicate, a girl\'s hands, gentle and smooth, yet with a little callous. And that tiny bit of roughness when she touched him was like an electric shock.

Making his eyes well up with tears.

Whenever Xiao Qi looked up, she would see Li Weijin\'s wet eyes... She didn\'t dare keep looking...

Damn it! How could a grown boy look like this, sniffling, yet seem even more attractive somehow, making people inexplicably want to bully him?

Xiao Qi thought to herself that it was just as well Li Weijin didn\'t grow up in her village. A boy like him would probably have been beaten up all through childhood.

Boys born this handsome who also cried easily were always targets for bullying.

As Xiao Qi cleaned his wounds inexpertly, she felt a little guilty thinking her hands were probably too heavy and it must really hurt a lot. She did have quite strong hands with some callouses.

"Your knees and hands are done. I can\'t do anything for the ankle sprain though," Xiao Qi said, scratching her head as she looked at his increasingly swollen ankle.

Little did she know, Li Weijin was so nervous he was sweating buckets from just having her close to him. He looked even frailer than before.

Only then did Xiao Qi remember they could call a car over. But would they be able to get one all the way out here in the boondocks?

Just then, she saw the club president jump down from a car.

Xiao Qi took one look... Damn... She had gone to buy a car before, though it was in a muddle-headed state. She only realized later when picking up the car that there were still payments to be made. But it was true that you get what you pay for, and the car before her now was truly gorgeous!

There was a little winged emblem in the middle that she didn\'t recognize though.

Still, wasn\'t the president a little too awesome? She had just seen him leave and wondered where he went off to, but instead he managed to bring over a luxury car?

Then when a middle-aged man in traditional garb emerged from the vehicle and bent down deferentially to address Li Weijin as "Young Master", Xiao Qi instantly snapped back to reality.

She had forgotten about Li Weijin\'s legendary family background.

To actually witness someone calling a "Young Master" in real life... Xiao Qi felt she had broadened her horizons indeed.

Seeing Li Weijin\'s family member had arrived, she reckoned her assistance was no longer required so she moved aside to keep some distance.

Uncle Rong had assumed it was the teenage boy who had helped his young master hobble over here and asked for the young man\'s further assistance.

But the boy had rough crude movements...

So when it turned out the frail-looking young master had actually been carried here by that petite girl instead, Lu Chao was also resentful - his actions had been perfectly normal!

Who could have imagined this strapping teen male had been transported here by that little girl instead?

After sending Li Weijin into the car, Xiao Qi did not get in as well. A sprained ankle was just a minor injury and now that his family had arrived, she, being just an unrelated ordinary classmate, was certainly unneeded. Lu Chao also could not ride along as he was after all the president of the long distance running club.

Uncle Rong thanked the young lady and then the boy before driving off in the car.

In fact, internally he felt slightly puzzled. Usually for those young ladies, if given such an opportunity, they would surely have chased along.

Yet this girl had simply stepped aside once she noticed his appearance, not revealing any hint of wanting to come closer.

Judging by the young master\'s expression, it was just as well he had been quick-witted earlier and not immediately exited the vehicle, otherwise the young master\'s countenance would have likely been even colder.

Watching as the car departed, Lu Chao suddenly smacked himself on the head as he\'d forgotten to snap a photo of the vehicle! He still didn\'t know what kind of car that was!

Then a few club members finally arrived late.

"President! We saw a Bentley driving down the hill just now as we were coming up the mountain. It was such a gorgeous Bentley! We just caught sight of it leaving along the mountain road. So, so beautiful!"

When Lu Chao heard it was a Bentley, he felt even more remorseful and regretful. He had just sat in a Bentley but didn\'t take any photos to commemorate the occasion!

Xiao Qi looked at her interface, seeing she had over 500,000 yuan now. She searched Baidu to see Bentley\'s prices, not understanding which model type it was, and just found a similar one that cost over 8 million yuan...

She instantly became well-behaved.

My child, just keep working hard.

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