
Chapter 399 - Side Story Chapter 19

Chapter 399 Side Story Chapter 19

Doppelganger (5)


The Knight couldn’t open his eyes.

Instead, he continued to pretend to sleep quietly.

* * *

“That’s who you are.”


“I remember seeing you. Were you a disciple of the Tower Master?”

The Knight asked.

The Wizard nodded her head.

It was not surprising that the female Wizard had the appearance of her old master.

The bizarre behavior of the wizards was well known, and among them, the eccentricity of changing their appearance was one of the famous ones.

If you are a magician who is about the same level as a tower master, you can use polymorph magic like breathing.

The master, who had been too bothered to explore the depths of the dungeon, had his apprentice pretend to be himself and then sent her in.

It’s something that could happen.

“I see. Then the rescue team...”

“Master is coming. As myself.”

That’s a bit....

It’s fair if a female disciple walks around pretending to be the teacher.

But it’s a little bit when an old Wizard walks around pretending to be the young female disciple... ....

“I see.”

The Knight left the party for a while.

He lingered around in a line that did not deviate from the view of the party.

The Knight thought.

It seems that the Paladin and the Wizard are not going to tell the secrets of their blood ties.

‘Should I pretend not to know?’

The Knight who did not sleep deeply listened to the conversation between the Paladin and the Wizard.

He wondered if he should have woken up instead of pretending to sleep.


The Knight sighed involuntarily.

He was frustrated

This situation.

The group was swept away by emotions.

They should not overlook that there is still a doppelganger in this space.

‘Should I push them?’

A doppelganger is here, forget about the reunion for now.

If there was the Mercenary, he might have said so.

But the Knight didn’t.

They could not ignore their feelings because they had more urgent and important problems.

The Adventurer is still unable to escape from his sorrow.

Of course, he could have been a doppelganger.

There was certainly a possibility that he encouraged the Paladin to attack the Mercenary.

But what happened to that individual Adventurer was definitely a tragedy.

Whether it’s the Adventurer himself or the doppelganger who ate him.

While the Knight was in the expedition, he had seen the Adventurer and the Mercenary drinking fondly.

The Adventurer giggled at how cool the guy who used to cry every day when he was young had turned.

Even the Mercenary didn’t feel bad and laughed, saying he really did.

In fact, the Knight has met everyone here several times over the past year.

It was unfortunate.

The Wizard held the Paladin’s hand behind her back.

The Paladin also held her hand.

Although he was standing with his back turned and looking the other way.

The Knight was able to watch the scene using his magical powers.

The Knight also knew the story of the Paladin’s daughter.

The Paladin was a famous person.

The profession itself as a Paladin had no choice but to gain fame.

It is a priest who has to take care of all the people, and other times a Paladin is a battle profession where he has to oppose and even kill someone.

At every moment his faith is tested and questioned.

Because it was a glorious job that no one could become, their numbers were small, and as the number was small, a heavy-duty reputation followed.

The Paladin lost his daughter during the war.

Residents who were not involved in the war had to evacuate to the temple and usually wait until the battle is over.

The commanders of both sides also protect the inviolable territory unless it is a temple that participated in the war.

Magical failure was the direct cause.

The wide-area magic cast by hundreds of Wizards was fired toward the city, in the opposite direction, not beyond the walls.

In fact, there was a temple where civilians had been evacuated.

In the yard where the walls collapsed and the battle began, there was no means to support fire fighting for the temple.

The city fell, and the city’s chaos continued for a long time.

It was only a few months later that the entrance to the burnt-out temple could be reopened.

Thousands of bodies were found there.

There were also countless children’s bodies.

The identities of the bodies could not be determined.

The Knight approached the Mercenary’s body.

The dead Mercenary with the back of his head exploded was already smelling rotten.

‘If I had stepped out....faster.’

Maybe the Mercenary didn’t have to die.

On the Mercenary’s cheek, traces of the Adventurer’s tears remained.

He wet his leather gloves with a little water and wiped the marks.

The water spread from the Mercenary’s face.

He had to wash the Mercenary’s face thoroughly.

The Knight prayed for the Mercenary.

The Mercenary was said to be a believer of the God of Balance.

May there be a price worthy of his death.

The Knight had once studied the Bible.

It was because of a question a friend asked.

“Do you think you can do it?”

The friend asked

As if to refute the Knight’s words that he wants to protect everyone.

‘Do you really think you can abandon them?’

When the Knight said that he would protect, his friend asked if he could abandon.

The Knight did not respond.

He couldn’t turn away from the few in order to save more.

He couldn’t even downplay less important values in order to pursue more important ones.

He couldn’t kill someone else to save someone else.

The young Knight didn’t throw anything away.

So he couldn’t protect anything.

Time has passed.

The Knight has aged.

He belatedly searched the Bible to find the answer.

The God of Light said.

There’s just light.

The king prayed.

When will this drought end?

There’s just light.

The beggar trembled in the cold and cried out.

When the hell does the morning come?

There’s just light.

Will my father come back? Can I marry her? When the hell is that kid going to die? I have to close this deal. done. May this moment last forever. Please, just once. I’m happy. I shouldn’t have done that, I love you. I’d rather die. How could I have saved everyone?

God answered.

There’s just light.

The God of Sky said.

All life below me is equal, and all values are precious.


Your answers will be there.

The reason was always cruel.

The ideal, as always, was vain.

The Bible did not give an answer.

One person has already been sacrificed.

It was no longer possible to close the case without blood anymore.

Finding the doppelganger is now a problem.

If the doppelganger is the Paladin or the Wizard, there is a high probability that the other person’s power will also deviate.

Even if the devil revealed his identity and the rest of the party did their best to fight back, the odds were not high.

The vacancy of one Mercenary was too large.

He got up from his seat

He couldn’t avoid sacrificing blindly.

If possible, he wanted to kill the doppelganger without any of the party dying.

But the party couldn’t let the doppelganger go out.

Outside the dungeon is a city where many people live.

He could not endanger the entire kingdom beyond that city.

‘Can you kill him?’

Yes, if necessary.

Even if I kill everyone


The Knight stood in the center of the circle and said.

Although upset by his own helplessness to force sacrifices on others.

The sacrifice will include himself, he comforted himself.

“Let us die. All together.”

* * *

Hearing the Knight’s words, I was stunned.

Do you want to die together?

Is he crazy?

Could it be that he developed a mental illness when he couldn’t chat because of the quiet atmosphere?

The Wizard and the Paladin were also showing a reaction that was no different from mine.

It’s crazy, what the heck is that?

A sense of displeasure appeared on their faces.

Seeing that, I quickly straightened my expression.

“What does it mean?”

I asked the Knight.

“Literally, Adventurer. We spent a day trying to figure out how to find the doppelganger. But in the end, we couldn’t find a way. During that time, our suspicions grew and the Mercenary was sacrificed as a result.”

Damn it.

As soon as the Mercenary was mentioned, I had to quickly put on a sad expression.

Should I be in a position to empathize with the Knight here?

Disappointed at the death of a friend, should we all choose to die together to defeat the doppelganger, the main culprit?

I’m sorry for the death of my friend, but if I show that I want to live, I would seem too selfish.

No, if you’re a human, you can be selfish to this extent.

What if I’m not the doppelganger?

[Do whatever you want, my friend.]


The doppelganger said something irresponsible.

If I died, wouldn’t you die too?

[My will is yours, do not be confused and decide. If it’s a wrong decision, I’ll stop it.]

While I was confused, the Wizard and the Paladin first responded to the Knight’s words.

“There’s still time.”

“We still have at least two days, or at most a week, before the rescue team arrives. We just need to find the doppelganger before that.”

They protested against the collective suicide of the Knight who wanted to die together.

Yes, of course.

Who wants to die

Moreover, the doppelganger is in my body.

Knowing that they are not doppelgangers, they have no choice but to reject the extreme method of committing suicide together.

But it’s not good.

If I urgently point out the doppelganger, I become the most likely one.

It’s not because I’m the most suspicious.

It was because I’m the weakest.

“And how do we trust the Knight? You could be the doppelganger.”

Said the Wizard sarcastically.

She seemed to think that even the Paladin wasn’t a doppelganger.

Is it because the Paladin’s reaction was humane?

Is it because he is a priest?

Nothing could be a solid basis for trust.

Even if the Paladin is the doppelganger, do you think he will be on your side now?

[Maybe she thinks that she really might be in a daughter-father relationship.]

Does that make sense?

She deceived him by using magic.

[You need magic to deceive others, but nothing is needed to deceive yourself. Hiihi.]

Anyway, the Paladin and the Wizard accused the Knight of dying together, saying it was rather suspicious.

A question arose.

What the hell was the Knight thinking when he asked us to die together?

Was he not at all concerned about being the doppelganger?

Is there any way to convince everyone in the party to commit suicide together?

There can be no such way.

The Wizard and the Paladin stood up.

The Knight saw the figures and slowly put his hand on the scabbard.

You crazy, are you really going to fight?

If the offer to die together isn’t accepted, you’re going to kill everyone yourself?

I knew that he was crazy, but I didn’t know he was crazy to this extent.

The Knight must not die here.

When the Paladin, the Wizard, and I were left, it was all too clear who they were going to designate as the next doppelganger.

I must intervene.

Although I can’t have a big impact on the battle with my own power.

I must not let the Knight die in the battle.

Rather, the best situation is when either the Wizard or the Paladin dies under the guise of an accident.

The two surviving people are hostile to each other, and I will mediate between the two using my strength to deal with the doppelganger.

It was a good picture.

With that in mind, I slowly pulled out a dagger.

The devil whispered as I picked up a small bottle of paralyzing poison from my pocket.

[Don’t do that, you’re going to die.]

What, who?

[Everyone except that Knight.]

... Damn, how strong is that Knight?

Even if the Paladin and the Wizard work together, the Knight wins?

Would it be the same if I joined there?

[You’ll die. Don’t fight.]

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